
I chose not to say anything beyond this point but I am so proud of your courage to post this one out in the open. Another advice from me is to stay REALLY away from these influencers that let you take or have it in a very easy manner knowing for a fact that it is already in total halt of its circulation. Getting near them ofr still being in contact with them would always make you have a dilemma whether you should just grab it or totally control yourself not to get on with it. And once you failed to control yourself it will just be a cycle and have your efforts become useless.

I thought about writing a book about my life@fycee , but I'm so damn ADHD I would never finish it lol. Thank you, brother.

You should! Though steemit platform is a great way to post it piece by piece in chapters that you can like put into place if you are already decided to create a book! The posts you made are really thought provoking posted before in facebook though there have been lots of disapprovals but really digging into it though you are some kind of an ass (haha sorry) replying to comments, your perception the way you see things do makes sense! No sugarcoating or ass-licking forms of statements but just d*mn truth! You even tackled issues where scrolling down my feed.. WT-F is he up to again hahahaha. Though sometimes my comment would not either pass the level of how other comments blast some brain cells, you even try to explain things out in a way others might perceive the message that comes across our feeble minds. Just take your time and the drive within you will just knock ^_^

Lol, I know!