My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge: (Confessions Of A Former Drug User)

in #promomentors-challenge7 years ago (edited)

Okay, this post may be met with some objection I am sure, but facts are that what you will read are true and are about my personal history with drugs. I am neither proud nor am I ashamed of my past. I do not condone drugs for others yet, I will not lie and say a part of me does not miss some of the recreational behavior I was involved in.

The Edge Of Good And Evil
(On The Edge)

I have always lived on the edge of good and evil, right and wrong. I do not know why really but if someone said "forbidden" I had to either challenge it or prove why it shouldn't be forbidden I guess. When I was 17 years old, I joined the U.S. Navy and was stationed in San Diego, CA. I did what always seemed natural and made friends with all the wrong people. Over time drinking became a bit of an issue and along with that I added drinking while taking pain pills. This never presented a problem until a night of depression where I drank maybe my 3rd pitcher of beer and downed half a bottle of pills. Fortunate for me all I ended up with was being wiped out physically for about 24 hours and left with a sick stomach.

LSD (Acid) : Overdose

During my naval period I found some friends to hang out with regularly at Mission Beach and Fiesta Island, 2 big party spots and discovered something my artistic side absolutely adored called acid. It comes in paper sheets and is about the size of tic tac when torn off the sheet. Each one has a drop of "acid" on it that causes you to hallucinate. You see crazy things, for me I was obsessed with watching my face melt while I looked in the mirror or I would draw pictures and watch them come to life or change shapes while I was drawing. Pretty crazy. One night I went out with some friends and I bought all of us a partial sheet of acid called "purple half smiling moon - double dropped" I gave everyone a tab and kept 4 for myself. I took 2 and then did not feel the effects fast enough so i took the other 2 making a total of 8 since they were double dropped. HUGE mistake! I was looking at my friend who was in the backseat of the car with me and he was turning red and had horns growing out of his head. We call this "tripping hard". Then the worst thing happened, I began to feel the effects of an overdose. My muscles started constricting and I was curled up in the backseat with my jaw locking open, literally I couldn't close it and my tongue being a muscle was constricting back into my throat and I was choking on it. Next I peed my pants because I had no control. Scariest drug moment of my life, I was fully aware of everything happening and could not stop it. My friends dragged me out of the car forcing me to stand and straighten my body while slapping me across the face repeatedly. I'm not sure why but it worked and after that I never did acid again.

Crystal Meth Here And There Socially

This brings us to crystal meth, after that experience I was still going to the beach to at least drink which in the sun is absolutely draining so a friend suggested snorting crystal meth. Me turn down something new? Never! I found myself staying up for 3 days straight, it was a life saver when tired. I was a cook working on a ship and worked alone during the night. I prepared all the breakfast for the morning shift and was responsible for starting many of the afternoon meals as well as keeping the kitchen spotless. Then when I would get off I would go to the bunk area to sleep and couldn't because the lights were on and people were down there talking or slamming lockers and me having insomnia issues couldn't sleep so back to the beach I went and subsequently bought more Meth to carry me through the day as well as when I was working. Revolving circle of addiction and justification. I am 6'3" tall and my weight dropped down to 155 lbs, I looked very sick, my skin was yellowish and the back of my arms had a tint of green. My eyes were sunken in and my shoulder blades looked like machetes. people kept asking me if I was sick so one day i looked in the mirror (literally) and said to myself "you're dying". I stopped cold turkey.

Many years passed and I had been married and divorced and then in and out several relationships. In those relationships there were times where the party life was present and I did what I had always done, joined the party. Ecstasy, Cocaine, Marijuana (makes me sleep, hate it lol) Crystal Meth, Hash, Pain Pills and even Crack (strained cocaine and 5 times stronger). I always kept in my mind that these occurrences were social and never chased a need to do more. I was under control and truth is I was.

A Suicide Brings Me Back To Drugs

In 2004 someone close to me committed suicide. My world flipped upside down, I felt the worst guilt I have ever felt and went on a severely strong path of self destruction and punishment. At the time I was a taxi driver and selling anything you could ask for out of my cab (in Las Vegas this is not at all uncommon). Well I started doing what I was selling. Meth and cocaine and drinking became my new security blankets. I got off work every night and went to the casino and played blackjack, I would drink about 20 Jack Daniels and Cokes a night to distract me from thinking of my friends death. If I went home to sleep I was having nightmares similar to the movie "The Butterfly Effect" where I kept trying to go back and save her and kept failing. This is why the meth and coke came in, I will come home fall on my face and have to be awake again in an hour. I would shower, brush my teeth and at this time now was smoking the meth because the visible effects were less, you weren't as twitchy and you sweat a lot less.

I managed to finally stop doing it and came to terms with the past. I later started working as a car salesman, great more druggies around me and before you knew it I was doing coke at work, it put a lot more hype into your sales pitch. Again it did not last and I stopped doing it.

Realtionship Issues, Low Self Worth, Feeling Defeated : My Old Friend Meth Visits Again

Then I got into another relationship that was hmm, unhealthy we will say, a lot of drama and head games and in the mix we started doing meth together. I got pretty deep into it, why? Because it blocked out the emotions I was feeling of helplessness in my relationship. It basically numbed me by making my head race so fast I didn't have time to feel. I wanted to stop but it was too hard because she always had some on her and she would do it in front of me. I would even ask her to not bring it but she would anyway and then offer it to me. I was always weak and accepted.

(No Longer A Prisoner)

Finally something great happened, she left town for a month. I cleaned up and when she returned I refused to see her and that ended her... and the meth. I am happy to say I have been drug free ever since.

I will end this with one phrase that everyone has heard "Say no to drugs". If you start using drugs the word "no" becomes very very hard to say.




(Photos: Me then and now)


@vegasgambler 2018. All Rights Reserved.


this is very brave. I admire you for that.
Thanks for sharing your life with us.
God bless your family always.

Once you pop, you can't stop! Indeed the best advice from @vegasgambler

I chose not to say anything beyond this point but I am so proud of your courage to post this one out in the open. Another advice from me is to stay REALLY away from these influencers that let you take or have it in a very easy manner knowing for a fact that it is already in total halt of its circulation. Getting near them ofr still being in contact with them would always make you have a dilemma whether you should just grab it or totally control yourself not to get on with it. And once you failed to control yourself it will just be a cycle and have your efforts become useless.

I thought about writing a book about my life@fycee , but I'm so damn ADHD I would never finish it lol. Thank you, brother.

You should! Though steemit platform is a great way to post it piece by piece in chapters that you can like put into place if you are already decided to create a book! The posts you made are really thought provoking posted before in facebook though there have been lots of disapprovals but really digging into it though you are some kind of an ass (haha sorry) replying to comments, your perception the way you see things do makes sense! No sugarcoating or ass-licking forms of statements but just d*mn truth! You even tackled issues where scrolling down my feed.. WT-F is he up to again hahahaha. Though sometimes my comment would not either pass the level of how other comments blast some brain cells, you even try to explain things out in a way others might perceive the message that comes across our feeble minds. Just take your time and the drive within you will just knock ^_^

Lol, I know!

This is a pretty honest account of the way a drug lifestyle draws you in and spirals. I am so glad to read you're clean now. You were messing with some serious drugs. That pathway was never going to end well.

It was all kinds of fun, I wont lie... but not worth the risk of all it can rob you of. Some people (most) let the addiction control them and that is never a position someone wants to be. Thank you for the kind words @onethousandwords :)

Wow!! This is so brave sir @vegasgambler 🙌🏼 I wish everyone who experienced like this have the courage to do what you did.... i admire your courage sir... God Bless you... 😘❤️

Thank you very much @avhyaceulip !

such a courageous act to share something like this , everybody deserves chances , high five sir! 👏👍❤️❤️❤️

Yes, high five @zephalexia . Thank you!!!

I have to be honest sir, I really admire your courage in sharing your life lessons in the past & I hope and pray that many readers will be enlightened and also be encouraged to never try any drug (prohibited) related stuffs this fallen world will offer them, not even be enticed by it, by your sharing. Thank you so much and God bless you & your wonderful family :-)

well usually people do not share their personal life so easily that too knowing they will be judged based on that post. But you did it. That is brave enough and I'm glad now that you are out of it completely. God bless u

Thank you, Bhargavi !

Wow, thanks for the insight into you past.
I'm a former alcoholic, who of course did drugs in the 80's-90's.
Now I'm sober since January of 2002.
I thank God for rescuing me!! God bless you my friend!!

Having fun or letting myself get out of control wasn't getting me anywhere. Not that I was really trying to get somewhere, but I realized that at 40's, the time would come where my health would eventually lose to those chemicals and I needed to just stop. 100% for good stop. Thank you very much, my friend @paradise-found and for sharing your alcohol and drug experience. God bless you too!!!

Thanks for sharing the reality of your life.

Tough post I ever read, past is past, important thing is now and tomorrow. We all learned from our mistakes, and that is the best teacher. It's not easy being a wife of a user, a lot of love and understanding need, but gladly he's like yours now, and I did not regret being with him all along He's a loving better person now.

That's awesome ! We learn from our mistakes and we grow change who and how we want to be and then you change our future! I hope that my life can inspire others as well. Thank you @sweetcha !

thank you for sharing, i am glad you're better now!!