New Tool - How much should I promote my post for ? []

in #promotion8 years ago (edited)

Do you regularly promote your posts ?

I do, and each time I end up going to the promoted page and clicking through each story to figure out how much I need to pay to get myself visible within the top 20.

It's slow and annoying, so I made a tool to speed the process up :

View live version

It's open source on github, as part of the steemviz git repo and it currently lives at :

I'd like to see a much more efficient market for promotion, with tighter pricing so we can start to get some real price discovery for what this sort of visibility on steemit is worth.

Please, let me know if you have any suggestions for improvements :)

Edit: Fixed a coding fail, now we have 3 decimal places as intended originally
Edit 2: Added earnings column

Lets connect !
steemit / twitter / / keybase


@ausbitbank I noticed you downvoted my other comment on this post and I completely understand why. I should have thrived to add more value to your commment section instead of ONLY posting my own content. Thanks for helping to make me aware of better etiquette on Steemit.

I'm especially grateful to you for this post since I was considering myself whether or not to promote and what chances I had of getting seen within the Top 20 authors. With the link you provided, I can check this at any time of day to see how much Steem I would have to use to promote my post within the Top 20. Thanks!

hell yeah man i wanted to ask @ausbitbank if it is still up to date?

seems like amazing that #1 post making like $1000 would onlky cost 102 sbd? or is that just how much that post had to pay? did they just get lucky?

sorry for the super late reply ausbitbank i love teh work u do for stem and apreciate eveyrthing you do

i believe eitehr i am confused on how thsi woprks (Maybe these are posts from 7 days ago thata re onlky 103 sbd) or maybe the prices are off now since its 8 montsh old?

This tool is for native promotion using sbd, it's not looking at post payouts or bidbots. It should still work but I don't think this type of promotion is worth the cost anymore

Damn, I'm $0.03 short of making #20 in this list. If anyone wants to promote for that much I'll pay back double in 24hrs :P

You know you want to, you could make a whole 3 cents!

Done! %^)

Thanks! I now see that I fucked up my code (fixing now) and the decimal points are being stripped, #20 is actually promoted for $1.50 not $1.00 ..
Will pay you back the $0.06 sdb once my next payout happens (if I dont, poke me, my memory is terrible)

If anyone wants to promote for another $1 I'll do the same, paying back $2 within ~24 hrs :)

Hey, wanted to help. Promoted for 1.00... very cool tool. I think you're above #20 now?

Ironic I would make a tool for checking how much to spend on promo, and have no money to promote it :P
I can send you $2 within 24hrs, thx againHey thanks heaps @prufarchy that did it

Meh if you forget, no biggie. I enjoy your work and respect what you're doing with this tool. Happy to help out! Always looking forward to your posts, mate.

Repaid, thx again

Dude, I was gonna say "I Got This!" and realized I can't afford it :(. I can do $0.10 if that will help. And, how do I promote?


Aha this is gonna get complicated quick :P
If you wanted to drop $0.10sbd on this post I'm happy to repay $0.20sbd tomorrow - just head to the bottom of the post and click the blue promote button :)

Please let me know here if/when you do so I have a list of who I need to repay. I had to sell off my sbd the other day to pay an overdue bill and I'm just waiting on the next payout

$0.10 contributed :) I hope you succeed!


Repaid :)

I saw that. Thank you! :) And, were you successful?

Im not sure, i feel like its undervalued at $12.. Its a basic tool but i hadnt seen anything else for judging promo costs yet and it seems like im not the only person looking for one ..

Still 8hrs to go and i just topped it up to get back into the top 20..we shall see

I think that we need promoted post being mixed with the normal posts in "trending" and "hot sections". No need for special "promoted" section. Promoted post could be marked with some icon as it is done for 100% SP payout posts.

Agreed... doesn't make much sense to have it in its own section. I don't think I ever even click on the promoted tab

decent just small idea. why dont u put on the right amount that post made so far? so we can see is it worth fighting the queque at all :)

I'm on it :)

Done, refresh :)

that was fast! amazing job man!

TBH I was already fiddling with that idea before you messaged, but thought I'd pretend to be a code ninja :P

Great minds think alike :)

Hi, just wondering if you see a clear benefit when you promote a post?

Lately it seems to be more effective then it was when the feature was first introduced, but it's still a bit of a lottery tbh.

encouraging promoted posts , and since my posts have started doing a bit better I've started making a habit of trying to get into the top 20 promoted page as long as it's not too expensive.A few whales like @berniesanders and @smooth are

Great information. I've often wondered. ☆☆☆☆☆😎

Aus, I so wish Steemit developers used the Facebook promotion model. That's the only reason people are forced to stay with Facebook. Their model is super good. I'd spend on Steemit but I see that it's not possible to buy bitcoin to buy SBD. I see that one can only buy Steem... Am I right?

Steemit makes it so difficult to promote posts. In my view. I may be missing something...

Such a clever tool! Skills king. :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one who is actively trying to improve the content on Steemit. I have over 2700 Steem Power and I created this campaign which I hope will help improve content on Steemit:

I will upvote every constructive comment I get on Steemit with 5-10 cents in order to create a WIN-WIN-WIN.

You win by having me upvote and follow you, I win by having great comments and more followers and above all Steemit wins by getting better content.

Read about the rules and conditions here.

Please respond here or on my post with any feedback you have, thanks!