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RE: New Tool - How much should I promote my post for ? []

in #promotion8 years ago

@ausbitbank I noticed you downvoted my other comment on this post and I completely understand why. I should have thrived to add more value to your commment section instead of ONLY posting my own content. Thanks for helping to make me aware of better etiquette on Steemit.

I'm especially grateful to you for this post since I was considering myself whether or not to promote and what chances I had of getting seen within the Top 20 authors. With the link you provided, I can check this at any time of day to see how much Steem I would have to use to promote my post within the Top 20. Thanks!


hell yeah man i wanted to ask @ausbitbank if it is still up to date?

seems like amazing that #1 post making like $1000 would onlky cost 102 sbd? or is that just how much that post had to pay? did they just get lucky?

sorry for the super late reply ausbitbank i love teh work u do for stem and apreciate eveyrthing you do

i believe eitehr i am confused on how thsi woprks (Maybe these are posts from 7 days ago thata re onlky 103 sbd) or maybe the prices are off now since its 8 montsh old?

This tool is for native promotion using sbd, it's not looking at post payouts or bidbots. It should still work but I don't think this type of promotion is worth the cost anymore