in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

For the past few years I've been saying that Bill Hicks faked his death from cancer and took on one of his stage personas - he called that person "Alex Jones"


Let's face it, all the evidence in the world won't swing the opinion of someone who doesn't want to see the obvious. We can see that now with the coronahoax.

But just to revisit happier times when we weren't all looking down the barrel of an Orwellian police state, back when we were researching conspiracies for light hearted fun, rather than having life and death battles with mind controlled cult members, I'll dig up some old Bill Hicks is Alex Jones infowarp.

This one is for you @joeyarnoldvn

To begin with Alex and Bill look almost exactly alike and their facial recognition matches 100%, only it appears Alex has had a nose job, a face-lift and gotten considerably fatter than Bill ever was. Alex definitely dyes his hair, they have two identical moles on the right side of their necks, and even their teeth are a perfect match. They are both famous funny Texans who constantly talk about conspiracy subjects, and they are both very quick to frustration and anger, Alex being well-known for his screaming rants and Bill known for shouting down his audiences and even naming an album “Rant in E Minor.”


Bill wasn’t born in Texas but moved there as a teenager and always idolized cowboys and the Texan spirit. Bill allegedly died of cancer in 1994 but he had no public funeral; Alex came on the scene shortly after Bill’s passing and has no verifiable history before 1994. Alex claims to have gone to Anderson high school but when people call up, Anderson says they have no record of him.


Bill Hicks’ best friend, camera man and producer, co-creator of Sacred Cow productions, was Kevin Booth. Shortly after Bill’s passing, Kevin became Alex Jones’ good friend, camera-man and producer! Bill, Alex, and Kevin were all 3 very outspoken and involved with the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian debacle and there exists video of Kevin and Bill in 1993 outside the Davidian house before the final conflict but no video of Alex. However, a year or two later after Bill’s passing, Kevin was out there again, this time with Alex filming a Waco documentary and rebuilding the Waco church! You can also see here at a Bill Hicks’ 10th Anniversary event, Kevin Booth gets on stage, shows a Hicks’ documentary then says with a smirk, “maybe in some way Bill Hicks is still here with us now” and presents a framed plaque with Bill’s portrait to none other than Alex Jones! WTF!?


Alex claims to be only 39 years old right now, though even after all the plastic surgery, he still looks considerably older. If he was really Bill Hicks then Alex would be 53 now which is closer to Alex’s apparent age. Bill Hicks was also a long-time cigarette smoker and Alex claims to have fought a life-long battle with cigarette addiction himself. Their names even follow the same 4-letter 5-letter pattern, Bill/Alex Hicks/Jones.


Director Richard Linklater was a big fan of Bill Hicks and lamented never being able to work with him, then later Linklater launched Alex Jones’ film career giving him roles in Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. Bill was well-respected in the comedy community and today Alex is good friends with famous comedians like Joe Rogan and Charlie Sheen. Bill was also a big fan of Andy Kaufman, the comedian who would go to great lengths to disguise himself and create separate personas, much like it seems Bill is doing with this “Alex” character.


Yes, Alex Jones is Bill Hicks...








I used to think lots of people knew that the most annoying man on the internet is a zionist shill.

But no, despite the glaring evidence that he is working for the very same zionists who own youtube, by just giving the irritating prick a bit of censorship and he became an oppressed people's hero.

Along with Fear Uncertainty and Doubt (FUD), False Flag, and Play Both Sides, another favourite tactic of zionists is The Streisand Effect.


From another of the zionists own websites - Wikipedia - "The Streisand effect is a phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet"

And holy cow, do the evil fuckers know how to milk that one for all it's worth...

Censoring alex jones just give him a bunch of cred, made him a popular hero, and give some new "alternative" video channels (also owned by the zionists) a huge boost.

Wake up sheeple this is what they do every time-BECAUSE IT WORKS!
From alex jones to "president" chump to ted talks to most of the "alt" media including wikileaks - the zionists win this shit over and over using the same bunch of tricks.


There are people presenting real alt news online, but not many people seem to discuss it, because they have been distracted by popular puppets like alex the shill jones. The controlled opposition directs the flow of both mainstream and "alternative" discussion.

So just to make this clear - what I'm saying here is that alex jones is a zionist shill, and his act is yet another con.



Posted via


The eternal debate,...

bill hicks profile.jpeg



Ah.... The ole Bill Hicks A.J. theory... 😎 Personally, I liked A.J. when he was Bill Hicks a lot more😏 The "entertainer/performer" rarely peaks my interest these days though. His Shtick grew old to me... It's become a struggle watching the dude for more than a couple of minutes.

120 seconds is an limit is 10!

Bill Hicks is not Alex Jones and have you ever tried talking to the family of Bill Hicks? Did they not bury Bill's body or who did they bury?

There was no funeral...

Does Bill Hicks and/or Alex Jones have family in or around Seattle? Sometimes, Alex says he is off in Washington State seeing family. I forget what he said regarding the times he visited Hawaii, I can't remember if he said he had family out on those islands but I assume probably not. So, does anybody know if Bill and/or Alex has/have/had family, relatives, etc, in Seattle and other places?

Also, if Alex is Bill and if Alex did have kid(s) in the last several years, as in around or after 2017, assuming Bill was born on the 16th of December of 1961, then Bill would be turning 60 in three months from now and perhaps he got a woman pregnant with children at the age of 56 or after that. Well, not saying what happened. I know Alex said his youngest is several years old right now approximately.

I assume he didn't adopt her or whoever it might be and I don't remember exactly how many but I believe at least one new kid in the last few years.

Not saying you can't bear children when you get older but I am saying Stefan Molyneux has said it can statistically and generally and historically become harder to produce children as you go over the age of 30 years old for most people or so goes the science and well that is mostly in regards to women and their eggs and less so regarding men and their tadpoles.



First go learning a new art app


How do you know that?

-Bill Hicks "died" in 1994 and Alex Jones has no verifiable history before then

-Bill Hicks had no public funeral and was supposedly buried in his parents yard

-Alex Jones claims to have attended Anderson high school but they have no record of him and classmates have never heard of him

That is fake news. You can verify Alex before 1994.

In that case you can too - so do so!

Which schools Alex Jones may have attended, which years, when, where, which classes, with who, etc, these are things I am still investigating. It appears Alex may have attended at least 2 different high schools. I have not seen him in yearbooks that I've been looking through. Not every student is put inside yearbooks sometimes. But there has to be photos with him somewhere. So, I will continue to look. He probably lived in or around Dallas. He probably moved to Austin with his family in, around, or during his high school years which may have been from 1989-1993 roughly speaking. I've been looking up addresses for his father who may have been David Ross Jones because I can cross-reference that with addresses of different houses they may have lived in so that I can try to confirm which years they may have lived in which places so I can then make educated guesses regarding which schools he may have attended and then go from there. Looking up info regarding his college records is also on my list. I see one video of Alex Jones on what might be his local access television show called Expanding Frontiers, this one video said he was 21 meaning probably around 1995.

There are theories out there that they killed the real Alex Jones around 1996 or 1997 and replaced him with Bill Hicks or somebody else. They suggest Alex suddenly changed his appearance around that time, roughly speaking. But why would nobody speak up to expose such a murder or did they put the real Alex Jones somewhere? But Alex was a nobody back then. Why put so much effort on a man who was not that popular?

There was another Alex Jones - a different guy who "disappeared" in 97 - make sure you are not researching him - the original one was more muscular with different facial structure so easy to spot. He is the person that Bill Hicks copied - the hairstyle and mannerisms.

Yes the original was a nobody - suddenly he became flabby but world famous overnight - how did that happen?

Congratulations @frot!
You raised your level and are now a Dolphin!

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from Day 12

Curated for #informationwar (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

Delegate to the @informationwar! project and get rewarded

Did you say infowars? Are you alex jones?

It's just a coincidence, now go back to bed your government is in control again.


Yikes, looking pretty haggard there.

Who's side are you on?

I didn't mind Alex Jones but it's moreso about how slavishly his supporters follow him. He can be a springboard into a mindscape where one can investigate and research of their own accord. He isn't the be all and end all.

I'm not sure whether he is Bill Hicks, but i'm moreso leaning towards him being Bill Hicks

Well, it is like a Christian who listens to his pastor but never reads the Bible.

If you are saying Alex Jones is hiding information, you should tell me what he did not say.

Israel, Rothchild, Zionists, and Trump being a kept zionist puppet all spring to mind. He is a zionist puppet too.

Alex Jones talked about Israel, Zionism, Rothschild, etc. He talked many times about many different things and people relating to Trump including Jared Kutchner which was and is still a big problem. Alex criticized Trump so many times. You either know that making you bad or stupid or you do not know this making you I don't know.

You either know that making you bad or stupid or you do not know this making you I don't know.

Say what?????


Who is messing with who here?


$13 bucks huh? Nice LOL

Maybe I'll buy myself a new butt plug!

The ears do not match, I would also be curious about the finger prints.

I would believe it but I am hard to convince.

Ears are easy...they changed the lobes...but pay attention to the teeth!


Teeth are not the same. And Alex is shorter. And Alex acts different.

Teeth are so identical they could not be a more perfect match.

Act being the key word

And where is that photo of Alex and Bill beside each other to show height? Don't have one? Why not?

I might be you because I don't have a photo of you and me together.

Well it might but it might because none exist and they never appeared together because they are the same person

I am open minded to the theory as well. But there are too many holes in this theory. Bill was one type of person in the 1980s. How does he go from being that to being a different person since the 1990s, as in these past 30+ years? How do you stay in character for 24 hours a day for 30+ years? Like, wouldn't globalists spy on him through laptop cameras, phone cameras, etc, hack in and find and expose whenever Bill Hicks broke character? Like can a person grow up as one person for 30 years from the 1960s to the 1980s and then become a totally different person in the form of Alex Jones in the 1990s through to the 2020s? Bill Hicks was one person for 30 years and we would have to believe he somehow became a different person for the following 30 years after that.

Bill Hicks was many people including one very like Alex Jones. He is owned by the globalists so they are not going to out him. Even kicking him off Youtube was just for show.

Why would the globalists expose themselves?

They expose what they want to expose - it's a many level game

Alex Jones has been fighting globalism and the globalists are against that.

Globalist like to be attacted by controlled opposition - note they don't fund James Corbett for some reason...

dear God this was long one, quarantine is starting to get to you :P

Yes I am becoming a twisted and deranged individual

But all quality content is know that

Brian Stelter is only 30 something and looks very similar.

Are his teeth identical Bill Hicks as well?

You tell me.

No - Alex Jones' teeth are identical to one person only - Bill Hicks...

not all quality is long, some is thicc :)))

Some fat people look like Fat Alex Jones in their 20s even.

And a lot of people in their 50's look like "Alex Jones"!

Alex looks like how he is, 47.

Bill/Alex turns 60 this December and he looks every day of 59...





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