Which schools Alex Jones may have attended, which years, when, where, which classes, with who, etc, these are things I am still investigating. It appears Alex may have attended at least 2 different high schools. I have not seen him in yearbooks that I've been looking through. Not every student is put inside yearbooks sometimes. But there has to be photos with him somewhere. So, I will continue to look. He probably lived in or around Dallas. He probably moved to Austin with his family in, around, or during his high school years which may have been from 1989-1993 roughly speaking. I've been looking up addresses for his father who may have been David Ross Jones because I can cross-reference that with addresses of different houses they may have lived in so that I can try to confirm which years they may have lived in which places so I can then make educated guesses regarding which schools he may have attended and then go from there. Looking up info regarding his college records is also on my list. I see one video of Alex Jones on what might be his local access television show called Expanding Frontiers, this one video said he was 21 meaning probably around 1995.
There are theories out there that they killed the real Alex Jones around 1996 or 1997 and replaced him with Bill Hicks or somebody else. They suggest Alex suddenly changed his appearance around that time, roughly speaking. But why would nobody speak up to expose such a murder or did they put the real Alex Jones somewhere? But Alex was a nobody back then. Why put so much effort on a man who was not that popular?
There was another Alex Jones - a different guy who "disappeared" in 97 - make sure you are not researching him - the original one was more muscular with different facial structure so easy to spot. He is the person that Bill Hicks copied - the hairstyle and mannerisms.
Yes the original was a nobody - suddenly he became flabby but world famous overnight - how did that happen?
Too bad you can't show me. Looks like the same person who stopped working out. After a while, your muscles go away if you sit around too much. Alex Jones sits around too much. So, he becomes fat. He talks too much. He would eat unhealthy too much. His drinking problem didn't help.
-Bill Hicks "died" in 1994 and Alex Jones has no verifiable history before then
-Bill Hicks had no public funeral and was supposedly buried in his parents yard
-Alex Jones claims to have attended Anderson high school but they have no record of him and classmates have never heard of him
That is fake news. You can verify Alex before 1994.
In that case you can too - so do so!
I am.
Not yet you haven't...
I am working on it. Send me more links and I will look at them.
Looking at links I provide is not research, it's programming!
Which schools Alex Jones may have attended, which years, when, where, which classes, with who, etc, these are things I am still investigating. It appears Alex may have attended at least 2 different high schools. I have not seen him in yearbooks that I've been looking through. Not every student is put inside yearbooks sometimes. But there has to be photos with him somewhere. So, I will continue to look. He probably lived in or around Dallas. He probably moved to Austin with his family in, around, or during his high school years which may have been from 1989-1993 roughly speaking. I've been looking up addresses for his father who may have been David Ross Jones because I can cross-reference that with addresses of different houses they may have lived in so that I can try to confirm which years they may have lived in which places so I can then make educated guesses regarding which schools he may have attended and then go from there. Looking up info regarding his college records is also on my list. I see one video of Alex Jones on what might be his local access television show called Expanding Frontiers, this one video said he was 21 meaning probably around 1995.
There are theories out there that they killed the real Alex Jones around 1996 or 1997 and replaced him with Bill Hicks or somebody else. They suggest Alex suddenly changed his appearance around that time, roughly speaking. But why would nobody speak up to expose such a murder or did they put the real Alex Jones somewhere? But Alex was a nobody back then. Why put so much effort on a man who was not that popular?
There was another Alex Jones - a different guy who "disappeared" in 97 - make sure you are not researching him - the original one was more muscular with different facial structure so easy to spot. He is the person that Bill Hicks copied - the hairstyle and mannerisms.
Yes the original was a nobody - suddenly he became flabby but world famous overnight - how did that happen?
Too bad you can't show me. Looks like the same person who stopped working out. After a while, your muscles go away if you sit around too much. Alex Jones sits around too much. So, he becomes fat. He talks too much. He would eat unhealthy too much. His drinking problem didn't help.
well he must have eaten and drunken a shitload to turn to flab IN LESS THAN ONE YEAR!
I can show you photos of me gaining and losing weight even more than that, am I Bill Hicks too?
Possibly, but only if your teeth are identical