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in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

Random people or the insiders who control this blockchain?

"spaminator is an annoyance best ignored"

No it isn't - it is a blatant example of the deep state psyop in motion that Hive really is. Your constant "downvoting is no big deal" bullshit is suspicious in itself. Are you on the payroll too?

Over the past 6 months I have powered down 250k of HP and pulled my investments out of Hive. And that is due to downvoting, censorship, reward pool theft and insider corruption. There is no way I'm leaving my $ locked into a three months to pull out, insider con job.

My history is mainly pointing out stuff like this, along with exposing the coronahoax. If we are not allowed to do that, then this is a censored platorm, no better that Twatter or Fakebook.


Yes, so instead of proving your point, you cashed out and are 'leaving'.
That is a choice you are free to make, but it doesn't really help those of us that stayed and supported your right to speak freely, though, does it?
I don't know why I don't get flagged, maybe it's because I haven't turned on those that do support me.

Or maybe it is something else?


I have no right to speak freely on this blockchain that is for sure - what I can't work out is whether you are delusional or just playing a role?

But I havn't even left - I'm still on VYB where I can post without having everything nuked - I'm giving that a real shot, I'm currently the second biggest account on VYB

I just have a different perspective.
I haven't seen hard facts laid out in a cohesive manner of any real malfeasance of most of the people being accused of it.
If somebody would publish any they have, maybe I would change my mind.
Otherwise, it looks more personal than rampantly abusive, to me.
Bunch of chickens with their heads cut off getting blood everywhere, but no factual treatises to back their positions.

Are you being treated poorly?
I'd say so.
Are the people treating your poorly justified in their stance?
They are in their minds.

Perhaps if you came back with what you dumped they would have to give you that respect, at least.
Otherwise, you are just one more account that drank from the pool and then pissed in it.
You are not alone.
And that is a shame.
The only way to dilute the powers arranged against you is to hodl moar, not to sell out cheap to the ones persecuting you.
Selling only makes those accounts stronger.

The accounts you reference in your pic seem to have personal history from the region.
Do I like how that is playing out?
No, not particularly.
Do I think dumping and 'leaving' are the solution?
Not really.
But, each account has to determine their own responses to how things currently are.

If the system is set up in such a way as to make it that more stake allows them to censor my content, there is no way I could ever win the fight.

They have unlimited funding.

VYB has no downvoting, and I will never again invest in any platform that has stake based downvoting.

One of my comments got a 2.5 million HP 100% downvote. That is not something I can dilute!

It does look to be a long game.
I'm looking forward to seeing how these alternatives to stake based downvoting work out. Blurt seems to be trading at a premium, now that folks are getting serious about responding to what they see as abuse in the hive.
I've been posting with the vyb hashtag, seems some folks have been voting me.
When the mass adoption occurs, I'm sure some of that will spread out to the various tokens, too.

When mass adoption occurs is like normies saying when covid is

Lol, yeah, at this point that wouldn't be a bad analogy.
Hope dies last.

I am a measly minnow who barely gets noticed. I don't understand the entire crypto scene & find it fraught with acronyms and acrimony. I write on Hive purely to preserve my work in an easily accessible archive.
As a result of my recent observations I no longer feel safe here.
Do you understand?
I did not even know that down-voting existed, that is how naive I have been.
Down-voting STEALS people's earnings.
That is vile, cruel and easily manipulated to destroy or discourage us from having an account here.
I am more than discouraged.
I am heart-broken.
I thought I could trust this platform.
Not any more.

Down-voting STEALS people's earnings.

Not exactly.
Without downvoting keeping the bots in check the platform would have been farmed and dumped into oblivion years ago.
Flagging content for abuse is a necessary duty of stakeholders.
Without it folks would just make two word posts, dump their rewards, and nobody would buy or hold.
It shouldn't be hard to imagine what the price does in that situation.

You have no reason to fear the flaggots.
If you join the conversations in the discords you will see that random nuking of accounts doesn't just happen in a vacuum.
Most of the people getting zeroed have a history most people aren't aware of.
Newbs come in and think they know what is going on, but they never see where the object of the flag bit the hand feeding them, or disparaged it at the least.

I have watched people I fully support in their opinions get nuked because they wouldn't just let it go.
The hive has more positives than negatives, or it would go away.

That said, this isn't the place for just anybody.
Games have rules, or there is no game.

Without down voting the hive-cabal would not be able to censor content and steal rewards.

Without downvoting Steemit might have worked, and thousands of the best content creators might still be around.

Downvoting is killing Hive, and it is becoming more obvious by the day.

And this discussing people in Discord crap is another reason Hive is doomed.

I can tell, from the way you address me, that you think that my humble account is recently acquired. I have over 1,100 posts on this site and migrated with the Steem fork. My posts are extremely detailed, deeply researched & have caused me to be de-platformed from Twitter, Facebook and on New Year's Eve from Discord, which I also trusted stupidly.
Judging by the political reasons & clashes of opinion behind recent "nukings", as you call them, I am no longer confident that the whales in this pond are friendly.
In fact, I get the impression that they are more savage than 77th Brigade & the UK Metropolitan Police put together pissed at a Milwall football match.
Maybe they would be better known as sharks?

The power to "nuke" accounts is THEFT.
It steals our earnings, our accounts, our confidence and our respect.
It creates another insipid location to post photos of cats & dinners.

"this isn't the place for just anybody.
Games have rules, or there is no game." you say....
It is NOT A GAME, love..... it was my favourite corner of the internet, where I was assured my work would be safely stored.
Now I am cast adrift, desperately trying to copy everything I have written before some nasty hammer of hell swipes it into the aether forever.

Yes, coming up on five years, it appears.
Had it been your account getting nuked, I'd think your fears reasonable.
As it is, nobody has been bothered by your content up to this point, I'd think that likely to continue.