insight.pob present pobstreet in conjunction with @onealfa.pob, where there will be a daily topic raised in which everybody can engage in it, and the daily topic can be reached from the community members, if you have any topics suggestion for the next day drop it in your first or second comment of the day with an #Topic.
The selected topics will be the next day topic, best topic of the week will be selected by the numbers of engagements it attracts.
@onealfa × @insight.pob will be rewarding the community members.
- top daily comments (judge by the quality of the post)minimum of 5 member, if there are more people we will increase the number of people.
- Topic of the week
reward can be reviewed to add more winners as we are getting bigger.
if you are not in the the categories i personally will be voting accounts according to it engagements daily.
to attract and bring new members to the pob community.
support new members and guide them on any issues they are facing
to build the pob community and take it to the next level.
comments of the day:
Today's topic
How can there be increase in pob demand than supply?
Topic from: @iyiade
- Notice: the front-end and is now working, on behalf of the community i say sorry for any inconveniences this might have caused you. Happy engagement
To increase pob demand is very simple.
And the solution I can suggest is that it's supply should be reduced a little bit more and you will see how people will want to accumulate as much pob as possible.
The thing is that people won't want to be in control of their pob earning and will not want to depend on curators in case if those curators don't upvote his content anymore.
So you having pob power will also let you be in control of your curation and that advantage of staking.
I think it's supply should be reduced in little bit and it's value will increase and it benefits all pob stakers.
Not reducing it from the reward pool but all people with pob power should reduce they curate so for people to strive and stake
in terms of reducing the supply of pob there is a provision for that already which is implemented from the start on daily basis the reward in the reward pool is constant, so the more the stakers the lower the reward you can get from the pool.
and the pob which is dropped in the reward pool daily will be halved every four years
Good morning everyone
I wish everyone here today great success
About the topic I suggested, I would also like to make a contribution to this matter of making pob demand more than the supply.
The truth is just that there is over 1.4 million pob token in circulation presently and I think over 1.3 million pob token has been staked so that means there is about 100,000 pob in liquid and in market available so that means right now there is just about 100,000 pob to buy presently and that is good for a normal cryptocurrency as a supply and demand matter.
But the problem and the reason why it does not have effect with just 100,000 pob not yet staked and therefore available for buying is that there is a little number of buyers. So to use the advantage of the little number of buyers the 100,000 liquid pob should be staked and to reduce to like 10,000 circulation and 90,000 should be staked so with that, the present demand will be more than the supply of 10000 pob in circulation.
Good analysis and it is a good response
Good morning to u all, nice topic to talk about today again
I believe the law of supply and demand will help here as the
price increases, people are willing to supply more and demand less and vice versa when the price falls.
If their is a scarcity of pob in the community no one will want to sell as a cheaper rate and for those that we be willing to buy will all want to increase the price to get an attractive seller and get much as their can
I believe more contribution from others will help alot
Good morning, as regards to demand and supply of POB. I think POB is not been held by people like we do to other cryto-currency and one of the ways it can qualify is standing alone. If POB stands on it's own to make a name like Bitcoin, Ethereum,hive and others...demands will become very high. Imagine, when you don't have to go through the process of converting your POB to Hive before hard currency (dollar, Naira, etc ). It become very easy, it is known, people will demand for it in and out of this platform and if demands has to be made on this platform; that means this platform will become a popular one.
As for the frontend that is having issues, am glad that the technical team are on it ...for a 2 days, I couldn't post until a participant here recommended that I download Hive keychain from the playstore and guess what? The app is very easy to use.
Is not possible for a token under a particular block chain to become an altcoin. Pob can't stand on its own because it is already built under a particular block chain from the start and that's how it will be.
But they can create wrapped pob like wrapped leo and list it on exchanges
Nice to be here again and good one to see that the front end is back now
Don't really know much about the crypto world right as am still trying to gain more knowledge in that aspect,but with the little I have upstairs I will say pob too should stand on it own and thier should be a stop to it been an exchange or let me use the the word a means of conversion to get another token as it is now,I will say with that thier is going to be an improvement in his demand than supply,cause to me many earn it and convert it to get what they needed as times
It's not possible for pob to stand on its own.
It is already built on hive blockchain from the start and it is decentralized. The only thing pob can do to be listed on other exchange also is to create wpob just like what leofinance did to their own token. Leo finance created wleo and was listed on many popular wallet and exchange sites like trust wallet.
The only way you can get pob for now is by curation.
But want to suggest this topic.
can pob be on another blockchain aside of hive blockchain,because some other token are listed on two Blockchain
there are lot of things pob can do to increase its demand as you have been mentioning the use case, and we have to give people reason why they should buy it if they have reason to buy it will surely increase its demand
For the demand to grow more than the supply, POB has to come out loud and clear as an individual entity. Right now, agree or not, POB is hiding under the umbrella of Hive. It is not listed on exchanges so poeple are not even aware of it. We know Bitcoin, Etherium, Rune, Luna, ADA and all other coins because they are listed on most of the exchanges now. So POB has to come out as an individual entity and must be listed on exchanges to gain popularity which will automatically surge the demand.
But is it tthat easy to get listed? No. POB right now is more of an engagement platform, it has to have some underlying applications to make it more robust and that is when people will know more about it.
Definitely this is one thing I sincerely see too and it is the best means of making it popular and this will incredibly increase it demand than supply,I remember I the chart works when we are in college
Good morning here and it is good to be here once more again today,after been out for a very long time,it is good to see that the proofofbrain frontend us now coming back to normal now and I will say less people are actually experiencing any difficulties on that right now.
Just like @lordemmy said too,I want to agreed with him slightly a little and will still also like to ship in that people don't hold pob like they do hope other coin and holding pob too might actually increase it demand than supply
This is very true but I don't think is possible for pob to stand on its own.
The reason why is that is not possible for a token to become an altcoin.
Pop is already built on hive blockchain from start and cryptocurrency is not a centralised currency where you can do what you like with it it is a decentralized currency where even the owner of the token does not have control over it.
It can be possible and I even have a plan of how pob can stand on its own without visiting hive blockchain.
If proof of brain can create their own personal login method, then this will create an application where people will download it whether on play store or anywhere.
So liquid pob would be sent and dollar also would be sent and the transaction will be confirmed by the third party but all this will be in the proof of brain site directly Then if that is possible then they can be another exchange site for pob which is peer-to-peer which we connect people with other cryptocurrency or USD all other Fiat currency to people with pob directly where you can exchange and that will be the best so the @proofofbrainio or @scholaris.pob or even I can be the third party who would confirm the transaction to avoid scam.
i think this is part of what @proofofbrainio as been doing behind the scene, and if this can be implemented it will go a long way for #pob. i believe @trostparadox can give us more hint on this
Good morning everyone, I think one of the ways the POB can be more on the demand side is if it increases in value. Currently the price of PoB is relatively low and as such a lot of people wouldn't even think about owning Pob. The only ways to ensure that the price stabilizes is for more proper distribution of the token to happen through proper curation and continuous staking. We also have to continue to preach the word of the POB community.
I'm glad the Pob frontend is now back on track!
And the only way to increase pob price is for the demand to surpass the supply of pob.
There is no cryptocurrency that starts with a value every cryptocurrency started with no value and the reason why it has value was because people demanded for it even without yet as in value.
You can't expect the price to rise without it high demand.
people what does cryptocurrency even without having value because it has a great project and potential which pob too to start implementing from now on
The best way to promote POB is to be an Example itself. I really appreciate people like You and @funshee doing so much recently. You guys are becoming a good author day by day and also increasing Your POB stake. That's what is really needed on this platform. Be an Author, Curator and Invest into POB and just be consistent with it. Definitely POB will become a Better Platform. Keep it up guys. 😊👍 !PIZZA
Exactly! get what I'm talking about.
We actually look up to you guys and follow in your footsteps, they direct us every step of the way. Thanks for always supporting and encouraging us
Thanks for the mention @chincoculbert, together we build a stronger POB tribe.
Yes...that's more like it!!
For there to be increase in pob demand than supply, proofofbrain will actually be needed, if we want this plan to come to pass or successful because he will have to say his plan for pob, I mean is future plan.
If Everyone know the future of pob and there is 100 percent assurance for the plans that proofofbrain say, and the future plan is very high, and everyone is sure of it, depending on the plans he gives, there will surely be a increase in pob demand than supply.
Greetings to everyone
Pob roadmap and plan for next 5 years is the most important thing I just want in this community and that's all.
He didn't mention any plan of pob aside from that.
I know it will soon do that and thats for sure. this community is still early and I know he will still appear sooner.This is what everyone demands from @proofofbrainio in proofofbrain community. I went through all @proofofbrainio content from beginning of this community and the only white paper and the only white paper and pob roadmap he posted is just the curation halving,reward pool and that's all.
A very good one and of all let me say the information you just passed is nice as regards the happenings or difficulties happening on the proofofbrain frontend right now,just as you said it as been resolved on some devices,good one to here.
As regards increase in the demand of pob than supply,I want to say that is very important and essential too as that is the only key factor that can actually stabiles it price too base on my views,but I will say the only thing I think,which I stand to be corrected or enlightened more is that ,if pob stand on it own just as other token ,like hive ,doge ,shiba and lot more are standing now,it will indeed increase demand than supply
The issue of proofofbrain front end has been resolved and hiveblock also have been resolved on my device thanks for the information you provided.
I didn't know that there is something called hive keychain in this hive blockchain.
This hive community is so wide and it's rare for people to know about it all.
there are some community I'm just discovering and some games I'm just discovering on this hive block chain.
Thanks You are really of a help to us all and to this community @insight.pob.
it is always my pleasure to provide solution to everyone in this community, anytime I found myself doing that I'm always happy and I feel successful.I also want the same problem thanks to @scholaris.pob who gave me the information, one of my motive here is to be an help desk for this community.
This is a very nice topic for a growing platform.
There are severalways of increasing the cryptocurrency especially pob demand than its total supply and present circulating supply.
And one of the way of increasing pob demand than its supply is to propose and build a project that involved pob.
A great project like a new website games application. Great project are not limited to what was listed above there are many projects not to mention which I don't know about but are really great project. Leo finance are creating a big project every time wait holds the leo token stability in value. It just amazes me that pob is not yet or have not yet started a great project and it has gone very great like this.
If pob will start proposing a new project to the community of hive,then people not want to sell their pob for that time and people will want to buy pob as much as possible.
The raising of demand of pob above its supply start from this community proofofbrain admin to propose something new to this community.
If we propose we don't have the power to carry it out on our own to this community except by the coreteam There are many proposed plan on this #pobstreet when I was going through them all and I can see that most of them is yet to be carried out. It is just talked about and forgotten and that's all it is not taking serious at all or maybe it is worked on I don't really know and I'm not criticizing anyone.
From now on everyone let's take pob shout to the hive community.
Let's create content and post on pob greatness and promoted to hive community.
It will sincerely have a very great impact on proof of brain and even on hive because pob is a social media everyone would like because it is a mind and brain proofing.
Let us make proof of brain community name and popularity from now on just like how other community do tag proofofbrain in thier content created.
Yeah nice being here today.
Increasing the number of pob demand over supply requires increasing the number of people who will demand for pob and reducing the number of supply curators give to content creator.
Inviting more people to this community is the best solution to all of these in increasing pob demand over it to the supply. And most importantly when inviting new users don't tell them that it's free money do it difficult to invite new users who don't know about cryptocurrency but tell them it's a mmining crypto that can be mined by creating a content and have a very bright future and that is how they should be invited.
in order not to disappoint them the coreteam must find a way faster of securing pob future and communicateing it to us as a means of inviting new members to pob community.
Another way that there can be increased in pob demand than supply is by giving people access to buy it easily, like listening pob on an exchange
And people should be able to you use there Pob for different types of transaction
That will even make pob go viral, many people will know it through that,from there the demand for pob will increase
Good day everyone
How can pob demand surpass pob total supply?
This is where pob use case comes in.
You can only use pob to stake and that's all, no other usecase.
This has to be improved and increasing pob usage across hive blockchain.
There should be increase in everyday transaction by creating something special on pob community that requires more pob transaction like "pob betting delegation or pob competition*
The ability to make a bet with pob or competition that winners will be rewarded with pob on proofofbrain. I would carry this out but still thinking about the type of creativity I will implement. This will require using pob to get more pob apart from staking and the reward would be in delegation of large pob to attract people to it.
This is my proposal to this community but I don't have power for now but I will definitely start in a month from now.
General tips on increasing pob supply than demands in cryptocurrency world and in POB token
1, Take the pob reign around hive community. How can we take the reign outside hive community, creating your testimonies in pob like your curation earnings,the knowledge you have gained in proofofbrain content etc.
2, take the pob reing outside hive community. Or can we take the reign outside hive community? Firstly by creating a social Media an official account for pob in Twitter, Facebook,YouTube and so on not only discord alone.
I met hive on YouTube and that's a very great example for pob too to follow that footstep.
People can meet proofofbrain community on social media platform and pob will start becoming popular and hence if the community is strong there will be a great demand than supply
Am back today
Everyone has contributed to this topic well and said a very helpful things in promoting this community.
With my own contribution to this interesting conversation of this pob demand above its supply,the rise of pob depends mostly on us.
Most of us are not ready to buy pob with liquid hive. Pob was mostly bought by those whale in the richlist and will is very very dangerous for a stable cryptocurrency because the whale can manipulate market.
We also should also contribute and take power among us for stability of pob value and price because the whale are buying pob from us. It was unfortunately am not here yesterday but will still like to contribute to yesterday topic but let me first add to today's meeting in #pobstreet.
Creating more use case for POB token will no doubt increases the demand and supply of POB.
I'm glad that proof of brain front end is back and running.
Good morning here,
I will say POB increase demand is base on the community and the reason is that, the people will want to buy the POB at the low price.
Why the suppler will want to sell at high price, the only is that if the demand and the supply can be in equation balance with each other, the demand will be increase.
Greetings to you all in this greatest community.
with the law of demand and supply!
Demand says the lower the price the high the quantity demandedand high the price lower the quantity demanded.
Supply says vise versa of that of law os demand.
So in this case price issues can be the best answer to the question. Thanks
Hey my great people of great community I greet you all with the greeting that supercede all the greeting in this world and hereafter which is Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi ta Allah wa barakatuhu, meaning may the blessing of the almighty GOD be with us all, and may his mercy locate each and everyone of us here in this great community.been Thursday today and a pre to thanks GOD is Friday may the almighty GOD spare of our life through out today and beyond,Also may our engagement be the best amonge all the engagement in the pob community.
Greetings to you too.
May God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth be with you too and miss mercy also locate you in this great community.
May the Spirit of god be with you all the days of your life and also may your content created and comments also be the best among all engagement in this pop community and may God protect you tomorrow and spare all your life and keep you from all evil
A nice and great question,which I belived each ad everyone should have one orore answer to.
To me I see when there is higher in engagement and if pob community is putting things in order where it should be,there will be higher in my advice to this great community is to look for all means to see how we can engage Friend and family to pob.the higher the pob engagement the higher pob supply.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Simple and Sweet method is Just Make POB Popular, the Talk of the Town, The next Big Thing. Just like How Hive is booming nowadays. Also How Well Leo Tribe is Rocking with back to back new projects. They just launched, LeoAlpha: A New Series.
It's that's simple to be in demand one has to keep into news and focus. What's going on in POB lately? Definitely great initiatives like POB-wotw, Pob-photography, #pac POB Art, POBTalk, POB Street, Proof of Blind, but we need to keep evolving and emerging with cooler experiments and initiatives. It's high time for POB Owner @proofofbrainio come up with new proposals and make best use of POB funds. That will definitely rebuild a new image of POB. More than this People should talk about Awesome Staking Rewards of POB and keep encouraging each other to stake as much as possible. That will definitely increase the demand. More than this please don't invite new users on POB saying it a easy money, quick money or free money website. It's actually not. We are a community and here each one of us has to contribute in order to grow up. Instead introduce POB as an investment opportunity, a value addition platform, give them examples of top POB authors, Stakers and Curators. A great such example is @insight.pob who borrowed $1000 to invest into POB and see how wonderful he is doing in POB today, and I am sure he is happy with amazing returns he is getting on his investment. 😊👍
Big one from you mate and honestly investor's like @insight.pob,@onealfa,@proofofbrain and lot more have indeed done well enough to help the token,but of a truth I will still say more needs to be in place to actually help the token to stand on it own and stop it from been a means of conversion to get another token as it is this days
There was a day I talked about pob staking and created the content about it in hive platform. You can check my blog.
Then someone leedsunited started insulting me on that post telling me that am a asslicker posting about pob and begging for curation,am the reason why pob price is going down. When I checked his pob wallet he has no pob staked.
People like that in this community with just destroy and discourage people.
Good response I love your response and I good advice to the community, alot of people believe that POB is easy to make