Good morning everyone
I wish everyone here today great success
About the topic I suggested, I would also like to make a contribution to this matter of making pob demand more than the supply.
The truth is just that there is over 1.4 million pob token in circulation presently and I think over 1.3 million pob token has been staked so that means there is about 100,000 pob in liquid and in market available so that means right now there is just about 100,000 pob to buy presently and that is good for a normal cryptocurrency as a supply and demand matter.
But the problem and the reason why it does not have effect with just 100,000 pob not yet staked and therefore available for buying is that there is a little number of buyers. So to use the advantage of the little number of buyers the 100,000 liquid pob should be staked and to reduce to like 10,000 circulation and 90,000 should be staked so with that, the present demand will be more than the supply of 10000 pob in circulation.
Good analysis and it is a good response