insight.pob present pobstreet in conjunction with @onealfa.pob, where there will be a daily topic raised in which everybody can engage in it, and the daily topic can be reached from the community members, if you have any topics suggestion for the next day drop it in your first or second comment of the day with an #Topic.
The selected topics will be the next day topic, best topic of the week will be selected by the numbers of engagements it attracts.
@onealfa × @insight.pob will be rewarding the community members.
- top daily comments (judge by the quality of the post)minimum of 5 member, if there are more people we will increase the number of people.
- Topic of the week
reward can be reviewed to add more winners as we are getting bigger.
if you are not in the the categories i personally will be voting accounts according to it engagements daily.
to attract and bring new members to the pob community.
support new members and guide them on any issues they are facing
to build the pob community and take it to the next level.
comments of the day:
Today's topic
What are the requirements for content to be rewarded upvoted or curated
Topic from @pobtrader- note winners will also be judge by engagements and quality
what the all have in common is that they do reward post that is for the development of this communityI think the curation choice of @onealfa.pob is different from the curation choice of @proofofbrainio and different from @trostparadox.pob and many more but they all have one thing in common.
I am VERY VERY VERY doubtful
Just look at this:
that @proofofbrainio reads even 1% of the posts he is upvoting (and doing most of that on the auto-vote mode). I will be very glad is someone will be able to prove that I am wrong.
This question, I have been looking for a definite answer of which I haven't gotten because there are some good contents carrying nearly all the stated requirements as mentioned by @sugandhaseth @vikbuddy and others but still got less votes, comments and curation....
For me I think your content should be grateful if its been seen by @onealfa.pob @scholaris.pob because they can't pass a good content without, upvoting/curating... Sometimes @proofofbrainio don't even curate or up vote good content...
Check the kinda content @onealfa.pob up votes extremely , he votes mainly post relevant to POB and its development then he might just check in others..
Please guys kindly check contents from @josediccus you will see what I'm talking about, this guy writes well but he hardly gets good rewards and he never quits writing...
That only answer to that question is, just pray your content amazes one of the Kings in this platform, you will surely get a good reward...
you are right he has been consistent even though he hardly get an upvote some times.
He is Hive Whale, see the amount of rewards he is getting on Hive. He is just using pob tag and I think he hardly use POB frontend. No wrong with that either. It's just people personal preference, may be he wanted to stick only to hive and cash out other Tokens too if possible, what's the harm in it.
He is Hive Whale, see the amount of rewards he is getting on Hive. He is just using pob tag and I think he hardly use POB frontend. No wrong with that either. It's just people personal preference, may be he wanted to stick only to hive and cash out other Tokens too if possible, what's the harm in it. To me personally I really don't see harm it because individual have all reason to be evaluate.
Wait, wait...

A whale ???
Has the definition of Hive whale been changed? And I have missed that somehow?
According to the old definitions, he is only at the 6% (!) of the required whale status:
Or, in other terms, at the 60.345MV of the whale's required 1000MV

I just can't keep myself silent when I see someone is misleading the audience.
For your information, I use the POB end, I post via POB and I have a stake as well. So also Leo, I participate in the WOTW by Calumam so don't go about saying what you don't know, people like you are why a change is needed. Focus on yourself and stop looking at others, many another earn well, I don't go about checking why they earn more than me. Pffff
That's true
If your content is for the growth of this community there is a probability of getting and upvote And reward
What? Sometimes?
Don't be funny.
Just look at his blog:
It's so discouraging...
If he is so consistent, yet is not getting many POB upvotes, maybe there is A REASON FOR THAT ?
Don't you think so?
Looool I don't have a problem with you, I don't care of I don't get POB reward, I don't need a whale's approval or vote to show my content is worth it. I'm just a guy trying to do okay, everyone's entitled to their opinion, I try to do what's right for the chain and do right by others. a few people that don't like me don't matter, so this is just your opinion and I'm happy you're just one person and the chain is a huge place, if you don't like me I don't care, I don't care the ammout you earn as well. You have the rights not to like me, I'm glad I'm not the only one you don't like.
No one is hating here sir, we are just trying to get things straight, I have been following and reading nearly all your content and I started this discussion remember...
So please bro don't sound harsh...
I hope you understand..
No, I'm sorry for that outburst, only remember that there is a phenomenon; the friend of your enemy automatically becomes the enemy. There are things I don't pay attention to here, I just laugh it off and move on. Being involved with people point accusing fingers isn't my thing, I have too much life problems to be involved with petty things.
Yeah I think so, but i wish to know the reason.. He might not care but I do because I want to know the reason why a good content won't be up voted or curated...
I know. He recently stated he was planning on introducing some new changes and that he would make an article about them. I'm not sure of when this will happen, but I'm assuming it will be within the next couple of weeks.
Lool getting reward isn't everything, I'm satisfied, the chain is such a big place and being involved in different places makes a huge difference. Contentment is key for me.
I have written a post on this today only, I am going to copy and paste my answer here from my post!
Catchy Title - The first thing that anyone would see about the post is the heading so it has to be not only relevant but catchy enough to attract the readers. It should not be very simple like plain words but not too fancy that is not understood well by people. It should right to the point catching the attention of the readers.
Clickworthy Thumbnail- It plays a key role in defining the context of your post, one who doesn't get enough clarity through the heading might try to understand using the thumbnail. If it's a post related to personal experience or art, try using real imagery.
Content is the king - When someones drops by your post, they would read some of it. The content has to be something fresh and interesting for the user to reader. Someone spending 2 minutes on your post might feel it worthwhile and then only will they upvote.
Formatting Matters - A hapazardly written post will not allow the user to spend much time on your post because they might feel it difficult to run through the post and find content suitable to them. Using heading tags, font styles and bullets really helps to give a proper structure to your post and makes it presentable and legible.
Searchable Tags - Nobody checks your post to read what tags you have used but tags allow users to reach to your post easily. A foodie would want to search food related tags, see what related tags are being used and searched and use them wisely in your post.
Title and picture is another one of the great reason that attract curation.
The title of your content must be really traumatic and must attract the audience and the community.
don't like the title of your content be sold or because people won't bother to read the full content no matter how quality the content is.
Some people will write 1000 words and they won't get any food while some people will write just less than 200 words and because of their title they will get rewarded greatly
this is fantastic, but the truth is that it has not really been working. there are some people here irrespective of how bad whatever they have written might be they will always get upvoted just because they are well connected to those that really matter in the community. i sense politic in the way upvote is being done in this community
Hey my people it is a nice day here and calm weather on weekend no work no stress,I want to use the opportunity greet you all with the greeting that surperced the greeting of this world 🌍 and hereafter which is asalamu alikum warahamatulalhi wabarakatuhu, meaning may the blessing and mercy of the The Lord be with us all and may his wisdom locate us all ameen.may today activities favour us all.
Fantastic question. The truth is that people's content ought to be rewarded base on quality of the content. But the truth is that this has never been like that in this community. It has always been base on friendship.
I could remember some times last month that @nikkybabe call the attention of @onealfa.pob and @leprechaun to a content that was written by someone and the person delete the content instant and wrote error, yet the content was give 40pob while content written by me was given was given 0.45pob.
The major requirement should be the quality of post rather than what i term "padi-padi" i.e friendly relationhip of upvoting content.
Honestly i see the way content is being voted as a political way rather than quality of content. I have written a lot of quality post on football yet you will see someone who posted his picture where he is smoking weed having more upvote than i do. The truth is that it can be discouraging but for me i don't allow that to bother me.
Upvoting in this community is about choice. You don't have the right to dictate to The curator on the type of post they should upvote. Is their choice to avoid any content they want because your choice is different from others choice. You might not be interested in something that I'm interested might be interested in sports and I'm really not interested in sports so if you post any quality things about sport I might not upvote it.
The solution to this is trust that you two should stake pob and don't wait for upvoted and you too you should have and gained power to also upvote or be a curator
While I do agree with you on the quality of content and also that it should not be only friendly upvotes. But honestly, having connections does make a different. You must know people, interact with them and that's when you would start getting more engagement on your post. Only good quality content and only having friendships never works.
Then upvoting will now be base on how well you know people rather than the quality of content you write while those with fine and quality post who do not know anyone will not get upvote.
how then do you think newly introduced member will benefit from the community? i mean those that do not know who to approach or do not have connection but are very creative?
I'm about to write a content on curation, i will publish it as soon as possible for you to understand the basics of curation and content.
while you are writing a content you must know what the choice of the community and curation to catch their attention.
you dont expect me to curate what its not my choice, if you post sport related content here you might probably get curation fron those who love sport.
you are right. Most time it is by choice and what someone is really interested in reading. but the truth still boil down on the fact that so many people upvoted base on connection rather than voting base on creativity and quality of content.
That would be great. I try and follow the OCD recommendations for curation here: So What’s The Criteria For A Quality Post? - How Curators Make Their Selections....
I usually hop on about twice a day and spend a couple of hours each time reading and voting. I don't always get through everything I would like because there are instances of fraud that come up that I need to deal with. When I've addressed it, I'll usually stop curating to take a break.
I really learnt from it a lotThanks for sharing this content with us @scholaris.pob
The requirement I can give for a content to be voted , rewarded or curated are.
1, content creativity: when I'm talking about content creativity it does mean a random creativity. This community is a community that accept every ideas and this community is still on development.
2.informative content: your content must be of help and the formative to this community if you want to be curated and rewarded greatly.
3.Quality content:just because this community accept all ideas does not mean you should just post anything without quality and if you post something without quality, the probability of you being getting voted will be low. But for your content to be curated, it must be quality.
there are lot of differences between theory and practical what i have seen so far is that what ought to be is always different from what we are seeingExactly these are the main reasons why a content should be upvoted. Just like @insight.pob said, choice too should be part of it but the truth is that people who upvote do not follow this aforementioned guidelines but rather upvote base on connection just like @sugandhaseth mentioned above.
First of all you need to know your niche, are you a finance guy, are you a sport guy, are you an adventure guy, then write about that to catch the attention of your audience. It’s possible to be versatile, but that’s a lot brain work for me. Originality of these contents is also a requirement, content with zero plagiarism or always stating the source of information. Using a catching title and image is also important.
Content is King👑👍. This is the first and foremost requirement for content to be rewarded. A unique, Innovative, interesting and valuable content seeks much attention.
The second most important thing according to me is having a reputation, engagement and following in the community. Because unless people don't know you or able to see your content, how they gonna curate it. That's why we need to build relationships and friendship around, increase your followers, interact with other curators and authors, this takes some time though but that's the way you prove yourself worthy and committed to the community.
Then comes consistency and active participation in community growth. Try posting daily or 5 posts a week, participating in contests, community growth and engagements. But remember to focus on quality then quantity. Be Honest and keep trying something new and interesting with your content. Another tip is to invest in the community to gain more confidence around, be a curator yourself. Patience and Perseverance is the key. 😊👍
Engagement and Consistency.. You are right. A lot of us give up when we don't get enough upvotes. I believe @insight.pob is a perfect positive example here. I remember his initial days on POB when he used to be disappointed about not getting upvotes. But look at him now, shining like a star, hosting contests with @onealfa.pob and in the richlist. Isn't that amazing?
That shows, where there is a will, there is a way. He was consistent, engaged well and found his way.
The real key to get a good to work in your content is creativity.
Do you have some people that are more consistent and more engaging than @insight.pob but still no they did not get a good curation reward. The secret of @insight.pob is his creativity
Creativity in what way?
What is creative for someone does not mean it is creative for orders.
Yes, very true. Its take time to build better things. Most important is how well one lives the journey from being a minion to becoming a Whale one day. It's not necessary to get same level of rewards on each post, don't have high expectations in the very beginning. It's not a Quick rich or Ponzi Scheme. One has to really work hard and dedicate honestly to earn rewards. 😊👍. !PIZZA
$PIZZA@sugandhaseth! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.
Did you know you can trade $PIZZA on Hive-Engine, Tribaldex, or LeoDex? (3/10)
I agree with you. Content is king, but visibility and engagement are the kingdoms. You can write a perfect article, but if you don't engage with the community and make yourself known, then people won't seek you out.
I really love the illustration of yours.
That's a perfect illustration to give
I missed on one thing I guess, it's the power of community. So whatever you post must be done in the right community so that it gets visibility to the relevant audience.
This is the best comment of I have seen today.
Creativity and quality is the best way of receiving an upvote.
assuming I'm in the rich list I will upvote this comment 100%.
The quality of this comment is superb
You see creativity is innermost of whom is created with quality of thinking,the more you think the more your creativity give a higher more of reasoning, so i believe that should be one of the point that give upvote.
1 richness of mind
2 richness of the pocket
So which of the category fall in to?? @iyiade you can still upvote it richness is not written on any forehead beside you know riches have two connotation
I already upvoted it
But I don't have enough power to reward it
My 100% voting power is 0.07pob
Follow the same friend and I assure you will definitely join POB rich list one day. I Always say this, Invest Yourself into POB and POB will invest into You. Keep it up. 😊👍
$PIZZA@iyiade! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.
Did you know you can earn $PIZZA through Hive-Engine Diesel Pools? (4/10)
Thanks @vikbuddy
Yes it should be base on creativity and quality that is ready to add value to knowledge one is having but the truth is how many of such post are being rewarded.
Even if you don't have enough money or power to a vote since your heart give it a hundred percent then you are good to go
There are 3 (THREE) simple, yet very important things to do, if you are new on POB/LEO, your name (ID) is not easy recognizable, and you still want to get my attention:
I just can not (physically) open and read every post. This is simply impossible.
What I do though (and probably many curators do)- first I browse the list of new posts (last 4-5 hours, sometimes longer) and open those posts which catches my attention - in a separate tabs of my browser. Then I read them, and upvote them.
Or not.
If it appears as a junk not worth even 1% of my upvote, I just skip.
On LEO I sometimes upvote with 0.01% of my power, which I can set as default level (on LEO).
On POB - I could not find a way to upvote with <1% of vote power.
Yet many times I found that 1% , or 8 POB would be way too inadequate reward. So I SKIP.
Congratulations @insight.pob! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :
Your next payout target is 100 HP.
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Congratulations man, this what i luv see people like you to be achieving when it come to POB.once again congratulations.
Hello house,is good to be here💃.
Someone said the secret to life is stop being disobedient to Almighty..
What's the secret to life?
Yes ooh ,the person is totally on point,been disobedience to your creator is like you are death living.we human self find it difficult to copy with the person if someone disobey us,more of if anybody found him or her self doing such please the person should desist from it because it ruin a future.thanks
Fantastic question from @insight.pob in pob street today. I dont really have much to say because @vikbuddy has mention everything and these are the point i got from her write up.
I think this your high light has best answer the question of the day.
I strongly believe that, the only ways to get a lots of upvotes on a post is based on the quality and how relevance is the post is to the community.
Nice, That's quick highlights. 😊👍 !PIZZA
$PIZZA@nikkybabe! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.
Did you know Pizzabot speaks Spanish if you use the command ESPIZZA? (5/10)
Good morning to you all,is great day today and the weather is friendly and calm, the blessing of today see us all through and grant us the most powerful wisdom of been alive .
Good evening everyone,and how is our weekend so far I see everyone is happy and engaging nicely.there is something am feeling in my mind which I luv to ask the great community to give some idea base on this pls, CAN SOMEONE COLOUR MATCH HIS OR HER PERSONALITY?
That's good.It will attract new member to the community.Let put our hands on desk to tell people about our community.
That's a good idea.
Good morning to all the house it good to see you here this morning,,
Wow this is wonderful, the requirement for content are to create a good post, good interaction and engage.
Let's build a better community together.
We are the future of proof of brain community and we are the future of this token pob.
Let's work together by staking pob to hold its value and by inviting more people and by engaging in this community
Can the value of pob still equals to one give?I would like to suggest a #topic which is