I disagree because you lost your mind. Actually, these are 2 separate points. I learn so much from Alex. Even if Alex Jones was or is Bill Hicks, he helped me, period. On top of that, he has helped millions of people, period. Even if the globalists tried using him for bad, it backfired. Globalists were using TV, radio, Internet, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, some websites, some technology, etc, for bad, but patriots have been able to turn all of those things and more into good things. It does not matter if something was bad if it can be turned into something that can help people.
Fraid so, yes
Why would globalists want to tell their puppet to help people destroy the globalists?
Because it's another flavour of division and fudporn
I disagree.
Make up your mind...
I disagree because you lost your mind. Actually, these are 2 separate points. I learn so much from Alex. Even if Alex Jones was or is Bill Hicks, he helped me, period. On top of that, he has helped millions of people, period. Even if the globalists tried using him for bad, it backfired. Globalists were using TV, radio, Internet, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, some websites, some technology, etc, for bad, but patriots have been able to turn all of those things and more into good things. It does not matter if something was bad if it can be turned into something that can help people.
believe it or not i have an open mind on all of the above
alex jones really was bill hicks and on that point alone i am very certain
You are a lost soul.