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RE: Paradise Concludes - POB WOTW

in #proofofbrain4 years ago

If you need help with something specific to operate the contest, why not post your needs here. I mean, if it is something that is in my wheelhouse to do, I'd assist to keep this project going. And I'm sure others would step up too.

Grandpa always said: "if you don't ask, the answer is always no!"

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And I'm sure others would step up too.

Yes, @scholaris, we will all step up to support

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Thanks for that. I guess I’m a little burned out with finals and learning new programs for a new job at work. I’ll talk to non about it, but I think I know what we need. Probably a new curator. But again I’m new to this.

Rewards aren’t much of an issue. I just need to plan for it. Plus I naturally give more rewards to contestants because of the high level of scrutiny we give. So people participating are rewarded higher than normal.

I guess I’m a little burned out with finals and learning new programs for a new job at work.

I completely understand

I’ll talk to non about it, but I think I know what we need. Probably a new curator. But again I’m new to this.

Hehehehe........ A curator, I would have signed up for this, but, I must confess, my curation is likely to conflict with yours... Lol

so I'll pass up this role.

Rewards aren’t much of an issue. I just need to plan for it.

If this is the case, there is no problem

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I think I'm good for now. I responded to @samsmith1971 in this post about a new plan for a more focused season and challenge round.

As far as curation, don't count yourself out. I DO NOT want curators identical to me. The WOTW merit system is meant to be an objective approach to a subjective process. We don't need to agree. We just need to align. That's what the merit system attempts to achieve:


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I think I'm good for now. I responded to @samsmith1971 in this post about a new plan for a more focused season and challenge round.

I'll have to scroll down the comments to find it .. .I am on it 🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏽‍♀️

As far as curation, don't count yourself out. I DO NOT want curators identical to me. The WOTW merit system is meant to be an objective approach to a subjective process. We don't need to agree. We just need to align.

I understand what you mean but I'll still let it pass for now. Maybe, I'll sign up for it in a few months from now. ☺️

I wish luck and the grace to handle everything, sir

Always remember that you have all our support

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You have a great point as usual. I’ll look into things further. Maybe I don’t have to pause the contest after all. Perhaps I could even pause for a week to set up a shorter season.

When things are going well, there is a rhythm that develops. A short rest can throw off the rhythm and no rest can burn out the whole engine. So the dilemma is to rest or not to rest. Hopefully others can help you carry the burden. I think it might help if you you make an offer for delegations or POB donations.

A few years ago there was a contest similar to this on Stee**t called Comedy Open Mic. In the announcement post there was always room to announce donations and delegations. I think some of our POB members would like something like that:

The contest went well until Stee*t got F%ked up.

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