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RE: Made Perfect in Weakness

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Yes @samsmith1971,

He is a teenager now and I did talk to him about those glasses about a year ago. He said he didn't want them because he didn't think it was a big deal. He had been living with the condition and got used to it. Now that I think of it maybe that's just a cop out answer because he is a nice kid.

He can see bright colors well but out of direct light he can't tell brown, red, green or grey. He thinks he knows but a simple test and they are all mixed up. If he wore the glasses once he may get a picture of the world he couldn't even dream of. I will do some more research and see if those glasses would met his specific condition. When we looked the glasses seemed too expensive for him but I looked again and they are only around 400 USD so it is definitely worth looking into.

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