This might mainly be due to the way I actually use Facebook and other stuff - to inform myself about different opinions and to keep connected with important people I rarely see
YES! I couldn't agree more with you Ego :) I find rather frustrating to hear people just bad mouthing social media. It is down to us to know how to better use it and use it as a toll for personal growth!
As long as you don't suffer from your habits and even benefit from them - keep them :)
Good line! You have been extra inspired lately Ego 😊
Much love to you always.
There might be a reason for why I'm extra inspired lately...
Good morning Ego :)
Oh! Please tell me 😃 but not before I take a few guesses. I was tempted to say that it is because you're in love. However, by knowing you a little I feel that this should not go on the list; which, now has been reduced to only tree options:
1 - Because you know how much I ❤ you.
2 - Because you got promoted.
3 - Because you're in your
branchbrunch years, and you don't even have to tell people what you want anymore :PMaybe sometimes it's not such a bad idea to stick to your female intuition Abi ;)
Hi smartangel 😊
in love? 😃 Oww... Do I know the person? I think I might know who it is 😏 Oh! I am so proud of Ego :) I ❤ even more now!!Wait a minute! Is @egotheist
I guess, this old dog in his brunch age can indeed learn some new tricks.
If one day you would like to let me know who it is - if I know the person, of course - don't tell me without giving me a chance to guess who it is before! This is beautiful, exciting news Ego ❤
ok, work is calling. bye, bye for now :*
I will. Have fun at work :)
😃 Ego!! Oww 😍 ! That is the best age Ego :)