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RE: Is it Facts vs. Feeling; the Tree vs. the Forest; or Both Together?

in #psychology7 years ago

Brilliant cogitative fodder. Been pondering such ideas, wondering where the line between logic and emotion resides in one's world view, ranging from hardcore skeptics to fundamentalists, as both sides seem incapable, perhaps for differing apparent reasons, of non-emotively assessing data outside their core beliefs.

Neurologist Robert Burton's "certainty epidemic" idea holds much merit here's a popular article:

You sum it up nicely with this statement:

"Without logic/reason we wouldn't know one thing from another, and without emotion/feeling we wouldn't be able to chose one thing from another."


Thanks for the feedback, that's an interesting alternate model to use, certainty that blinds us because we're too emotionally invested. I'll check out that link, thanks.