Is it Facts vs. Feeling; the Tree vs. the Forest; or Both Together?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

Do you think facts are the only thing that matter? Do you think you only use facts to make a decision?

Do you think feelings are what matter more than facts? Do you think feelings alone are how you make decisions?

Do you only focus on the trees and details, or the forest and larger picture?

What if these are all false dichotomies?

The way we operate uses both of the components in those dualities. There are different capacities and different aspects to our consciousness and to learning about the world. Rather than try to falsely separate things as opposites, we should recognize that they are merely two components within one larger whole that work together by providing different functionality.

Sometimes the details of the trees can have us miss the bigger picture of the forest, and likewise the opposite can happen where we are looking at the general larger view and miss the details. Seeing both shows us how the either can be inaccurate or false. Ive' done posts on cognitive biases that relate to this, like the cheerleader effect, availability heuristic, attentional bias, anchoring or focusing effect , and ambiguity effect.

We are complex beings in consciousness, on top of the biological aspect. Facts alone don't always get people to re-evaluate and re-assess the validity of information. I've covered the backfire effect cognitive bias as well, where simply providing facts about something can even have the reverse effect of getting people to "dig in their heels" and defend the position more.

Facts are often not enough to have many people reconsider something. We all use emotional salience to value, weigh and give importance to one thing over another. In taking in information about a subject, some thing will be evaluated as more important and carry more weight for us to think about, talk about or remember. Not everything is weighed the same.

We can give more weight to false information simply because of how it makes us feel. We value it more because of how salient it is to us personally. This means false information can be held onto where we remain attached to it and reject contrary information without even honestly evaluating it. We bought into a "feel-good" idea or belief, and it has emotionally sucked us into a higher salience to give more value, weight and importance to it. Whatever tries to take that away -- to destroy a possible illusion -- is opposing the salient thing we feel attached to.

Instead of being led by our salience to things that we don't want to let go of (which can be false), we can reformulate what is most salient that has the most value, weight and importance to us. If we put truth as the most important, then we can direct our actions to learn more truth about human consciousness and the human being's capacities, like issues of emotional salience misdirecting us at times.

Emotions and salience are part of being a human, just like logic and reason is. If we had no emotional salience, we wouldn't be able to make decisions. Think about it. You would know the facts: this is here, that is there; this is round, that is square; this is soft, that is hard; this is red, that is blue. But could you really choose one over the other as a preference for a decision? Something being hard or soft is just that, but your motivation or desire to choose one will come from a salient evaluation of what you care or value to give more weight and importance to.

Without logic/reason we wouldn't know one thing from another, and without emotion/feeling we wouldn't be able to chose one thing from another. Whether the dualities within us unite together or oppose each other is our own choice. Some people choose to polarize and divide themselves from within, attempting to deny their full functionality that would allow them to function more correctly. I recently posted about aspects of "left"- and "right"-brain imbalance.

Antonio Damasio showed how this works in his studies on people with brain damage to areas where emotions are generated:

He found that they seemed normal, except that they were not able to feel emotions. But they all had something peculiar in common: they couldn’t make decisions. They could describe what they should be doing in logical terms, yet they found it very difficult to make even simple decisions, such as what to eat. Many decisions have pros and cons on both sides—shall I have the chicken or the turkey? With no rational way to decide, these test subjects were unable to arrive at a decision.

To be clear, it's not that feelings matter more in order to change people's minds, to convince them, or get them to reevaluate. It's how people feel about things that are directing their ability to look at things more honestly, and directing them as drives and motivations in life. We can manipulate people into accepting something true or false by trying to get them to "feel-good" about the information. But that doesn't seem like a good way to go about things. That's how sophistry and false rhetoric work, which is the domain of politicians and orators of various kinds like priest-controllers. Word magic is powerful.

Decisions are made using our minds with logic to gather facts along with emotions to feel what we want to do more than something else. It all depends on what is most important to us. If we put our worldview and selfview as most important, they can have falsity in them that we are attached to. Then new information or a reality that contrasts the former will be viewed as unfavorable and less honestly looked at. This is when we care and desire to uphold our false constructs more than allowing them to change in the face of truth. We value, weigh and place too much importance on a static or absolute image of ourselves or the world. We don't want our rosy-colored "perfection" and positivity mask illusion to come undone.

However, if we put the desire and care for truth first as what is most salient and important, as what we value and weigh the most, then we want the truth no matter how much it destroys our illusions and falsity we are attached to. When caring for truth, we want to know if your wrong so that we can let go of being more wrong and be more right. Learning to let go of the falsity we are attached to helps us grow the most.

apophatic, lose illusion.jpg

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.


Brilliant cogitative fodder. Been pondering such ideas, wondering where the line between logic and emotion resides in one's world view, ranging from hardcore skeptics to fundamentalists, as both sides seem incapable, perhaps for differing apparent reasons, of non-emotively assessing data outside their core beliefs.

Neurologist Robert Burton's "certainty epidemic" idea holds much merit here's a popular article:

You sum it up nicely with this statement:

"Without logic/reason we wouldn't know one thing from another, and without emotion/feeling we wouldn't be able to chose one thing from another."

Thanks for the feedback, that's an interesting alternate model to use, certainty that blinds us because we're too emotionally invested. I'll check out that link, thanks.

Truth! What an amazing concept. Like the part about false rhetoric and sophistry- these, unfortunately, are all too common in our society these days.

Yeah. We so much need to learn more about our consciousness, how to think better, fallacies, biases, and that helps us learn better. Yes, this isn't desired by 99% of people. Self-knowledge and quest for truth? Psssh... let me enjoy my life... LOL.

Yep. Most would shrug if given the opportunity.

Lot's of people live in their own illusion world. Worst yet, even when someone proves them it's only an illusion, they still choose to live in their illusion world. That will never allow them to grow...

Exactly. The negative is more powerful in our lives, and that's why it's more important to understand the negative, to really know the difference between right and wrong. Morality is the key to true freedom and unity.

There's no messaging application here, so I have no other way to tell you about this than commenting here, but here is a post @alexbeyman wrote highlighting the GEET issue.

I'm not asking you for an upvote or anything; I just want this issue to be highlighted, because although talking about truth and morality is nice, I'd much rather use a peaceful form of inquiry, such as scientific experimentation.

Thanks, yeah alternate-free energy so far is a bust :P

Yeah, it's worse than that at this point. Someone is downvoting @alexbeyman's articles, because of this whole fiasco. @alexbeyman seems really motivated to stopping pyramid schemes and scams, very likely for personal reasons. He has a strong ethical code, perhaps too strong sometimes.

He's an excellent author, and the sort who's been writing his whole life, even before Steemit.
If you could help reverse those whale votes, I think he'd be really happy to have his rightful earnings, and I'd appreciate it too, just because the world needs a tiny bit more justice.

I dunno if it's good or right to ask such a thing of you, but still, it's your call.

Would be interesting to read more about this topic and its relation to law.

The law we make up, like how smoking pot is against the law? Hehe...

You got a point.

100% agree with you

Thanks for highlighting this most significant topic regarding sentience. The heart is the primary balancing centre in the human energy system and is where thought and feeling can be bonded lovingly. Emotions are much more than just a compass, they connect in to the magnetic essence in creation which literally causes attraction and repulsion of events and phenomena from us. Our universe is far from a dead/dumb 'space' it is actually life itself and quite capable of intelligently meeting our desires when we align in that way. <3

I think the true key to truth is the scientific method, at least when dealing with chemical-physical reality.

To see if a thing in the real world is true, it must first be observed.
Then analyzed, so that a hypothesis on how it works can be formed.

Then we must test it. We must test the thing we wish to know about, and see if it works just how we think it does.

And even if it does work, that is still not enough. We must ask others to test it, to confirm the hypothesis, so that we can fully understand the mechanism behind it, and see the truth of an idea.

There is a thing to be tested, a thing right now, at this moment.

I've volunteered myself, and I'd love to volunteer you as well, @krnel.

Your ethical code is sublime, and one that has me enchanted.

I want you to help me. @geetinstitute seems to be making unrealistic claims about a device, and I would like to have it tested, and if they are interested in allowing a skeptical outsider to test it without interference or chance of deception, then I think you would be a good candidate.

My comment is in there somewhere, and if you're interested in testing this device, make a post, and let's get some attention.

Fraud is despicable, but a new form of energy is marvelous, so let's see if these guys can take the heat of burning hot Steem.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

Do you take that to mean the heart is more important? What if your intestines sent more information to your brain than your brain send to your intestines? Hehe. I've heard this from people in the past who are infatuate with symbolism of the "heart" over the "mind". People can live without their original heart with blood being pumped with a machine, or with an artificial heart implanted. But no one can live or exist without a brain, which is where the "mind" and "heart" are, two aspects that produce different functionality but are to be used together for proper navigation of life. Thanks for the feedback.