everything you create you find someone already did
I think our creative has no limits. We can always create something new. The fact we have now documentation of our history should not affect our creativity. That's what I think.
everything you create you find someone already did
I think our creative has no limits. We can always create something new. The fact we have now documentation of our history should not affect our creativity. That's what I think.
Well, I've personally composed songs I thought came entirely from my creativity and after a couple of years I found part of the melody was very much a like a song I already liked. So what we perceive and see does affect our creative life. And we see and hear so much today thanks to the internet that it's hard to create something new! Well, this is entirely my experience as a musician and artist myself.
Oh I see.
In the case with musicians what you say might be common because you could end up storing in your subconscious a melody you like, and then doing something similar believing it was not influenced by something that already existed.
I can imagine that happening a lot.