

Avocados are wonderful

They help! Serotonin foods.

I'm not saying its a cure, but it does help. I used to suffer from depression. It is a side effect of diabetes. Not just depressed moments actual depression.

There are many things that need to be done in combination. What is daunting for you is that change that is too big can be frightening and upsetting. Think "small adjustments."

The psychological fact is small changes are much better. When you take very small changes those can be long lasting and easy to apply. Most human beings are just trying to make it in the world.

These are small micro habits. Small changes. Some people claim about how good their lives with their "internet facade life", but most of us are just working on being happy. It takes more work to be happy than it does to be sad. It is easy to be sad. It is not about just being "happy" or "staying positive" it is about balance of the positive and negative.

The pursuing, or chase of material things only make matters worse. We should be pursuing happiness, and working on surviving, and most struggle with just that idea alone.

Getting out of bed is a struggle for them. Life is a struggle for some. Pursue "happy" and nothing else. Most are chasing the "house" the "car" the "material item." We forget the most important thing of just basic happiness. Good luck and remember small adjustments are easier.

Here are some videos and articles that may help.

Dtube video =

Forget about the upvotes on these just gain the knowledge!

In remission period yes, I can go and buy avocado. I even will do it today:) But in the highest point of disorder, where you sometimes cant eat at all it's no chance to be fixed by diet.
And thank you for the link, bu the way. I must say I have this all in my ratio except chia.

Diet does not fix. It helps and improves. Healthy fats are good for you. No one diet fits all, but there are different body types and diet per body type. Enjoy. Take it one day at a time, and be patient with yourself.

There is no cure, just processes and outlooks.

I'm still seeking for the correct diet. By the way, bought some avocado today:) But it's so damn immature that I'll have to wait a week before eating it

Coconut oil is good too. Healthy dietary fat that is good for the brain. You will find it, don't stop looking. It took me a while.