Dreams // Thoughts on Symbolism and Interpretation

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

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Dreams // Thoughts on Symbolism and Interpretation

One of my favorite things to do in life is Dream.
I had another powerful Dream the other night and I’ve been trying to interpret some of the symbolism.

The scientific community has several theories on why we Dream, but I like the fact that Dreams are still one of life’s greatest mysteries.

A Few Theories On Why We Dream

  • Fight or flight responses to potential threatening situations due to the firing of the Amygdala during R.E.M

  • Wisdom - Defragmentation of our mental hard drive to save the memories which are most important

  • Therapy - A way to sort through difficult emotions and issues

  • No meaning whatsoever (how boring!)

Carl Jung’s Perspective Regarding Dreams

Jung studied esoteric and hermetic concepts and their relationship to psychology.
He understood the importance and connection of psychology and hermeticism, stating:
"Hermeticism is not something you choose, it is a destiny."

He believed in the collective unconscious, which is the part of the unconscious that consists of memories of our ancestors and others in the world.
The idea is that we are all connected through symbols and archetypes shared throughout human existence and retained in our unconscious.

He had 2 approaches to Dream interpretation

Objective - No symbolism. Every person in the dream is exactly who they are.

Subjective - Each person in the dream symbolizes some aspect of the dreamer.

I Tend To View My Dreams Using These 5 Theories

  • Mental residue from daily events

  • Feelings, desires, thoughts, that are either known or repressed

  • Messages from the subconscious - our subconscious speaks to us through symbolism

  • Messages from the higher self or universal collective unconscious

  • Everything or everyone in my dream may just be a certain aspect of myself

Interpretation Of My Dream

The Dream I had the other night is one of those Dreams that has stuck with me for days.
This tells me that there is a message in there that I'm supposed to receive, but unfortunately I'm having a difficult time figuring out what it is.
I'll just give 2 examples from the Dream as they relate to my above discussion.

Sophie the cat
I have a fluff ball kitty named Sophie. Throughout the Dream I would find myself outside looking for her. She had escaped and I felt fear, anxiety, and sadness. She was always just out of reach. I would see her little fluffy body run around a corner, then she would disappear.
My interpretation of this is a combination of mental residue from daily events and that Sophie symbolizes some aspect of myself.

  • The mental residue aspect is due to me watching @vachemorte's JUJU Gum Conspiracy for the last 2 weeks. In the move, "Sofie" is the evil corporation.
  • Dream Sophie also symbolizes my regularly scheduled existential crisis of feeling lost and not being able to "find" myself. She may also symbolize a negative aspect of myself that I'm trying to escape.

Angels and Demons
In the dream, I realized that everyone in my life was not who I thought they were. It was a frightening moment that turned into confusion as I was told that each person in my life was either an Angel or a God-form.
I was standing with these people in a circular vestibule surrounded by trees and I asked the woman with the short red hair who she was.
She responded to me as if I should have already known and told me she was a Demon.
I asked her who I was.
She told me that I was wholesome and innocent, but she was working hard to change that and had almost succeeded.
The obvious interpretation to this is the Tree of Life.
The Pillar of Mercy, the Pillar of Severity, and the Middle Pillar.
Light, dark, and balance.
But there is a section of this dream that is missing. My intuition tells me it has an important message, but my subconscious is hiding it from me.


If only I could remember them more than 1% of the time =/

I know right? I go through waves where I'll remember them every night then I won't remember anything for weeks.

Yeah me too. I think it's attached to 'when' I wake up more than anything.

If you don't know: there's actually technique to it. You can train yourself to develop the skill of remembering your dreams. Lucid dreamers make use of several ways of doing this to develop their skill.

Hmmmm... interesting...

If you don't know what lucid dreaming is you HAVE to look it up. It's an amazing practice.
It's pretty easy too, just takes a little bit of discipline.

I forgot to mention that learning how to 'lucid dream' is basically just learning to remember your dreams, so that your brain can recognise when you're dreaming.

So there's 100% overlap.

It has happened to me many times. I just can't control it and usually wake up shortly after recognizing it

I also have reoccurring "lost something I love" dreams. I never thought of it meaning I was searching for my true self - I always took it literal like I was afraid of losing whatever I was searching for in real life. I like your version better :)
Dreams are so cool. Have you tried lucid dreaming? I'm attempting to learn but having little progress..

I have had a few lucid dreams before, but I wasn't trying to. We actually did a show about Lucid dreaming on the Darkside. I can't remember the process of how to do it. It's on my list of a million things to try lol

lol mine too I've had a few unintentional ones but would love to learn to do it on call haha the show sounds right up my alley :)

Deep thoughts, @isaria. I tend to have quite similar beliefs with dreams. Dreams can teach us so much about ourselves - As above, so below...

I wonder, though, what do you think about prophetic dreams?

Oh yeah I forgot about prophetic dreams!
Probably because I never have any lol
I think they are totally possible....and I wish I would have some!

I have had a couple, they are very interesting. It is as though time collapses and the subconscious glimpses a possible future if things continue in the same manner.

I personally think that dreams are the result of the subconscious mind trying to express something. Freud was a true beliver of this and I think he has a point. (=subjective dreaming that you mentioned).
Fun post to read x

I wish I had good dreams lol. I only have the super weird kind of dreams where I wake up and go 'What the f**k is wrong with me?' 😆

Me too!
Those are the best dreams!!! lol

Learning to interpret your dreams is like discovering a key that unlocks a whole new world of possibility and understanding of yourself and the world around you… it’s pure magic. I have always seen dream of never ending thirst of water which is quite true in my case. I have always been a seeker of knowledge which is easily available but the one that I am looking for is still unknown to me.

They say that in your dreams water represents emotions. So If the water is clear, sparkling and beautiful then you are in a good emotional state. Alternatively, if the water is deep, murky and frightening then there are likely unresolved emotional issues which are difficult to come to terms with. Dreams are fascinating!

Very true. I often have dreams of tsunamis. I don't even want to know what that means regarding my emotional state. lol

You are not alone, I've experienced tsunami dreams (and other natural disasters). I guess you could interpret it by how you felt at the time of the dream. For me, there was a fear of being swept away - of drowning - so I guess that would mean I was afraid of being overwhelmed by the emotions. That they were so out of control - or outwith my control ;) - that I would actually cease to exist if I let myself experience them.

If that is the case with you as well, I think there is a lesson there, that perhaps we need to learn to face the emotions that we fear because in reality we aren't going to be swept away. In fact, by facing things we can free ourselves a little. Also, knowing that we can choose our emotional state can be very liberating - although easier said than done lol.

That's just my subjective opinion though :) In any event, I find deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga are my lifeline. Good to talk to you!

Excellent and wise words! Thanks for sharing!

It is magical.

I don't often for whatever reason remember good dreams, bad dreams on the other hand stir me awake, some stirring me so badly I will totally get out of bed and do something to wipe it away, sort of a reassurance that when I do go back to bed it is gone.

Oh yeah I've done that before.

Nice post dear thanks for sharing I like it hope you will share more soon thanks i always wait for your post

Bunga tidur

Amazing post, just followed and resteemed, Follow me back and upvote my posts as well. Hope we can be good friends.

i enjoy your post! thanks

OMG I'm so happy to have found another person who's as interested in dreaming as myself. Have you ever tried lucid dreaming? I think you would love the experience.

Dreams are powerful. I hope you can find the wisdom you most need from thoughtfully and truthfully evaluating them. Cool idea for a post, friend.

Thanks for dropping by my last video. Your support really encourages me! xx, Kay

I lvoe dreams in fiction... but in real life the overwhelming amount of my dreams I remember seem to be nightmares...

beautiful posting exactly what DocSmiley and livingthedream is about life is truly but a dream we only live once so we gotta live our dreams.smiley pic.jpg

Dreams always appear to me as a puzzled visual representation of things that are emotionally/mentally bothering me, it's obvious to me that they are not some random defragmentation at all!

Hello there. I too pay especial attention to my dreaming. If the two dreams you had were my own, I would consider how I might be changing and what parts of me are battling to lose or change other parts? I'd also be excited that I am growing psychologically. Perhaps, try and re-enter the dream in an imaginal meeting and interview the kitten, the demon, the corporation--you might be surprised the answers you get.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment