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RE: Are Humans Good By Nature? Or is This Something That Has to be Taught?

Interesting question you are throwing to the table here. I would first say that the concepts of bad or good are very relativ, they change a lot from person to person.

Personally I prefer to think like you

I WANT to believe in the inherent good nature of humans

Obviously young children are not aware of what is good or bad. That helps to support the thought of Jean-Jacques Rousseau in some way. The child will learn this concepts over time according to the ideas of the society he live, family he was born from, friends he have, etc and apply it according to his/her taste (what like or dislike).

Very sad my English is not so good, I would love to write more about it but in Spanish ;) It is a very complicated theme for me English.

Thanks for sharing your ideas. Cheers! :)


Oh no worries. Thx for chiming in. I can see how it would be extremely tough to have to translate on a topic like this.

I'll agree that the good/bad nature is relative and sometimes mutually exclusive. While it's not perfect in anyway, I personally find a persons intention on a matter to be important. This also is very relative, since what they view as good, I could view as bad. But if they can provide me with some sort of framing/logic as to why they are performing a certain act, I could at least understand better how it did make sense to them...even if I don't agree.

I don't want this to sound like I'm trying to excuse 'horrible acts' like some have just let's me better define the points where I can see we differ.

Agree with you that...

if they can provide me with some sort of framing/logic as to why they are performing a certain act, I could at least understand better how it did make sense to them...even if I don't agree.

And for sure you are not excusing anything, but understanding that we are all different and have also different points of views about life and its concepts.

Exactly :) That little understanding goes a long way for me...gets beyond the pure good/ bad to human being human.