Very good post, and you are absolutely to the point on many aspects. And thanks for sharing your story.
I've been through the same phases earlier in life, and the interesting thing is that I found out that I've always looked for "contidional happiness" like, "This have to be like that before I can be happy", or "If I'd look like that I'll be more happy" and at the same time "doint the things I love" to become happy in the conditional aspect. That's a discovery that has totally changed around my perspective of happiness, and closing the void between how things really are to what I thought it should have been. It should be just as it is, and from there I can find the happiness throuth the interaction of the two. Hence, I accept what it is right now and will move forward towards whatever it is leading me to. At least that's how I've wiped out most of my unhappy days, and looking into my days just as they are and looking for the good in everything. You'll find what you search for, make sure it's searching for the right thing. :-)
Thanks for sharing your post, I really enjoyed it.
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Perhaps what happens when we put out something specific as the "thing" we need in order to become happy, we blind ourselves to everything around us already that has the potential to make us happy.
One of the things I learned about myself is that doing creative things (writing, art, building things) makes me happy, and that "problem solving" makes me happy... and so I try to guide myself in the direction of activities along those lines. And so far, that has worked pretty well.
A think a practice of gratitude is also important... when we feel thankful for the good things, we focus less on the unfortunate things that come along.