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RE: Russian Election Interference Responses

in #psychology7 years ago

I couldn't agree with you more. Politics was not intended to be a full time job originally and we should go back to that. Even during the presidential primaries the childishness was coming out. Trump wasn't my first choice for the nomination but by the end of the primaries I really didn't have a good choice, they all acted like children.

Then came the presidential election and the choice was between a candidate I thought was too brash and arrogant, but that I thought might do a decent job, and a second candidate that I thought should already be behind bars.

Now after watching President Trump, I like his tough style of doing business but do wish he would back off twitter a bit.


Didn't mean to ramble on in my previous comment.. but yeah... I just get so tired of the run-about way these politicians rule.

In a few weeks we are voting in our primary in my state (a blue state that Trump won) and I'll tell you this... the Democratic senator running here in this state probably wouldn't even get past the primary; except she is the only democrat running for senator.

She didn't attend the inauguration, she has voted against EVERY single Trump nomination.. she has basically taken her shovel and started digging her own grave on January 20, 2017.

I hope you live in Missouri, I would love to see Claire McCaskill sent home. These democratic senators following Schumer are making a huge mistake. Not to mention the Democrat voters that are continuing to nominate more and more liberal candidates to run when the country is swinging back toward values that are more right of center.

Nope.. the other Blue State turned Red... Michigan

I've traveled a lot of Michigan and spent way too much time in Detroit. I prefer the west side over by Lake Michigan. I've met a lot of great people from there.