Great post @abigail-dantes, and thanks for the Reflection portion.
CBT is really a great technique. It's helped me pull myself out of several vortices I've found myself spinning into.
Do you agree with the behaviourist notion that proposes that it is not the situation per se that causes emotional responses; but rather the meaning attached to it?
100% Yes. We're all a web of algorithms. Free will is...well, we'll save that for further discussion. ;)
Whenever you feel sad or anxious do you also resort to strategies that alleviate the symptoms of your difficult feelings?
Yes, eventually. Sometimes, I'll write out my feelings which helps me later to think about the root of the symptoms
Thank you for taking the time to participate in the reflection. I am now curious to see what you have to talk to us about free will! Yes, writing down our our difficult feelings and frustrations can indeed be a good form self-evaluation :) Well, Freud himself did that!Hey @natashamott :)
Welcome to Steemit Natasha and all the best to you :)