What a beautiful picture you have embedded here! Anxiety sucks - it's never as easy to fix as it might appear, and sometimes it's crippling for no reason you can put a finger on. It's both a teacher, a friend, and a goddamn enemy.
What a beautiful picture you have embedded here! Anxiety sucks - it's never as easy to fix as it might appear, and sometimes it's crippling for no reason you can put a finger on. It's both a teacher, a friend, and a goddamn enemy.
Thanks @riverflows for your comment. Sometimes the resons of anxiety are obvious, and directly before one’s eyes, but we overlook them because they don’t look logical reasons or even qualified to make us anxious. Through mindfulness and bypassing what is percieved as reasonable thinking, the reasons become more obvious.
Ah yes mindfulness helps us be curious. I found a similiar ting happened with EFT.. it helped me get to the root cause!!!