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RE: Donald Trump, Ignorance, Magical Thinking, the Facebook Effect and other Human Quirks

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I could only imagine a World where everyone thought they didn't have to have any Filters like Trump. But the biggest thing for me is the fact that the Right Wingers and Trump have manipulated the views of the Wotld on Freedom of Press.

To label everything as #fakenews just because it is negative news about "your guy" is really kind of scary if you think about it. KInd of like people in N. Korea defending "our dear leader".

Now if these Right Wingers would say that they wish Trump could get a fair , more balanced" reporting of the News....well I think that would be accurate.

But there accusations of #fakenews ( when it's just negative news) is more or less an attack on Democracy and more specifically trying to 'silence' Freedom pf Press. This is a very dangerous slope, imho :(