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RE: Psychology Addict # 38 | Social Media – What is Your Cue to Stop?

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

I'm late to the party, but regarding the paragraph about Bottomless Bowls:

Wansink has recently been taken under the magnifying glass and many of his articles are under question with several of them being retracted from journals altogether.
He is charged with questionable research practices, i.e. P-hacking (on steroids)... He basically took the results he obtained and kept spinning them round nd around for long enough (omitting some information along the way, of course) until he obtained a seemingly significant result.

Wansink's reserach, hence, is highly questionable.

Great article as always nevertheless, @abigail-dantes! :D

Food and our relationship with it is just something I've recently been very interested about and have read a lot of Wansink's research on the topic, amongst others. Truth be told, I wrote an entire book on "our psychological relationship with food" because I see my family and friends suffering from several food disorders and it's so much easier to present them with something in written form, rather than spoken. It will be published in less than two months now - at the moment the text is being reviewed and will hence soon be ready for a final edit. If you're interested in my (likely first published) work, I'll let you know when it's out ^^
P.S.: I promised you a loooong time ago I'd write something psychology-based. This is what I have been up to. :P Though this work will highly likely not be freely available on Steemit, I have found I enjoy writing psychology related articles, and will therefore most certainly be writing more - some of which is bound to be freely available, should you not be interested in my book. ^^


Hey @svashta :)

It is nice to see you around! thank you for pointing this out.

I am looking forward to see the final product of your psychology based project :D

Not a problem at all!
It's good to know whether a source is questionable or not - not all research results are created interpreted equal.
As for the articles to be freely available on Steemit, I honestly even picked up writing right now, but will likely publish them only after the book itself gets published so I can have that linked to the bottom of the article. Or something? haha :D I'm only one man and can only do so much. I want to dive into these psychological waters, but also want to finish my collection of "horror stories" and publish those. Oh well, can't expect optimal from life, can you? :p