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RE: I'm leaving STEEM Blockchain in 21 days, if I don't see Minimum 2000 True STEEMians participating in STEEM Seven77 ($7.77) Challenge on Twitter. Thank you

in #pushbook6 years ago

you speak in riddles it seems, like sales copy, you just repeat the same mantra over and over.... are you even a real person or just a bot?

and your seven77 challenge, what has it gotten us? youve clogged the twitter #steemit with pointless videos of people doing pushups instead of useful statistics about steem like I told you to ask your followers to USE WITh the pushups...

. Now your threatening to leave steem, if 1000 peopel dont do what you tell them to do, OH WAIt you RAISED that number to 2000? You arent going anywhere nathan.... now get real and do what I told you to do, and change your silly pushup challenge to asking peopel to show off their STEEM BALANCES or show off BLOCKTIVITY or FCAS scores... so twitter users looking up #steemit can see ACTUAL USEFUL STAITSICS and FACTYS about steemit not just a bunch of mindless pushups , i even saw some guy in bed, moving his arm back and forth lifting NothinG! did HE get some free steem too? LOL come on nathan this makes us all look bad when you make posts like this.

When we need more twitter posrts like THESE ones