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RE: I'm leaving STEEM Blockchain in 21 days, if I don't see Minimum 2000 True STEEMians participating in STEEM Seven77 ($7.77) Challenge on Twitter. Thank you

in #pushbook6 years ago

STEEM Blockchain was my tool to empower people millions other people

The day I became full time STEEMian I took ownership of our Blockchain and I see fellow STEEMians keep asking where is Ned

I just want my fellow STEEMians to take ownership of our STEEM and participate in Seven77 Challenge to make $7.77 $STEEM a reality this year


You know Nathan just because people are not doing the Seven77 doesn’t mean they don’t take ownership or work to promote and build the platform.

You have over 600 taking part. Lots of folks would be cheering that accomplishment. Your challenge is not something I would take part in.

I rarely use Twitter. The only video I produce is the recordings of 4 or 5 radio shows a week. No, not doing other video and I sure am not doing any pushups of any description.

So for those taking part awesome. For those who do other things, also awesome we all build together in different ways.

Posted using Partiko iOS

AMEN, Shadowspub. I personally consider Tweets and posts about pushups to be shitposts and to have very little value, something I have no interest in reading or watching. I don't know how spamming Twitter with this would help the blockchain in any way.

But this is my opinion. It's only my opinion, and you know what they say about opinions. LOL I believe people like you and I contribute a great deal to the community, and it's a bit of an affront to be guilt-challenged in this way. The 777 challenge is NOT super-easy and it definitely takes more than "a minute." I spent the whole first half of summer with someone struggling every day to think of new ways to approach the challenge that weren't boring as hell and done to death, only to end up with a disk full of pushup videos that need editing and no idea what to say in a Tweet that hasn't already been said a thousand times already and sounds corny as hell. I know for a fact how time consuming it is, commiting to this challenge, and how frustrating it can be, and demoralizing when chastized for not "participating" like a faithful little follower.

I don't mean to infer that the challenge is a terrible idea. It's just not for everyone. And to emotionally blackmail people and beat them over the head with guilt because they didn't perfom like trained monkeys is a bit...extreme. A bit off-putting as well. I also find it telling that no further mention has been made of this, either in response to comments here or in a follow-up post. I'm interested to see if this post gets the desired results of more participation...or if people just throw their hands up and quit altogether after being made to feel like crap for doing what they could.

So for those taking part awesome. For those who do other things, also awesome we all build together in different ways.

This smart lady and Community Leader will never intentionally lead anyone astray. She said it all @nathanmars. We contribute as we can with what we can.

you speak in riddles it seems, like sales copy, you just repeat the same mantra over and over.... are you even a real person or just a bot?

and your seven77 challenge, what has it gotten us? youve clogged the twitter #steemit with pointless videos of people doing pushups instead of useful statistics about steem like I told you to ask your followers to USE WITh the pushups...

. Now your threatening to leave steem, if 1000 peopel dont do what you tell them to do, OH WAIt you RAISED that number to 2000? You arent going anywhere nathan.... now get real and do what I told you to do, and change your silly pushup challenge to asking peopel to show off their STEEM BALANCES or show off BLOCKTIVITY or FCAS scores... so twitter users looking up #steemit can see ACTUAL USEFUL STAITSICS and FACTYS about steemit not just a bunch of mindless pushups , i even saw some guy in bed, moving his arm back and forth lifting NothinG! did HE get some free steem too? LOL come on nathan this makes us all look bad when you make posts like this.

When we need more twitter posrts like THESE ones

I understand. Many of us have aborted Twitter however. I just joined back last week for the first time in 6 years. I know it is an important outlet to bring in new users & investors, it's just hard when I'm so addicted to Steem.