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RE: Thinking about a subscription service for PWR.

in #pwr5 months ago

@empo.voter upvotes (~750K controlled HP)**. Since the beginning @empo.voter acted like a proxy curator for other curation trails on Hive. But why not using it to slightly "emPWR" (project) holders? However, a few strict rules would be required. Like a manual and "ongoing" review in order to avoid abuse.

I feel like going fully this wouldn't be great. To put it in perspective, imagine if leo would only vote for people posting through their front-end or only those who pay the premium subscription it may alienate others while increasing their own earnings (beneficiaries/premium), it'd be a bit of a race to the bottom for users as we saw with some other shadier projects that would 99% of the time only vote authors who'd give them beneficiaries which isn't fair to the authors to take a lower cut than the default.

There needs to be some room to also use the vp to attract others who may get interested in the project I suppose, to use hive as a "marketing tool". Another example; we've started voting hivegaming community posts with @zingtoken lately as well as we're getting closer to the game being released to attract new players and that's something that could scale further eventually without becoming aggressive.

Anyway, curation and anti-abuse are important but I'd say some spare voting power put to use for other things would also be good and not focusing too much on how much they hold compared to the actual content/activity/effort of the authors as that wouldn't be in line with general curation. If it's votes with l2 mainly it'd be another thing and people could do as they want but when a majority of rewards come from hive I think it's best to proceed with caution so things don't get out of hand and paint the activity negatively.


100% agree with what you said in the first paragraph (and the second, and third btw).

In no case did I propose that this was a substitute. Maybe 10-20% of total VP would be enough. I'm very happy with the way empo.voter's VP is distributed (+400 posts/week) and that's not going to change. In fact, empo.voter proxies ocdb (along with other accounts).

In no case I would also like this to be a derivative of vote-selling. That's why I put emphasis on the manual part.

Have a good day acid, and yes. Saw the latest updates with Holo and I really like them. Do you believe you'll launch before end of Q4 or that's too optimistic?

Ah yeah sounds good then, on the other points I didn't see an issue!

it depends on a few things, funding probably being part of it and if we want to launch with only few parts of the game being 3D ready or use placeholders for them which wouldn't look great. Since we'd like to focus on quality and the artwork and style looking nice it might be that it might get delayed until we have more creatures 3d'd along with the environment and the healers (latter being the most expensive part)

the other thing would be how long balancing takes in the upcoming alpha, we want creatures to be different from one another but still not branch out too much to force people to always look for the same ones and use them in PvP while at the same time making sure no healer class is too overpowered or underpowered either for the same reasons. All while making the game fun to play in PvE for casual players but challenging and still fun for PvP'ers focusing on stat increases. :D It's a lot and I guess most games wouldn't consider themselves in alpha with all the additions we've put in place already but better good off the gates than sloppy and boring! Hopefully q1 for a beta release where everyone starts from scratch and progression along with playing & collecting rewards begins!

PS. I'd love to see projects in general spend more voting power on comments as well compared to posts!