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RE: Leeching Arseholes!

in #pythonlast month

One of these days I need to learn to code better. I'm making baby steps. I just recently learned how to use javascript to connect to Hive Engine or Hive and extract some values, like total staked, curation, etc. I'll tackle connecting to HiveSQL eventually.

Anyway, it's all very impressive. I like the idea of all these checks before voting on someone.


I just recently learned how to use javascript to connect to Hive Engine or Hive and extract some values, like total staked, curation

That's great, it gives you such a buzz when it all works. I haven't used JS much, but figure I could easily adapt to it.

Totally. I get a small thrill when it works, even if it is a tiny thing that I could easily check on hivestat or something.