
As of now, my BOT would disqualify you for a specific reason but looking more closely at your account, I could see why this would not be just. So bearing that in mind, I will provisionally add you, with a tweak needed so you do qualify when it's added.

Your content.. @jaki01 will like it! I have met him twice at Fests.., nice bloke and his wife @kobold-djawa too.

Hi, nice to hear that you still remember us after so long time :). By the way we moved to the Philippines couple months ago, and our daughter now already started school so I don't think we could join another fest unless it would take place in Asia :-D, cos we couldn't let the little one skip school and in Asia they don't have that much holiday in a year ^_^.

How could I forget?! I felt so bad for @bingbabe in Krakow and you guys were talking to her.., it meant a lot.

Thank you. I'm in the same community as @jaki01 😀