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RE: HIVE: Want Votes, Tell Me More!

in #python2 months ago

It's a good post, I can't deny you that but looking at your account there's something that would block the BOT. Don't ask me what it is, it's just something I don't approve of. «koenau»

I'm going to be straight with you, too much self-voting for my tastes. «filotasriza3»

I would expect a little more HP dedication from a 2018 account. «rolsonpatison»

Uhm, interesting. Then I'm gonna nominate myself just to see what could be your gripe/excuse to not include me in your Python Script and whitelist or would block the BOT. ;o)



Self-voting but more importantly.. @adm is zeroing all your posts is the stronger reason.

@adm is zeroing all your posts is the stronger reason.

LoL, then a stronger reason to include me in your Python Script so we can start to counteract the braindead actions of the stubborn MoFo behind @adm zeroing all my posts. ¿Dontcha think?

You're gonna have to take that up with @hivewatchers.

Hahaha, it's been more than three years now that these incurable idiots are unable to offer a justified reason or final solution to their ass-wrenching with me.

But yeah, I get you. Maybe you are unwilling and don't want to risk losing your regular ~$20 bucks from @adm, the watchers and the cleaners if only you had the guts to add me to your whitelist and include me in your Python Script.


It's far from regular, in fact I can't remember the last time @adm voted my content.

and the cleaners if only you had the guts to add me to your whitelist

Nothing to do with guts, I'm not voting content that's going be zeroed, what's the point of that? Nothing more to say. Sort out your own issues, I have enough of my own.

Try Blurt, you would fit in there.

This is a known plagiarist/content thief and a particularly shameless, impudent and arrogant one who has never felt accountable. He also engaged in attempts to doxx Hivewatchers' members after was blacklisted for mass plagiarism.
This is the list of this user's perpetual fraud and his responses:


