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RE: Leeching Arseholes!

in #pythonlast month

I remember Brooklyn and Bay Ridge. It was long time ago, and my friend...the local dude there insisted I would not be gunned down in the streets and that little old ladies walked around safely. 😀

As for your account.., doing OK!



Woo Hoo! We are fellow MtG dumpers. Got rid of my modern collection when Hasbro took over. Still collect shiny things for legacy and vintage!

Went to Bay Ridge High School...'62-'65. 69th Street and 4th Ave. School's not there anymore. Replaced by another high school, with a different focus.

I never worried, walking around. It was a blue collar, but solid neighborhood. Don't know about today. It's been many years...

I can only speak for Bushwick having lived here since the Pandemic started, and I've felt safe the 5 years I've lived here. Never worried about walking home from the club, even at 4am when the shows end. Some of the best clubs in the world are all right here by Newtown Creek surrounded by industrial/commercial warehouses: The Brooklyn Mirage, Knockdown Center, Elsewhere. What a time to live in Brooklyn!