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RE: Leeching Arseholes!

in #pythonlast month

Unfortunately, curation program I was running is no longer active & one of the reason is you just explained.

That's a shame, the VP needs to be used though.. or wasted. I find it challenging to stop the arseholes, but then... I have full control over the whitelist. Maybe the latter point is an option worth investigating?


If I were in your position, I would continue doing what you are doing - keep evolving bot

I selected a different route. HBD Savings.

I have 3 more developers to whom I have to pay & need a fixed & estimated number in income. On top of that, bot I designed needed continuous involvement to evolve which was time consuming. So, switching to HBD savings, for me, was a suitable idea.

I hope it doesn't go to shit, HIVE will survive, HBD sticking at $1.. well we will see.

but payment to devs, all other montly bills, they all go in Fiat.
INR is also getting weak against USD.I understand the point you are making @slobberchops & back of mind, I keep hearing the same thing

double minded about this decision. I'll try this for some time & see how it goes or-else I'll switch back to holding Hive.

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"...need a fixed & estimated number in income."

That was one of my primary reasons for supporting HBD savings accounts. It's good to get some confirmation of my hypotheses.

thank you @valued-customer

Hive’s value in comparison with Fiat is volatile
and that’s why we have HBD

even though, I want to keep all powered up hive, I can not because I got developers to pay

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