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RE: HIVE: Want Votes, Tell Me More!

in #python2 months ago

Orca is a great level to attain, but you delegate a little much for me. If that's not a hint, I don't know what is. I am one for keeping my VP to use as my own.

Delegating to curation groups is all good and well, but you are placing your power in the trustee's of these groups. Yes, they are decent people, but don't you miss the right to exercise a good vote on someone yourself?


HP for myself.Yeah, @slobberchops. I know what you mean. That's why in the next few days I'll be making some major changes on this, and keeping more of my own

Don't do it because I mentioned it. Our stake is always our own, and I would never tell anyone how to use it. Meanwhile.., I will add you...

I'm going to do this because it was something I was actually already planning. However, your advice was very accurate.

Meanwhile.., I will add you...

Thanks, @slobberchops!

Upvote cartels rule the Hive universe. There is simply no denying it. I have monitored the voting behavior of many accounts and the sad reality is that much of the quality is left at the bottom of the barrel in the many instances. At the same time, mutually beneficial partnerships rally together to push junk to the top of the "trending" and "hot" pages. Furthermore, communities are utilizing VP as an under-the-table reward structure for activity-based performance within the community. Sure, as a decentralized ecosystem, it is not forbidden. However, there are consequences...

.. and yet there's the likes of me who checks each account before whitelisting them. You sound very jaded and are already a part of my whitelist. I do my share of what you talk about, but am always looking out for decent writers who don't take it all to support. How can it grow if someone doesn't do something?

is that much of the quality is left at the bottom of the barrel

Feel free to show me this 'quality'. I will support it if it meets my criteria. HIVE gives what you put into it and that doesn't just mean the quality of your writing, I know a lot of voters check the behaviour. That's a fact.

It's definitely encouraging to encounter those who are diligent regarding curation. However, it is discouraging to constantly see the lion's share of inflationary-based rewards being absorbed by a vulgar display of power rather than creative excellence. Take Allen for example, he's an actual published author who earned $0.11 on this post -

This level of reward for this level of effort compared to a 20-minute weekend warrior post loaded with grammatical errors, which earns over $100. It might sound jaded but it's an honest perspective of what is taking place in the majority of cases. Hive is the best SoFi in WEB3. However, this is an ongoing issue that would bring in a lot of new users if it were resolved to a degree. I engage with many who won't or have stopped posting due to this issue. We celebrate what works, but advancing comes down to attending to what doesn't...

Thanks, I added Allen. His ActiFit posts probably won't get a vote but his longer stuff will. If you know of more please tell.

Understandable. He used to post long-form content a lot more frequently but probably a classic case of what I mentioned regarding reward relative to input.