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RE: In The Twilight Of The Q

in #qanon7 years ago

good read on all this. the first non-q post that seems to actually get it. hard to take seriously those that don't get it but want to trash talk it.

while I agree that folks are being led... i guess for me, discovering all the corruption alone 17 years ago... watching it unfold as it has with the q drops... has been a gratifying experience..

what i would ask any detractors is... what is q doing that is anti-humanity?

i do think we were poised for a one world government, i do think hillary was suppose to win... i do think trump may have helped to stop it.

guess we will see ; )

thanks for the well thought out, and informative article.

one point i'd like to make.. that if asking questions that lead to answers is 'mind control' ... well i'm not sure anything isn't to some degree influence from one to another.. but this method of asking questions that we find our own answers from.. well it is the best kind of brain washing.. the kind in which you are doing it to yourself, unless you are mindlessly consuming the content without explorations of your own. which i am sure many are doing.

but this exposing of corruption... one thing corrupt folks never want anyone to talk about is corruption. so it would be very bizaare to think that q is basically making people more aware of the corruption could be part of the corruption.

but i haven't ruled out that the most corrupt would sacrifice the lesser corrupts to build a world that everyone thinks is free of corruption.

of course if they helped to create a kind, gentle, war-free world... and were decent human beings in it... we win any right? ; )


This is an absolutely fantastic response, and I thank you for it. What a refreshing change from the usual responses I get.

You are correct...asking leading questions and guiding to an answer is a process that has been used for centuries to help the seeker gain enlightenment. No issues there.

What worries me is that Q is not an organic, one-on-one process. It is a faceless, featureless entity that is admittedly involved in a counter-coup and is affiliated with the military and high-level intel organizations. This is NOT an organic form of enlightenment, this is weaponized mind-control at its highest degree of refinement.

Part of the hook to draw in the disaffected and disenfranchised is to appear to be unwinding the tangle of corruption that us "awake" folks have known about for years...even decades. We see this now mainstream movement doing what we've tried to do for years in a personal setting, and we are tempted to jump on and ride the wave.

But all traps are baited with something alluring, otherwise they don't work.

I do not pretend to know whether Q is good or bad, I simply raise a bunch of questions that hopefully will get others to step back a minute and examine Q objectively before diving in.

I have two primary concerns: 1) Q does not address The System itself, only those who control it; and 2) what if Q turns out to be false and dispirits a huge number of people who are hoping to change the world?

It's a dangerous path and people should be extremely aware of what is going on. There is a clear and present danger to the psyches and hopes of those of us who have spent a lifetime researching and exposing the criminal underground that runs the world. How many of the Q-vians will ever listen to any argument again if they get burned by Q?

Even at its most innocuous layer, Q is nothing more than a sophisticated and callous marketing plan to elect a chosen bunch of politicians.

I suspect in the next month or two, prior to the mid-term US elections, we will have a pretty good idea of what Q is about.

Thanks again for a generous and thought-provoking response!