In The Twilight Of The Q

in #qanon7 years ago (edited)


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**We want to express our sincerest thanks to Jeff Rense and his team for their invaluable support. If this topic interests you, please keep an eye on the Rense Radio Network for exclusive content and updates as we ferret out the Q.

Previous posts:
Deep Throat v, Q
Q The Conspiracy - A Phenomenon
The Gospel According To Q
A-Marketing We Will Q
The Name Of The Q
Q The LARP Carp
Spe-Q-lating On Q**

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."- H. L. Mencken
In the following article, we will rely on Serial Brain 2 (SB2), rising star among the Anon decoders and commentators. The reader should familiarize him/herself with SB2 content as background.

SB2 posts on Reddit and is just as anonymous and mysterious as Q itself. I suspect the two may be related in some capacity, since it stretches credulity that one person could go as deep and broad into Q ciphers as SB2 seems to do.

As we warned in previous articles, we have picked the low-hanging fruit of Q analysis and must now turn into the rather deep and disconcerting aspects of the phenomenon.

The reader should note that none of the topics here are speculation - at least on this author's part. The occult and cryptographic aspects are key features of Anon decoding and general commentary from followers, and either implicitly or explicitly acknowledged by Q itself.

With disclaimers out of the way, we will now proceed with discussion of Q's coding systems and the occult aspects of Q. Among the many tools used to decode Q "drops" are gematria and "twilight language"..

Aerial View, JFK Grave Site
Gematria is an ancient, Babylonian coding system where letters are assigned numerical values, then coded messages are sent using numbers that are decoded by re-assigning letters. A prominent example of this with Q is the number 17. The letter "Q" is the 17th letter of the English alphabet, and the number 17 shows up repeatedly in Q Lore.

The number 17 shows up frequently in times, dates and numerical values of key words in Q drops. In The Name of the Q, we showed how the name Q works on multiple levels, and the same holds true for its numeric value in gematria. Anons such as SB2 spend a great deal of time hunting down the number 17, among others, in every drop or Donald Trump movement to find and ascribe meaning.

There are many highly complex and convoluted decodings that involve gematria, one of which we will examine shortly. Suffice it to say that this ancient form of cipher plays heavily into Q Lore, and not just the number 17, 23 is also a prominent number with its own set of meanings.

The number 23 is said to refer to a famous chess move in a game between an American and a Russian master. In the 23rd move of the game, the American sacrificed his queen and won the game. The move has since become known as "The American Beauty". Before and during the Trump-Putin summit, Q dropped 23 into a number of different posts. This is said to be significant in relation to what took place behind closed doors at the summit.

A prime example of gematria, as decoded by the "high priest" SerialBrain2 and known as the Q1734 riddle, involves a recent event where Trump changed plans at the last minute and used the motorcade instead of the traditional helicopter to go to the airbase where the presidential plane is kept. The White House said it was due to "bad weather." When reporters protested that the weather was clear and calm, the White House said that "fog" at Andrews Air Force Base prevented safe landing, which was provably false.

Now, have fun following this reasoning:

"1734 = [A/3][2A/3] = cloud giving 1/3 of its load to earth"
The presidential motorcade left precisely at 9:21am EDT en route to Andrews. SerialBrain2 had written a post on John Brennan the day before, so s/he assumes that Trump is responding to that post with actions and words.

Using gematria with A=1, B=2...Z=26, then:
"fog" = 28
Brennan's full name is John Owen Brennan, or JOB.
JOB = 27
JOB is one less than FOG. Brennan's birth date is 9/22, which one more than the motorcade departure time of 9:21.

Through a convoluted rationalization, the -1/+1 connection between dates, times and numerical value of "BAD WEATHER" and "SERVER" means, of course, something to do with a computer server. The gematria of "SERVER" is 87, the same as "BAD WEATHER," so naturally all of this is connected.

Therefore, Trump/Q have dirt on John Brennan from a server. Riddle solved. Don't pay any attention to the massive leaps in logic that all of this entails. We are expected to believe that Trump/Q are using highly coded words and actions that must be plugged into a convoluted line of reasoning that involves both Trump and Q responding directly to a post by an anonymous blogger on Reddit.

As a code, the letters have numerical values. As numbers, they have additional layers of meaning based on another ancient practice - that of giving meaning to numbers. Anyone familiar with Kabbalistic Biblical interpretation will know of the use of gematria and numerology in "decoding" the texts. The most famous of these, of course, is the Number of the Beast, or 666. There is deep historical precedent for this kind of occult messaging.

Q is plainly operating on much more than an explicit, secular level. From overt blessings to covert religious allusions, Q is purposely drawing connections between its operation and a Judeo-Christian cultural heritage. These are well-established coding techniques and are at least passingly familiar to most readers. I will not spend a lot of time on them because any one of the puzzles would fill this column with analysis. I encourage the reader to click through for further research.

What's of greater interest - to me at least - is the use of "twilight language". This is where the Eastern Buddhist tradition enters the picture. The twilight language is a form of esoteric coding where what appears to be gibberish on the surface holds profound meaning upon meditation. This is frequently pointed to as the basis for Trump's strange speaking style - the repetition of words, seemingly disjointed thoughts, etc. It is proposed that he is transmitting hidden messages in this way, and Q often alludes to this, and has used this form of coding itself.

Twilight language is an ancient form of puzzle designed to lead novices to key insights. The effectiveness of this form of puzzle is in getting the novice to come to their own realization, because just telling them the answer will not have the same profound effect.

JFK grave.jpg

Twilight language puzzles are usually presented in the form of nonsense questions. Two common examples many readers will be familiar with are: what is the sound of one hand clapping, and if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, does it make a sound?

Anyone who has read up on Q's drops knows that many of Q's puzzles involve questions that seemingly have no relevance to the political arena. The Q-vians are supposed to meditate on these question, do a little research, and come to predetermined revelations. When the Q-vians get confirmation from others that they have found the "correct" answer, they get a dopamine hit and are ready for more.

They are well on their way to Q-Enlightenment.

This is a highly effective form of mind-control in the sense that novices are steered to a certain answer or way of thinking, but they come to it on their own and thus have ownership of it. This kind of control buries itself deep in the subconscious because of the investment the novice has made to find the answer, it is reinforced with a dopamine hit when their effort is confirmed, and now the answer will season all their thinking going forward.

Used for religious enlightenment, this is arguably a good thing, but weaponized for political purposes, twilight language becomes a dangerous tool with a proven history of taking command of minds.

Here's a recent example from a Q drop:
"Why was America's wealth being distributed WW?
"Why was the American taxpayer essentially subsidizing the the rest of the world?" [Ed. - WW = world wide]

Q does not answer these questions. Q not only asks the reader to assume these things are true, but it does not answer the questions. The reader much ponder and research and come to some conclusion on his or her own. The reader will then receive confirmation or denial from the larger group, based on whatever consensus conclusions the wider audience has come to. Sometimes the answer may vary according to the various denominations of Q one follows, and now the reader is conveniently categorized into certain sub-groups with whom he or she can identify based on these answers.

To some readers here, this may all seem obvious and a waste of time, but keep in mind that we are now seeing the Second Wave of Q-vians coming in. These are people who have never taken conspiracy theories seriously, or have never paid attention to them at all. They must be led gently and carefully into the world of conspiracies without turning them off immediately.

This is where the twilight language comes in. These seemingly innocuous questions cause the novice to ponder things they would not have otherwise considered, but do it in such a way as to not openly declare the answer to be one conspiracy theory or another. When the reader comes to their own realizations, then they "own" the answer and cannot even "unrealize" it. They are now forced to choose between their old way of thinking, or embrace this new paradigm.

This is what the Q-vians call being "red pilled," and is part of the signature Great Awakening that Q-vians crow about with nearly every breath. If I come out and TELL you there is a massive conspiracy that is far outside the bounds of your normal thinking, you will reject it and walk away. If I lead you to that conclusion and you "discover" it yourself, you now own it and must decide how you will react to this new way of thinking.

Gematria and twilight language are effective tools deployed by Q to coerce a mass audience into a radical new paradigm without the novice being aware of it. They think about the puzzles, find their own answers, and then are reinforced by others who have found the same answers. Dopamine bump. Back for more.

Let me be clear here - I am NOT saying conspiracy theories are wrong. In fact, conspiracy theories are inconsequential to this argument, other than to point out that Q is clearly leading followers to form certain conclusions without explicitly saying anything, which is a defining feature of twilight language.

When Q-vians reach the desired conclusions, Q rewards them with "attaboys" (dopamine bump) imparts the feeling of being an initiate into a secret club. This is the exact pattern used by groups such as the Freemasons in their initiate rites - a lot of seemingly nonsensical rituals and incantations leading the candidate to predetermined realizations of some occult doctrine. The successful initiate can take ownership of the insight because he or she came to it of their own volition.

Here's a recent example of a Q "koan":

Anonymous ID: 42fc17 No.2360166 📁
Jul 30 2018 17:10:40 (EST)
MA Office | The 'Feed'

Did anons get the wrong angle on this?

>>2340661 (Q)

>Who is supplying feed? 
Feed as in the Image (Camera Feed)

Remember, the image is flipped.
It would appear Q's guys are taking picture of a 'bad actor'. 
Think mirror.

What if the people in the vehicle are those Working on Sunday @ MA office.
MAs bad actors are the one supplying the 'Feed'. 
The images have been ripped/taken from their phones. (Like in SG/KJU photos)

The 'Man in Black' was the operator who just went and took the 2 photos of MA office that Q posted moments earlier. (Phone in hand)

Full black attire + shades + poor facial angle. 
Nothing there can be used to easily identify the indivdual, even more so if hes an operator.

The above would explain MA shitting bricks and asking the Twatterverse for help.

Message Sent.

Who supplied the FEED?
We have it all.
U-Access KILLS.
If you are not a Q-vian, the above is likely complete gibberish. If you are able to tease a deeper meaning out of the non-sequitur, then you have confirmation that you are an insider, an initiate into the world of Q. In this case, you are given the dopamine bump:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 2b8bd6 No.2362968 📁
Jul 30 2018 20:19:04 (EST)

Feel proud Autists, Anons, and Patriots.
You did this!
You are taking back control.
Who is supplying feed?
Feed as in the Image (Camera Feed)

Remember, the image is flipped.
It would appear Q's guys are taking picture of a 'bad actor'.
Think mirror.

What if the people in the vehicle are those Working on Sunday @ MA office.
MAs bad actors are the one supplying the 'Feed'.
The images have been ripped/taken from their phones. (Like in SG/KJU photos)

The 'Man in Black' was the operator who just went and took the 2 photos of MA office that Q posted moments earlier. (Phone in hand)

Full black attire + shades + poor facial angle.
Nothing there can be used to easily identify the indivdual, even more so if hes an operator.

The above would explain MA shitting bricks and asking the Twatterverse for help.

Message Sent.

Who supplied the FEED?
We have it all.
U-Access KILLS.
If you are not a Q-vian, the above is likely complete gibberish. If you are able to tease a deeper meaning out of the non-sequitur, then you have confirmation that you are an insider, an initiate into the world of Q. In this case, you are given the dopamine bump:

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 2b8bd6 No.2362968 📁
Jul 30 2018 20:19:04 (EST)

Feel proud Autists, Anons, and Patriots.
You did this!
You are taking back control.
You have the power.
Stay the course.
I should also note that Q tends to address followers in the imperative mood. Statements such as "stay the course," "use logic," "enjoy the show," and "feel proud" are commands in their grammatical construction. Followers are being given orders and virtually none of them stop to consider this fact.

As demonstrated, Q uses gematria, which is a Kabbalistic form of Biblical interpretation that assigns letters numeric values and encodes "secret" messages within text, thus evoking the Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions. Q clearly uses twilight language, which is a form of puzzle using seemingly non-sensical questions and statements that the initiate must meditate on and "decode", thus invoking the Eastern, Buddhist tradition. Q is unquestionably using religious tradition, if not seeking to become a religion in its own rite.

Early on in Q Lore, the "drops" were said to contain "crumbs" or "bread crumbs," which clearly evokes a trail leading to some revelation, like Handel and Gretel lost in the woods. The primary question rational people face is whether Q is a wicked witch at the end of the trail, or a great and powerful Oz.

Either way, followers are being led. Otherwise, they could not be "followers," by their own admissions.

I leave the reader with the following as proof that Q is well aware of what it is doing:

Anonymous ID: 0edc14 No.2363457 📁
Jul 30 2018 20:44:42 (EST)


REAL ANON'S are here as we follow the EVIDENCE (documented verifiable evidence), we are building the TRUTH of our HISTORY so we can expose and dismantle the corruption that has PLAGUED our world for millennia.

I invite any publication to print this as a statement of fact from an ACTUAL ANON.  

WE do not tell YOU what to think or how to FEEL about a topic. WE simply dig for TRUTH and then PRESENT what we find so it can be scrutinized by our PEERS and further corroborated.

The CHOICE to KNOW what we have found, verified and presented is entirely up to YOU. 

Presenting OUR work in a way to imply WE are some sort of cult, shows the WORLD how corrupt the MAINSTREAM MEDIA has become.

WE are NOT about violence, subversion or control. WE are simply providing FACT based information FREE of charge to the WORLD.




You cannot fool a massive group of dedicated gold star researchers.
At what point does it become mathematically impossible?
Comms structure designed for a very specific reason.


good read on all this. the first non-q post that seems to actually get it. hard to take seriously those that don't get it but want to trash talk it.

while I agree that folks are being led... i guess for me, discovering all the corruption alone 17 years ago... watching it unfold as it has with the q drops... has been a gratifying experience..

what i would ask any detractors is... what is q doing that is anti-humanity?

i do think we were poised for a one world government, i do think hillary was suppose to win... i do think trump may have helped to stop it.

guess we will see ; )

thanks for the well thought out, and informative article.

one point i'd like to make.. that if asking questions that lead to answers is 'mind control' ... well i'm not sure anything isn't to some degree influence from one to another.. but this method of asking questions that we find our own answers from.. well it is the best kind of brain washing.. the kind in which you are doing it to yourself, unless you are mindlessly consuming the content without explorations of your own. which i am sure many are doing.

but this exposing of corruption... one thing corrupt folks never want anyone to talk about is corruption. so it would be very bizaare to think that q is basically making people more aware of the corruption could be part of the corruption.

but i haven't ruled out that the most corrupt would sacrifice the lesser corrupts to build a world that everyone thinks is free of corruption.

of course if they helped to create a kind, gentle, war-free world... and were decent human beings in it... we win any right? ; )

This is an absolutely fantastic response, and I thank you for it. What a refreshing change from the usual responses I get.

You are correct...asking leading questions and guiding to an answer is a process that has been used for centuries to help the seeker gain enlightenment. No issues there.

What worries me is that Q is not an organic, one-on-one process. It is a faceless, featureless entity that is admittedly involved in a counter-coup and is affiliated with the military and high-level intel organizations. This is NOT an organic form of enlightenment, this is weaponized mind-control at its highest degree of refinement.

Part of the hook to draw in the disaffected and disenfranchised is to appear to be unwinding the tangle of corruption that us "awake" folks have known about for years...even decades. We see this now mainstream movement doing what we've tried to do for years in a personal setting, and we are tempted to jump on and ride the wave.

But all traps are baited with something alluring, otherwise they don't work.

I do not pretend to know whether Q is good or bad, I simply raise a bunch of questions that hopefully will get others to step back a minute and examine Q objectively before diving in.

I have two primary concerns: 1) Q does not address The System itself, only those who control it; and 2) what if Q turns out to be false and dispirits a huge number of people who are hoping to change the world?

It's a dangerous path and people should be extremely aware of what is going on. There is a clear and present danger to the psyches and hopes of those of us who have spent a lifetime researching and exposing the criminal underground that runs the world. How many of the Q-vians will ever listen to any argument again if they get burned by Q?

Even at its most innocuous layer, Q is nothing more than a sophisticated and callous marketing plan to elect a chosen bunch of politicians.

I suspect in the next month or two, prior to the mid-term US elections, we will have a pretty good idea of what Q is about.

Thanks again for a generous and thought-provoking response!