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RE: Think like a Viking: Part three

in #quotes4 years ago

Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near

Interesting sentence, the first thing is to analyze the context of everything. A wolf is an intuitive, instinctive, and intelligent being, and as the people say they walk alone or in packs, but never with friendships as such. So the moment the wolf knows that another wolf in the pack poses a great threat to it, it simply tends to attack it where it hurts the most. It's quite cruel but that's nature and that's how they survive.

So, we could take it to mean that generally, it can happen to us that the words we say can be used as a weapon of our destruction. That is why it is so important to think before saying things, not everyone is a friend, we are wolves and many times we will be in a pack but not necessarily because a wolf's in the pack means he's our friend.

Man, I love Viking history and it happened quite a bit since I watched Vikings years ago. I will try to research more about it because as you say, it is something very interesting that goes beyond hunting, killing in war, and drinking beer on horns. Very good your analysis, I think it is the best interpretation that can be given to the phrase.



Thanks for sharing yourinterpretation and yeah, the Vikings were pretty interesting, much more than what one is lead to believe. It's difficult though as they never write anything down and the word of mouth transfer of folklore is subject to change over the years, I guess like the written word when it is re-written though.

Anyway, I think there's some good lessons to be learned from delving into their folklore and we can benefit.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.