Think like a Viking: Part three

in #quotes4 years ago

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Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near

I have long read the words of the Norse Sagas and Edda's around the fire in the long hall whilst sipping mead from a horn-cup and seem always to find relevant meaning so thought I'd share some with you; The quote and my interpretation. Naturally my interpretation or understanding may vary to your own, as it should be, so feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments section below if you like.

I don't actually have a Viking long hall, but I have a fire and mead so I'm mostly there. Either way, the reading is valuable.

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This weeks Viking quote

Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near.. - Völsunga saga

This is an interesting one as I see different meanings the first of which is the importance of awareness and preparedness and the second the merits of securing information.

In the first case I read the importance of being aware of one's surroundings, be it in one's day to day personal life, a social situation or even a work scenario. Understanding the lay of the land so to speak is vital in being prepared to deal with it, adjust, overcome or amend one's actions, thoughts or emotions.

Danger, be it physical, emotional or even of a professional nature isn't always the easiest thing to perceive which is why vigilance is required.

In the second instance the mention of wolf and ears hints to me about security of information. One of the most powerful things a person can have over another is information so keeping it secure and away from eager ears can be of benefit. For instance, allowing a work colleague to know your negative feelings about the boss could be used to one's detriment. That sort of information is best kept private. The term loose lips sink ships comes to mind. [A quote made popular during World War Two].

Unguarded talk can be detrimental, provide competitors or rivals an edge and can often make one seem foolish or look like a gossip - I think the quote above could relate to this aspect as easily as it can the awareness aspect.

That's what I see in this quote today anyway. What about you

A little perspective

Here's some background on the Norse Edda's and Sagas including what they actually are. They were not written originally, the words I read have since been recorded of course though, and thankfully so.


An Edda is a collection of poems based around Norse legends held within two Icelandic books of the 13th-century called the Poetic Edda and Prose Edda. Much of the understanding around Scandinavian mythology derives from them.


A saga is a story focused on Norse, Icelandic and Viking history, folklore and heroic achievement - Mostly recorded around the 12th and 13th century.

Spoken not written

It's interesting to note that Vikings were much more than violent raiders who revelled in battle and conquest, that they had a culture rich in story-telling and poetry; The Viking poet was one of the most respected among their society and in the mead-halls throughout the Viking world they could be found retelling stories of conquest, the gods, heroes, lovers and history in general. Sagas and Edda's were also passed from father to son and mother to daughter - The collective history of the Viking people passed by word of mouth, not written and recorded.

They had runes and glyphs however these were reserved for ceremonial purposes - They didn't write their history, they told it through the Edda's and Sagas.

Quotes are powerful, if understood and actioned

Without those two elements they are just words. Quotes are the wisdom in words of those who came before us and a wise person will seek that wisdom, determine how it may relate to them and embrace it.

Feel free to interpret the quote above, to apply it to yourself, and let me know what you think in the comments below; I'm interested to know what you see and feel based on this weeks quote.


Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


It's an old but timeless saying that still applies to our current society. No, maybe it actually apply to us more and our current society if one considers the current technology and trend? You know the whole snitching your family and neighbors for Twitter points or something.

It seems people get value from oversharing on social medias but in truth there's nothing to gain and much to lose. The stuff people put on Twitter and Facebook blows my mind sometimes, they play there lives out there for all to see, and most are so addicted they'll sit and scroll mindlessly snooping on others with literally nothing to gain...But it's the broadcasting of ones information that makes little sense to me.

I'm not on social media, except for hive and whilst I share a little about my life in the real world most stays private, as i think it should be.

Thanks for your comment, I really appreciate it.

Aye, not too many things about it. The way of the wolf seems to be made out of information and action. SOmebody taking interest in your affairs? They might be about to attack your weak spots. Eat you for breakfast. So heed the signs. When you see those furry ears, know that danger is not far off.


It's a pretty clear one right? I like it though, because we live in a world where people tend to forget this concept through whatever it is they feel they gain by sharing everything on social media.

whatever it is they feel they gain by sharing everything on social media.

Ah, let me tell the world of my vegetables! No, really, I'm getting to it as everyone should know.

Lol...I can't wait to read it...Your vegetables are so exciting to everyone else, you just have to share it!

Done, mate ;) They are out there for all to see. It's a story about too much rain. There is such a thing, obviously.

By the way, that's also about the location I am going to put up my first makeshift mini archery range ;) Piling wood chunks and cardboard there from time to time.

Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near.. - Völsunga saga

Like the updated quote of 'loose lips sink ships"

I think they both apply to knowing who is listening in. Plot and intrigue during the Viking times and earlier times were mostly of an internal nature of an insider working for themselves or for someone else. When you find the listening wolf ears it is prudent to be ready and prepared for the wolf.

Today there are so many wolves at the doorsteps it is hard to protect oneself from them.

Yep, exactly like the loose lips/sinking ships phrase. I think maybe people get so used to putting everything out there that they forget to apply a filter when it's required. They just blurt stuff out without care as to who may be within earshot, or more to the point post on facetwit and twitbook without a care as to who may see the post. My oldest brother is like that...It's so ridiculous.

It is therefore important that one bridles his tongue. There are a lot of itching ears out there. Sharing everything that happens to you is really not a good idea

Yep, I agree - It's good to play it cool and keep information secure.

This is a good quote. I would interpret it in terms of influence and being aware of the fact that having a type of person around similar to a wolf in terms of character should make you very vigilent and aware. It is like if you are surrounded by your enemies, expect an attack anytime. It accentuates the need to be cautious and have a defense strategy

Yep, the need for caution and to be prepared for eventualities also...It's an ethos I have lived by from most of my life.

Me too. Sometimes I am too cautious and this isn't very good in some situations

Hmm yeah caution can be good at times, but like you say it can hinder one's progression at other times. Balance it what we need.

Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near

Interesting sentence, the first thing is to analyze the context of everything. A wolf is an intuitive, instinctive, and intelligent being, and as the people say they walk alone or in packs, but never with friendships as such. So the moment the wolf knows that another wolf in the pack poses a great threat to it, it simply tends to attack it where it hurts the most. It's quite cruel but that's nature and that's how they survive.

So, we could take it to mean that generally, it can happen to us that the words we say can be used as a weapon of our destruction. That is why it is so important to think before saying things, not everyone is a friend, we are wolves and many times we will be in a pack but not necessarily because a wolf's in the pack means he's our friend.

Man, I love Viking history and it happened quite a bit since I watched Vikings years ago. I will try to research more about it because as you say, it is something very interesting that goes beyond hunting, killing in war, and drinking beer on horns. Very good your analysis, I think it is the best interpretation that can be given to the phrase.


Thanks for sharing yourinterpretation and yeah, the Vikings were pretty interesting, much more than what one is lead to believe. It's difficult though as they never write anything down and the word of mouth transfer of folklore is subject to change over the years, I guess like the written word when it is re-written though.

Anyway, I think there's some good lessons to be learned from delving into their folklore and we can benefit.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

That quote fits a situation that I was in perfectly.
I was standing on the beach promenade taking shots of flying gulls, when three pairs of wolf's ears appeared. I saw the shadows of 3 guys standing behind me. Marian was in the parked car watching me, but the car was switched off and the hooter didn't work.

So, I put on my army face and slowly turned around. Nothing much I have to say, as there was only one that looked like he could possibly fight, the other two were scrawny little buggers.
Once they noticed my awarement of their prescence, they walked off to get into a waiting car.
So the real wolf was standing in front of them.

You are 100% correct as awareness is so essential.

Yep, point in case.

Having an awareness, some situational awareness can go a long way to mitigating potential hazards.

A very educated way to put it mate, but so essential in this country to always have eyes in the back of your head.

Yeah, and here too although I'm sure things are worse there based on what I've heard.

A dense population of some 60 million will always spell trouble when a killer virus appears mate. The townships are ideal breeding grounds due to the crowded shacks and the government has a huge backlog in building free houses for the people.

So yeah, things are bad over here.

Yeah, it seems crowded places are much worse which is probably why Melbourne and Sydney have been problematic. Filthy city-dwellers that they are. 😆

Proximity to others, as people live and move much closer in cities. That's why we moved to a rural town and you are also far away from the city-dwellers. Best place to be.