I am really happy to see Qurator made it to the dpoll that @theycallmedan is hosting. What he is doing to help out the community is really selfless and much appreciated by all the projects that could use a little boost.
First of I want to apologize for tagging all Qurator members, but I know not all members are on discord or that active there. So please don't shoot the messenger. This is for a noble cause and it will truly mean a lot to Qurator, the team and the Qurator members.
Let's get to the point though.
dpoll.@theycallmedan is kind enough to delegate 10 000 SP for one year to a project voted by the community on
Normally I would not enter a competition like this but I must admit, running a project like Qurator is not always the cheapest thing to do. Server costs for bots, the witness (especially at the current rates), leases to make sure the members get the support they deserve. It all adds up.
With 10K extra it means we could save quite a bit of steem each month that we can use in a much better way elsewhere and at the same time offer better upvotes for our members.
So for the first time in a long time, I ask the whole Qurator community to lend me a hand and go vote for Qurator. Each vote will help us a lot since we are already pretty far behind. As always, if you know me by now, I always help those who offer to help others. So helping out here will not be forgotten and the list of voters will be saved for future use.
If you are not sure why you should vote for Qurator, let me share some Qurator stats.
- We have been around for almost 500 days
- Featured and curated 2400+ posts in our Daily Qurator blogs
- Hosted over 150 competitions with more than 200 winners
- Always active and helping in Discord and around Steemit
- Quality content guaranteed by all our members
- Manually reviewed and approved over 1600 steemians
- Quality always comes first, and you know it. =)
We do have quite a bit of delegation from the community but we are still paying steem each week to make sure our members get a little more than they give. With over 45 000 SP still being leased privately and if we can get some support from @theycallmedan then it means we can save some on costs and use the steem we generate elsewhere for improvements.
Therefore I ask you this one favor, to head over to dpoll and help us out with a vote.
To all the other projects involved, good luck and may the voters be with you!
@a0i @aamaksal @aaronleang @aaronli @abduhawab @abh12345 @abhildev @ablaze @abmakko @aceace @acedawnmusic @aceofthegrove @achim03 @ackhoo @acromott @adam.tran @adamada @adam-aj @adi.pisces @adly.jailani @adonisabril @adrianobalan @adrianv @adversus @ady-was-here @ael7 @afifa @africanherbman @afrosiab @agememnon @aghunter @ahlawat @ahmadfajrianda @aimeeonalimb @ainie.kashif @aiyumi @ajaxalot @ajmaln @aka-alias @akomoajong @alannapendragon @albertjester @albertvhons @albuluhi @alemars16 @alender @alenthin @alexanderfluke @alexdory @alexicp @alexisvalera @alexkorolart @alimamasstory @allforthegood @ally22 @allyinspirit @alol @altdelay @alvinauh @amalinavia @amberyooper @ami92 @amitsharma @amri @amrumk @amuchtar @amymya @anacristinasilva @ana-maria @anandhh @ananuaremere @anarchojeweler @anariggie @ancientknowled3 @andhovesyan @andrewgenaille @andrewtcy @andrijana @andybrandy @andyjim @andywong31 @andzi76 @angelbless @angelgarz @angelica7 @angelro @angelveselinov @anise @anjkara @ankapolo @annaabi @anna-mi @annemariemay @anotsopopularkid @anouk.nox @anroja @ansonoxy @anthemius @antoniojmp @anttn @apanamamama @appleskie @apsu @a-quarius @arabsteem @arbitrarykitten @armshippie @arnelarcenal @arrliinn @arrr @artbyclark @arthurgain @artistchristian @artizm @artjohn @arturomdg @artzanolino @arunava @as31 @aschatria @asgarth @asherlee @ashrayn @ashwinrajt @asianetwork @assasin @astraeir @asyrafahamed @atikahnoh @atmemestable @atopy @auleo @aussieninja @ausxen @authorofthings @avellana @avesa @axeman @axios @ayogom @azen @azircon @azirgraff @azonneveld @baa.steemit @badmusgreene @bahagia-arbi @bala41288 @barbara-orenya @barge @basicstoliving @basileonardo @basristeemit @bawangmerah230 @bboyady @bdmomuae @beachhermit @bearone @beatitudes8 @beautifulbullies @beekerst @beeyou @beggars @begtodiffer @beleg @believeme @bengy @benleo @bennettitalia @bensimblog @berlin1997 @best-trip-eva @betterthanhome @beyondgoogling @bghandmade @bhoa @bigbear @bigotemaifriend @bigpanda @bigtom13 @bil.prag @bipolar @biriki3 @birjudanak @birrulibmc @biti @bitopia @bitrocker2020 @biuiam @bjornb @blacklux @blastik @blockurator @bluebottlefilms @blue-dragon @bluedwains @blueeyes8960 @bluemoon @bluerthangreen @bluntsmasha @bmj @bobiecayao @bobydimitrov @boddhisattva @bokeh @bonesumpal @boobenchik @boontjie @booster916 @boyasyie @bozz @braaiboy @brandt @braveheart29 @brexscoot @brianlewis @brianturner @brimax @bringolo @brisby @brumest @btcnoodle @buckydurddle @buggedout @buildawhale @bunnychum @burkulese @burlarj @bushkill @buttcoins @buzzbeergeek @bwar @bxlphabet @byebyehamburgers @byn @bypaul @c0ff33a @caaat @caab @cabalcoffers @cadawg @caitycat @cakphotography @calebleejl @callmefib3r @calumam @calvinlee @camillius @canadianrenegade @canna-curate @capatazche @captainklaus @captainobviou3 @carlagonz @carlosdaniel @carolkean @castleberry @cathi-xx @catomoon @catweasel @catwomanteresa @cave-man @cecirod1218 @cejero021 @certseek @cflclosers @charlesmackenzie @charlottemind @chaseburnett @chetanpadliya @chireerocks @chrisdavidphoto @chrismccron @chrisroberts @christosthegreek @cikxaijen @cizzo @ckurtish @clicked @clixmoney @clubfungus @clweeks @cobmaximus @codingdefined @coinbelly @coinfarmer @coldsteem @colinbrazendale @colovhis @cookiespooky @cookingwithzumi @cooknbake @coolguy123 @coquiunlimited @costanza @countrylife @craigahamilton @cranium @creativesoul @creatovert @crescendoofpeace @criptomaster @criptonotas @crisangel @crissimoes @critic-on @crittercrats @crokkon @crosheille @cryptastic @cryptkeeper17 @cryptoeater @cryptogrant @cryptopassion @cryptoprofessor @cryptorg @cryptospreads @cryptostache @cryptotaofficial @cryptoyzzy @crystalize @ctdots @culgin @curiosit @cutyusra @cyemela @cygon @cyres @cyrptoreports @daan @dalz @damnthatbanana @dandalion @dandays @dandesign86 @daniel555 @danieldoughty @danielwong @danmaruschak @dannaxkana @danpaulson @dante01 @darmawanbuchari @darrylnyk @darthnava @datascience @davedavis91 @davedickeyyall @davemccoy @davidkain @davidke20 @davinsh @davor27 @dawnsheree @dayatsiaulia @dboontje @dbooster @dbzfan4awhile @dcardozo25 @ddangerwu @d-drummer @ddschteinn @deaconlee @deadgrlsuppastar @debart @deborism @dedicatedguy @deeday31 @deemarshall @deerjay @dejan.vuckovic @deliciousplants @deltasteem @demostene @denion @derangedvisions @derekcowan @derekkind @derekrichardson @derosnec @devilonwheels @dianacatalina @dieterschneider @diffuseloop @digitalis @digitalmind @dimitri0610 @dimitrisp @dissgo @djlethalskillz @djmalith @djynn @dksart @dmcamera @dmytrokorol @donefezy @donnymurph @donovanpage @doodleman @doyanphotography @dpatcher @d-pend @drakernoise @dranren @drdave @dreamzchm @dreemsteem @dresden @drewzshots @drmaizo @drumoperator @dses @d-stepnoy @dswigle @dunstuff @duque @dxn @dynamicrypto @dysangcocey @d-zero @eaglespirit @earthnation @eco-alex @ecoinstant @edanya @edpico @edthecanadian @eduardonarvaez @effofex @efim-off @ehisoria @eii @eikejanssen @ejr @ekavieka @elena1987 @elevator09 @eliel @elizacheng @ella-kay @ellievallie @ellis.marell @elseleth @em3 @emanuellindqvist @emdesan @emmacarson @emrebeyler @emsonic @enazwahsdarb @enchantedspirit @energyaddict22 @enginewitty @enjar @entrepreneur916 @eonwarped @epicdominic @ericet @e-rich @erikaflynn @erodedthoughts @esaia.mystic @escuetapamela @estherikott @ethandsmith @etherealcreation @eto-ka @evan.geber @evangelinesp @evecab @evimeria @evlachsblog @ewkaw @ewuoso @exhige @exploreand @explorernations @eyeofthemind @eztechwin @f3nix @fabio2614 @facger99 @fadli79 @faeryboots @fajar.perangin79 @fajarsdq @fakire1sadaka @fakj94 @fat-elvis @fates @fatkat @fax4u @febbiefull @felander @felobtc @ferrate @fesbukan @fiercewarrior @fiftysixnorth @fisherck @fishyculture @fitinfun @fiveelements5 @flashfiction @flauwy @foodie.warrior @foodphotoblog @foovler @for91days @forkonti @fourapril @fr3eze @fractalizer @fractal-team @frames @francispalo @francuzzz @franqueff @freddysanchez @fredkese @freewheel @freewritehouse @frejafri @freshblock @freyman @frodo1977 @fronttowardenemy @frost04 @ftlob @fujaxxi @fukumineko @fun2learn @fundurian @funnystuff @funtraveller @future24 @futuremind @fyntacie @g10a @gabriel.ncl @gabrielatravels @gabriellecd @gadrian @galberto @galotta @gamersnews @gamsam @ganeshsahu @gansekirock @gardenbsquared @gardeniazz @gazetagaleguia @gdwcoins @geekorner @geekpowered @generikat @getonthetrain @geuchik @gheghenrv @ghulammujtaba @giantbear @giemijares @gilangarif131294 @gillianpearce @gina2017 @gingerninja @girlinchief @glastar @gleb-jeglov @glennolua @globetrottergcc @gmichelbkk @goel.tarun @gogogadgetupvote @gohba.handcrafts @gokhan83kurt @golddeejay @goldendawne @goodnode @gorzelapiotr @gra @green07 @gregory-f @gresstyle @gretum @grimmyx @grow-pro @guangzhoulife @guchtere @gulugu @haedre @hafiz34 @hairyfairy @halleyleow @hamzeto @hanggggbeeee @haphazard-hstead @happycrazycon @happydaddyfr @happyhousewife @happymoneyman @harlot @harrisonmir @harshallele @harshameghadri @hartfloe @hattaarshavin @hazem91 @healthbasics @heartbeat1515 @heart-to-heart @hefziba @helpie @heriadi @herimukti @heroic15397 @hetty-rowan @heyitshaas @heyitsjooo @himalayannomad @hmushtaq @hokulor @holger80 @holoz0r @homerus @honeychum @honolulu @honoru @hooiyewlim @hoosain @hopehuggs @hopfarmnc @horpey @howtostartablog @hsynterkr @humanearl @hungrybanana @hungryhustle @hungry-nomad @hunterx3 @huslein.slash @hutossy @iamjadeline @iamkunaning @iamkuyaj @iamrosallie @iamthegray @iamunframed @iebalgamge @ifeoluwa88 @ignacepelckmans @iipoh06 @ileana56 @iliasdiamantis @ilsaione @ilt-yodith @ilyastarar @imaginationicon @imamalkimas @imchriscjw @imdazu @imjoker @imp.unity @imperfect-one @inalittlewhile @incrediblesnow @indayclara @indigoocean @inesanugerawati @infamousit @ingoda @inici-arte @inna-world @inna-yatsuk @insideoutlet @inspire1 @inspiredgideon1 @intrepidphotos @intrepidsurfer @intuitivejakob @investfourmore @ionutciobanu @iotman @ipumba @iqbaladan @iqbalhood @irastra @irelandscape @irenett @irishabstainer @irmadayanti @ironshield @isa93 @isabelpereira @isaganispeaks @itasteemit @itchyfeetdonica @itinerantartist @itsben @ivimipa @iwanderela @iwanttruth @iyanpol12 @izaid @jacinta.sevilla @jackdub @jacobkaled @jaichai @jamiz @jan.kretschmer @janicechua @janna.bright @japhofin8or @jarvie @jasmink @jasonmunapasee @jaydinigo87 @jbn @jctdesign @jeaniepearl @jeffjagoe @jerrytsuseer @jessalin @jessie901220 @jfolkmann @jga @jhayehidio @jiashin @jist @jjprac @jlordc @jman27 @jmcmeekin @jmjolivet @jny.untraveled @joannewong @joanstewart @joechiappetta @joeliew @joelsegovia @joetravels @johannfrare @johnvibes @johnycrypto @jokossita @joluco123 @jon24jon24 @jongolson @jonnyla08 @jonpetrich @jonyoudyer @jorgeddln @jorgegp @jorlenbolivar @josejirafa @joseph1956 @josephsavage @joshbillings @journeyu @jovema @joyrobinson @joythewanderer @jozef230 @jpgaltmiller @jpphotography @jraysteem @jrb450 @jrvacation @jsantana @jsf @jsock @jtthefoodie @juliannna @julieo @julsmlz @jumbot @jun04035 @junebride @junef @jungwatercolor @jusipassetti @just2random @justaboutart @justgoscha @just-smile @jznsamuel @kaelci @kaerpediem @kalam @kalemandra @kaliju @kalikalejawp @kamalsaputra @kamilkowalski @kanoe @karencarrens @karenmckersie @karinxxl @karinzdailygrind @karlin @karolisp @katedansyng @katerinaramm @katteasis @katysavage @kazish @kbarrett @kchitrah @kedi @keephy @kelthuzzar @kemal13 @kemice @kennyroy @ketcom @kewie @keyss @khaimi @khairulmuammar @khenbee @khimgoh @kidsreturn @kieranstone @killerwhale @kimaben @kimmy95 @kimzwarch @kinakomochi @kingchuks @kingdavidharp @kiokizz @kipswolfe @klborillo @klea @klen.civil @klynic @kneelyrac @knowledges @kobusu @kokuryo @komiya-encore @kona @korinkrafting @koskl @kovatelj @krasnalek @krazypoet @kriptonoob @kristal24 @krnel @kryptocoin @kryptoraport @kryzsec @kuklamasha @kunrishartanto @kusatsuri @kusior @kyrios @lacremo-it @lantracy @laputis @latino.romano @lavidaesunviaje @laxam @lazamedved @lazyphotoshooter @learnguitar @lebron2016 @leeart @legendchew @legrandkei @lemony-cricket @lenasveganliving @leonellaforever @leonid96 @lexiconical @lexikon082 @leyargoz @lhyn @liberviarum @liberyworms @lifecruiser @lightcaptured @lightsplasher @lil4a @liltammy @lilyraabe @lindale @liquidtravel @lishu @littlenewthings @liverehab @livesustainably @livinguktaiwan @lizelle @lizzyb @lmir1965 @lonestarpoet @lord-faustus @lord-geraldi @lordneroo @lordnigel @loudetteiam @lourdeshd6 @lovemyson @lrastriker @lturner @lucasgabd @luckyspark @lugoshi @luigi-the-gnome @lukaluci @lukebrn @lunaticmoon @lunaticpandora @lynncoyle1 @lyubovbar @lyxng @maane @maarnio @machv @macrophotography @madeve @madlenfox @maeusenews @mafaldation @magiccleatus @magicmonk @majes.tytyty @majorx3thom @make-a-whale @malay11 @malloryblythe @mamabear72 @mamadini @mamajeani @manavendra @mango-juice @manoldonchev @manorvillemike @maphics @marcoriccardi @marekwojciakcom @marfonso @margaritaradkova @mariacaffrey @mariachan @mariaentela @mariannewest @marjanko @marpa @marsella-2017 @martinsandersuk @marzi @masterwu @masummim50 @matajingga @mathiluke @mathowl @mathsolver @matriks77 @maverickfoo @maverickinvictus @maxabit @maxg @maxmilan878 @maxyong @mcfarhat @mcoinz79 @mcw @me-do @meertcevik @meetmysuperego @mehta @meincluyo @melinda010100 @melooo182 @meowcliver @mermaidvampire @merryslamb @mers @mery.morales25 @methusalem @metzli @michaelizer @michaelmorcos @michellecarter @michellpiala @mightpossibly @mihail.tsvetkov @mike314-0005 @mikesthoughts @mikeycolon @milalvis @millennia @mineopoly @minhaz007 @minimalpris @minimining @miraimage @mirfaner @mirzacho @missdeli @mister-omortson @mitchhunter @mitthradiumn @mizapizza @mjo @mmo-mmo @mnallica @moderndayhippie @moeknows @momogrow @momskitchen @moneyinfant @monir120288 @monoarc @monocat @monochromes @morahn @moroccantoughts @morodiene @mountainjewel @mountainwashere @mprgrmmr @mrafa @mr-neil @mslifesteem @msp-creativebot @mstafford @msuss @mtnmeadowmomma @mu1stu @muchsin @mugsy7 @muhnofa @mujiburrahman10 @munizarjuve @muratsariyar @musicapoetica @mutitum @mvd @mwfiae @mydivathings @n4zriofficial @nadilchairi @nahaha @nahupuku @nainaztengra @nairadaddy @namchau @nameless-berk @nanosesame @naquoya @narchuk @natalipsk @nathankaye @nathenial @nationall @natubat @naturelife @naturephoto @naufri @nazarul @nazirullsafry @negativer @nehomar @nekmudagroh @nelinoeva @nenio @nerdy.alex @neuerko @neumannsalva @neupanedipen @newageinv @ngocbich @niallon11 @nicanor-mosquera @nickychu @nikema @nikokafka @nikolina @ninahaskin @ninjadroidx @ninolatino @ninra @nirgf @nm007 @nolasco @nomad-magus @nomvula @nonzerosum @not-a-bird @notannov @ntowl @nulls @nuoctuong @nurhayati @nuridin @nwjordan @nyackgrote @obvious @ocanada @offoodandart @ohi786 @ohicklin @ohmygoodness @oizaguirres @ojie @olaat @olaivart @oldmariner @oleg326756 @oleg5430 @oleksandr @olesia @oliveralexander @ollya @omar-hesham @omdesign @omg-is-biology @omra-sky @oneazania @onemillion @onepercentbetter @onyemacourage @openparadigm @orcheva @organduo @orlandumike @osamarodriguez @oscarps @otsouvalas @outerground @outrayjust @ozkanozturkk @paddygsound @pandorasbox @panza @paperbull @papilloncharity @paps @paradigmprospect @pardinus @pathforger @pathtosuccess @pdxlove @pearica @pechichemena @pedroelec @peneinc @penjahit @penston @penvibes @pepe.maya @perennial @petrajordan @pgr @phedizzle @phelimint @phgnomo @philippbuxbaum @phortun @photofreediver @photofriend @photolander @pibyk @piiieeeeeee @pingcess @piotrgrafik @pipiczech @pipo092281 @pizzapai @pjcswart @pkalra @planosdeunacasa @plantstoplanks @poetrybyjeremy @pojan @ponpase @poodai @positivesteem @positivity420 @postcardsfromlbn @powellx5 @praise-eu @prch @prechyrukky @premraval010 @prince-evans @priyanarc @priyankachauhan @progressivechef @prostosun @prudent-rod1 @psicoparedes @public-eye @pundito @purapapita @qberry @quochuy @qustodian @qye @r00sj3 @rachmaddarmawan @rahul.stan @rahulsaini @raised2b @raiser @raisul @raj808 @rajskij-sad @ralleur @randypike @randystiefer @randyw @raoul.poenar @rarebooksleuth @raserrano @ratel @rayfa @raymondbruce @raymondhvh @rayshiuimages @rebelheart @rebelstar @reconstitution @recordpool @redheadpei @rehan12 @reko @renalexis @reonlouw @retro-room @revisesociology @rezoanulvibes @ribalinux @richeros @richi0927 @rigor @rihardszaimonts @rimicane @riovanes @risemultiversity @rishi556 @rismanrachman @ritxi @rivercityguy @rjd @rngdz @roadstories @robinsonlgil @robmojo @robmolecule @rodeo670 @rolf.bakker @ronaldoavelino @rosatravels @rossenpavlov @royaltiesboss-eu @roykie17 @roytc123 @rumplestiltskin @ruth-girl @rye05 @ryoplasmic @sacred-agent @saffisara @sagescrub @saifulramadhan @sailor01 @saini88 @sajannair @saleg25 @salvao @sames @samic @samiwhyte @sammosk @sammyb @samprock @samve @sandalphon @sanderjansenart @sandrag89 @sanmi @santa-barbara @saqlaink @saracampero @sardrt @saryn @sassylori @sathyasankar @sauronbey @sayar @scandinavianlife @schmidthappens @schoonercreek @scottshots @scrawly @scrooger @seandeanayao @seanytan @seckorama @seersalomon @seetheworld.sgp @selected @sgbonus @shadowspub @shai-hulud @shanedustin @sharaine @sharoonyasir @shawkr13 @shawnamawna @shawndove @shebe @shellyduncan @sherylneil @shibasaki @shielashraf @shikika @shimster @shine.wong @shohana1 @shookriya @sibr.hus @sidequest @sieses @silentsoularts @silvergoldbotty @silviagoh @simgirl @simnrodrguez @simplymike @singa @sinochip @sisygoboom @siucatti @skiesandsports @skycae @slobberchops @smylie2005 @snook @snowpea @snurk @socalsteemit @sol25 @solips @solominer @somalcescu @sonakshi9 @soonmusic @soroka74 @sostrin @soufiani @soulturtle @soundlegion @soundwavesphoton @sovereignalien @soykatonline @soyrosa @spaceginger @spectrumecons @spreadfire1 @squdsi1 @srkattel @ssimkins9 @stahlberg @starjewel @stav-cohen @stbrians @steembasicincome @steembusiness @steemflow @steemiteducation @steemitglass @steemitph @steemitri @steemitworldmap @steemkitchen @stef1 @stekz42 @stelmar @stephanus @stephhchia @stepnoysuslik @steveconnor @stevelivingston @stirling @stranniksenya @stresskiller @strongerbeings @strypes @styleyfrancky @suhady @suitcasemama @sulev @sumatranate @sunai @sunnyali @sunray @sunredshine @supernovastaffy @superoo7 @supersoju @sustainit @svashta @svein @svinsent @svkrulze @swedishdragon @sweetcarol @sweetcha @sweetpea @swerdan @swolesome @syedubair @syedumair @syifauna @symonp @syndicates @synrg @szokerobert @taimoorahmad @takeru255 @talentclub @talhatariq @tanata @tangmo @tanisha786 @tantawi @tanvirrahman @tata-natana @tatdt @tattoodjay @tazi @tbarrett @tcpolymath @teahna @techslut @teks @tentalavera @terminalblue @tesaganewton @tesscooks4u @teutonium @tftproject @thalmaray @thealliance @thecuteitalian @thedailysneak @thedamus @theexplorer @theghost1980 @thelastpoet @theleapingkoala @themanwithnoname @themarkymark @themonkeyzuelans @theomgbrand @thepaganwarrior @theprism @theregularguy @thereikiforest @therneau @thesteemengine @theunion @theversatileguy @thirdeye7 @thiscrazylife @thunderbirdcomic @tibra @tifaong @timmy-karis @timspawls @tinajordan @tincanjunction @tingyo @tinoschloegl @tin-tin @tlthornes @tobetada @tonac @tonie @toocurious @toofasteddie @torico @tradersharpe @trashureseeker @travelgirl @travelling-two @travelsbyblue @travelshots @travelstheworld @treaphort @trendo @tripdespider @trudeehunter @trulafountaine @trumanity @trumpman @truthtellerhere @turkish-r @turtledancedaily @tussar11 @tvlee @twinislandflames @twodollars @txatxy @tyedyefirepower @ucmuharfli @udibekwe @ulokgram @umarcivil @urbangladiator @v007007007 @vadimlasca @vallesleoruther @valorforfreedom @valth @vamos-amigo @vanessapineda7 @vangelov @vargart @veenang @veraschu @verhp11 @veryspider @veta-less @vibrantyogini @victorcovrig @vilma17 @vimma @vimukthi @vipnata @virgo27 @vitkolesnik @vlemon @voiceoff @voronenka @vtravels @w0olf @wagun001 @waiyee422 @walkerland @walkinharmony @wandereronwheels @wanderlass @wanderwithtwo @wandrnrose7 @wang-peilin @waphilip @warpedweaver @watersnake101 @watersoo @waybeyondpadthai @webcoop @webresultat @whatisnew @whitehoune @whynotas @wildsunlove @wilfredn @wilhb81 @williamsyee @wilsonkoh @winniex @wisdoncouture @wisewoof @wizardave @wolfenlord @wolfje @wondersofnature @wonderwop @woodermax @worldcapture @worldfinances @world-travel-pro @wovlou @xanderslee @xerox-bru @xervantes @xyzashu @y3v63n @yadamaniart @yandot @yanipetkov @yankee-statman @yasu24 @yblith @yekrats @yellow8submarine @yenipaola @yingzoe @ykdesign @youhavewings @yo-yo @yulem @yushaina @zaicarmel06 @zararina @zealicus @zenkly @zephalexia @zeppelin @zerometal @zikkson @zipporah @zirensparvg @zirochka @zizuflorin @zlata777 @zoh @zoltanbristol @zoltarian @zoneboy @zonguin @zord189 @zouxx @zpedro @zyx066
All 1627 Qurator members =P
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Thank you for reading! Steem on Steemians!
Hey @scrooger! Congrats! I am so hoping that qurator will win! Voted and resteemed and shared with the rest of the community!
Posted using Partiko Android
Done! Thank you for all you and Qurator do! @steemkeepers will also cast a vote!
Casted my vote already...Goodluck
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you =)
Casted my vote! Best of luck, @scrooger. To @qurator and beyond!
Much appreciated! Thank you <3
@qurator got my vote and I am not even part of the gang. Thanks to @dandays for getting me on board with what you all have been doing at @qurator. Good luck.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thanks for the call cause I really do not have time to read all the posts, so when it is that important, I'm glad you call my name ;-)Done by @luigi-the-gnome and me ^_^
I was hesitant to pin the whole of Qurator but felt it was kinda necesarry since all will benefit from this. Hope to see more drop by in the next week and really thankful for you dropping by with both your accounts. Thanks =)
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you so much =)
You're welcome! Good luck :)
Posted using Partiko Android
Posted using Partiko Android
Upvoted! ;) Thanks mate
You have my vote, you've been doing some amazing work!
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks mate, really appreciate it. =) Steem on!
You have my vote
You have my upvote ;)
Vote cast! Keep it up. Thank you for everything @qurator
Posted using Partiko Android
Will keep it up for sure! =) Thanks for your vote
Done and resteemed!
Awesome, lovely see the long-time members jumping in and helping out. Thanks
With all the support you have given me since the beginning, I am happy to return the favor!
Of course I will vote for Qurator. Thanks for bringing the vote to my attention! It seems like a difficult task to win the contest, but hopefully we will see more Qurator members vote in the next few days.
A difficult task indeed, but we will keep fighting and pushing to get to the top. Appreciate your ongoing support. Also hoping more will drop by and cast their votes. We have time =)
Already done @scrooger. I really hope everyone who's benefited and has benefited from qurator will take the few seconds it takes to vote. 😍
I know you did ;)
Thank you so much! I really hope they will =) Let's see how it goes.
Appreciate all the support <3
Voted! Good luck @qurator!
Thank you so much!
Voted. Long way to to top though.. COME ON
Oh dear, long way to go indeed! We might not make this one, we have some time but those other groups are going at it hard. Thanks for the vote though =)
I appreciate all the support @qurator has given me so of course it was an easy vote. Good luck!
Much appreciated! Your shots are always amazing and easy for us to support =)
Nice, thank you!!!
Done. Thanks for all you do.
Thank you for the vote =)
Thank you so much@ scrooger for tagging me. It is my pleasure to support Qurator. 😀 From the bottom of my heart congratulations and thank you for the job well done of the project. You did a lot. Upon reading this post, I did my part to help. I maybe part of the other project listed but I choose Qurator coz I've been a member for a very long time. Even though I am not active on discord but you never fails to support me. It helps me a lot to grow in this platform. Thank you so much. 😀😘
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you for your nice message, I really do feel very thankful. I know some of the projects on the list and some of them can really do with the boost. Especially Steemitbloggers, I wouldn't mind if they win, but I am still going to try =)
Thanks again for all the support you have also shown Qurator. <3
I am the 2nd voter! XD
Posted using Partiko Android
Much appreciated mate! =) Steem on, Steem strong! Loving the support. Thanks again
Welcome scrooger. Anytime
Posted using Partiko Android
I just voted, I was vote number 51 for @qurator. We are currently about 80 votes behind first place. Come on Qurites, let's all get out there and vote for @qurator!
Yeah, the gap seems pretty consistent, quite a tough one. Hope we make it, if not, then I hope steemitbloggers does. They are a cool project, too.
Thanks for the support!
Thanks for the mention. I just voted.
Posted using Partiko Android
Much appreciated, thanks =)
Hi, @scrooger!
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Hi @scrooger!
Your UA account score is currently 4.967 which ranks you at #1156 across all Steem accounts.
Your rank has dropped 3 places in the last three days (old rank 1153).Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
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Voted! Good luck! :)
Thanks =)
Voted. But we still a long way away
Posted using Partiko Android
Still a long way indeed! Fingers crossed! Thanks for the vote. =)
TLDR: too long, didn't read ;-)
but I guess it's something voteworthy, since there are so many trust badges and stuff. Also, CURATOR FTFW for the fucking win ^^
Haha, loving the honesty! Thanks for the vote!
Count on me, voted.
Keep going strong @scrooger @qurator