Also... @cupidzero gave an interesting response. You see I wasn't actually trying to attack anything. I was trying to get people to think about other factors besides race.
He came up with the idea it would be interesting to overlay deaths and clustering with poverty levels. It may be less about culture and race, but actually be a factor of poverty.
This is a good idea. I didn't consider this as though I've lived in poverty many times in my life growing up, I didn't do so in a heavy population density area.
So what if these clusters occur in areas of poverty that also have a high population density?
I also am not trying to justify police activity as some people (not you) seemed to fixate on. I am simply trying to think outside the box as I actually think there is more than RACE at issue here.
I believe there may be factors other than race that could possibly explain the abnormal deaths percentage.
If poverty plus high population density is a factor we should see problems whether it is white, black, brown that predominantly occupies that neighborhood.
It also could be a bit of all three Race (some cops are racist, but black cops kill black people too), Cultural, and Poverty...
Anyway thanks for the graph I honestly hadn't seen that one or I wouldn't have thought the black vs black deaths was unusual.
As to interracial marriages. Those have been increasing in number for awhile now (a few generations). For a long time they were CULTURALLY unaccepted. That has been changing over time.
As to the 50% and 24.8%, I had heard that.
This was actually a great and useful response you gave. It was one of the most informative and best I received. Thank you.
Glad to hear that. That term "black on black" whether in reference to crime in general or homicide in particular really really burns my ass. I mean, Chinese people in China tend to kill other Chinese people? Shock! Surprise! Who'da thunk it!
So yeah.
EDIT: I have answered @cupidzero.
Yeah I was under the impression (perhaps wrongly so - will wait for the edit to your post you offered to @cupidzero) that black on black killings were higher per population percentage too. If that graph you provided is indeed accurate then that wouldn't seem to be the case.