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RE: No Police No Violence: BLM Protest in CPH

in #racism5 years ago

sure u can do that. insurances and governments are more powerful, and have more levarage in negotiating the price. you can always have unregulated capitalism as in the US where hospitals charge u an arbitrary amount, and medicine can cost 10 times more than in europe.

one thing that u miss out is that as a young person you get a constant amount of income and have low medical bills. so you might think "why do i even have to pay for medical insurance" but in the end you are subsidizing the medical bills for old people who dont get an income. i assume you one day wish to become old as well hence i think you would not object when your old to have young people subsidize your medical bills to allow you afford to survive.

social democracy is not socialism. its just regulated capitalism. thats one thing a lot of americans get wrong. living in europe, you probably know that its not like living in venezuela.


regulated capitalism is not capitalism, it's corporatism
venezuela was a great country until socialism..



social democracy regulates capitalism, disallowing corporations to fire people, buy over competition, or pay low salaries. in a social democracy you have safety nets like free education, free healthcare and unemployment/retirement benefits. taxes are higher but salary is also even higher. here is social democracy advocate from US bernie sanders talking to a danish politician about SD

keeeeeep believing

^^ remember im in denmark... the social democracy bernie sanders aims for ^^ and i like it very much here. so its not hard for me to keep believing.

also the german SPD is not a good example of social democracy for germany as they behave and follow very much the conservative CDU, so u might have to think of "die linke" to think of a political party that reflects best social democracy that you know.

I don't think any oppressing political party will be in my favor.

denmark will work until it wont work anymore - and then someone has to pay for the new currency

du kannst doch deutsch oder?

ich bin aber auch gegen sozialismus? ich bin für sozial demokratie?
das wir gegen sozialismus sind haben wir gemeinsam?
und du wirst mir vermutlich recht geben das dänemark und venezuela extrem unterschiedliche länder sind. ebenso heißt sozial demokratie NICHT sozialismus in einer demokratie.

die menschen in den interview in amerika verwechseln sozial demokratie wie bernie sander es verlangt mit sozialismus. kann man denen auch nicht übel nehmen denn das ist alles fremd für sie... deutschland hat von beidem sozialismus und ein bisschen sozial demokratie gekostet

soziale Marktwirtschaft hat dann nach deiner Logik auch nichts mit Sozialismus zu tun?