Haha....funny. I'm sure that's how a lot of people feel but that it soooooooooooooo short sighted. Sure, we all love earning steem but crypto land has always been extremely volatile and will likely to be that way for some time. That doesn't matter to me since I have a long-term focus and am excited for the future of this platform and the whole crypto space.
I did, however, lose interest in the entire crypto space around three years ago when it went through a major crash that made me wonder if the whole thing was going to collapse. Watching it since recover to the heights it's gone up to has instilled a confidence and resilience in me for this space and now I never sweat the bubble/burst cycles anymore because I have more understanding of them.
That was a great, funny post!
Remember though: buy low, sell high 😉
Yes, absolutely! Doing it the opposite way = not fun. On that note, have you checked out Civic? They had a successful ico where it was $0.10. It just got released onto Bittrex this Sunday and is now trading at around $0.20.
I love that it has a real use case (identify verification on the blockchain which eliminates the need for passwords) for their working app and just got a whole bunch of business partners to sign on and start using it. I think it's going to be huge and I'm getting the word out to all crypto enthusiasts that I know to just check it out and see what they think. I just bought a ton of it and my goal is to focus on buying up more of it through my dollar cost averaging approach for the next couple months.
It does sound interesting. I guess I started to suffer from ico fatigue. Probably also got a bit swayed by Reddit:ethtrader, where they were saying that the guy wasn't that committed to ethereum (and of course that's an ethereum fan sub, so not surprising !). Might consider getting a small amount at som point though, to add to my ERC20 collection! Though my fav tokens are gambling: rep, GNO, edg, PPY.. also have gnt, icn, mln, snt, and eos :)
Hope you picked up some civic before the price increase?!
Also, completely agree: opposite way indeed =not fun! Hah.. :( :(😰😳😱😰😭😟
Yeah, I hear you for sure. I was actually going to go into the Civic ico but backed out at the last minute because I just didn't want to be part of the whole ico craze/bubble. It was only after I did more research about it and the importance of network effects that I realized that this is a legitimate, really good opportunity. So...that means that no....I didn't get in at $0.10...I got in at around $0.17.
Since I plan to hold for a long time I should be good though. If the product gets used and achieves the proper network effects, I see the value going up a lot.
It might be true that the founder, Vinny, is not that committed to using the ethereum network. I don't really know to be honest. I think originally it was going to run on top of the Bitcoin network and then it got switched to ethereum. As I understand it, the whole idea is just to leverage existing cryto infrastructure. I guess the decision was just that ethereum is the best blockchain to use for this. Maybe that changes in the future....I don't know.
Either way, I'm basically taking the advice of this guy...Cedric Dahl...who got in on Bitcoin and Ethereum early and is now focusing on taking large positions in Civic and File Coin. Only time will tell, I guess but I'm excited about it at any rate :)
Ah, I love cryptos....even when they fall horribly as they've been doing lately. Now they're getting back up though, which is nice.
Sounds good! Also low prices shouldn't matter for dollar cost averaging - provided the overall long term trend is up, of course. Good luck! 😀
Thanks, you too :)