Sit around my children and let me tell you of a time when Steem was so low that all the people just in it for the money wrote up a nice long post about how they were leaving the platform. Many moons ago, approximately seven months ago or around then, the price of steem dropped. It was almost as if the force of infinite inflation was too much for the little platform to bear. Those that had steem found they had so much more steem, but those that relied on post rewards found themselves making little more than pennies and the inflation didn't really impact how much steem they had. It was a dark time for steemit bloggers. An eeiry and lonesome time as many posters at that precise moment decided to write up some heartbreaking story of why they were leaving and often cried about how horrible their experience had been.
With the price of Steem falling again (most likely based on the value of BTC falling, which in turn is tied to the risk of SEGWIT due in a few weeks) I thought I would offer an opportunity to help a few people leave (again?) who are only interested in this place when the rewards are high. To that end I thought I would write their ragequitting letter for them so as to hasten their departure. Since more than one person is likely to leave I thought I'd just help you all so that you have a form you can use. I present to you:
Steemit Ragequit Madlibs
Dear Steemit (synonym for community or colleagues),
I have decided today now that the price of steem has dropped to _______ that I will no longer work for (offensive adjective describing low) wages and have decided it's time for me (synonym for to leave). While I have been able to find a few good conversations with (insert names of a handful of authors you probably didn't care for anyway) I have been (synonym for shocked) by how little this (synonym for community) undervalues my (flowery adjectives) work.
When I first got here I was filled with (positive emotion), but it quickly turned to (negative emotion) when I realized how much (synonym for work) I would have to do on this platform to get anywhere. I thought within (unrealistic short time frame) that people would recognize my (flowery) talent for (writing, music, art, blogging, politics, bullshit), but alas Steemit didn't immediately respond to my articles on (insert niche and unimportant article tags). So, while I have been (synonym for diligent) working to grow my account I've become so frustrated by how I have barely anything to show for it. It's even worse now that steem is down to ______.
I (synonym for refuse) to work on my (shit you did while here) for this platform any longer! I'm going to go back to (other social media company) and will continue to spread my (flowery langauge) content there where I know I'm (synonym for recognized or valued). I can't say I'm sorry it's come to this, but clearly if my posts aren't making (insert unrealistically high value here) dollars every time then it's just not worth my time.
You can find me at (insert links no one will click) here. I wish it could have been different.
(sign off),
(steemit user name)
This is quite interesting, @aggroed. Honestly, I wish they sign off very quickly with this letter that you've written. Tomorrow, I'll be 4 months old in steemit and have not learnt all what I've learnt so far from another social media platform. Before joining steemit, I was never a blogger, but my skills are getting better by the day and I'm happy. This platform has challenged me to be a better version of who I am. I've said it time without number that steemit is a school. If I were here for just the rewards, I would have signed off in my first or second month. Evidence of my 4 month reward is shown on steemitboard.
The amount you see there is nothing compared to my daily honorarium when I'm in the field implementing public health projects. Well, I'm here for a long ride. Thanks for helping them expedite action with the letter.
yeah, just hang tight. Should all work out.
Thanks for the encouragement. I hope it does.
Haha @aggroed this is awesome.. I agree let the ungrateful complainers leave and I will be happy to buy their steem if they want to sell and power up . Crypto volatilities is normal even all stock markets do crash in the red sometimes and smart pople buy a lot at discounted price and sell when market recovers. I am bullish about steem and have faith in steemit. My long term strategy is to continue powering up. Thanks for sharing and you earned my upvote again.
I used you and your post as example in my latest blog post of why people should invest in steem -pls feel free to see it
Yeah, my simple message would be btfd.
Good one. I agree..More success to you and lets stay in touch
Imagine if people did this with local currency swings? Hey zzz company if you don't pay me yyy more dollars since said local currency has dropped in value ten percent I'm quitting. I think my boss would just tell me don't let the door hit me on the way out.
Haha, I agree. I posted on this issue ie about steem today in my blog..pls check it out
Lol. Fantastic satarical piece and a great support (in the form of a ready ragequit letter format' for the people intending to quit Unfortunately, I won't be using the letter since I am ENGAGED in Steemit and do not intend to quit.@aggroed -
As you can see, I continue my quality blogs and my healthy interaction with other Steemians. I am more into wildlife and travel (having stepped back from the rut of being a successful executive), I continued my observations today of nuggets of wisdom from wildlife and wrote a blog 'Dueling Duo - How impalas manage conflict' with my wildlife photos and musings with a twist. I request you to take a look at it when you have time. Your comments, would be an encouragement and incentive for me to make better blogs. Thanks
Haha....funny. I'm sure that's how a lot of people feel but that it soooooooooooooo short sighted. Sure, we all love earning steem but crypto land has always been extremely volatile and will likely to be that way for some time. That doesn't matter to me since I have a long-term focus and am excited for the future of this platform and the whole crypto space.
I did, however, lose interest in the entire crypto space around three years ago when it went through a major crash that made me wonder if the whole thing was going to collapse. Watching it since recover to the heights it's gone up to has instilled a confidence and resilience in me for this space and now I never sweat the bubble/burst cycles anymore because I have more understanding of them.
That was a great, funny post!
Remember though: buy low, sell high 😉
Yes, absolutely! Doing it the opposite way = not fun. On that note, have you checked out Civic? They had a successful ico where it was $0.10. It just got released onto Bittrex this Sunday and is now trading at around $0.20.
I love that it has a real use case (identify verification on the blockchain which eliminates the need for passwords) for their working app and just got a whole bunch of business partners to sign on and start using it. I think it's going to be huge and I'm getting the word out to all crypto enthusiasts that I know to just check it out and see what they think. I just bought a ton of it and my goal is to focus on buying up more of it through my dollar cost averaging approach for the next couple months.
It does sound interesting. I guess I started to suffer from ico fatigue. Probably also got a bit swayed by Reddit:ethtrader, where they were saying that the guy wasn't that committed to ethereum (and of course that's an ethereum fan sub, so not surprising !). Might consider getting a small amount at som point though, to add to my ERC20 collection! Though my fav tokens are gambling: rep, GNO, edg, PPY.. also have gnt, icn, mln, snt, and eos :)
Hope you picked up some civic before the price increase?!
Also, completely agree: opposite way indeed =not fun! Hah.. :( :(😰😳😱😰😭😟
Yeah, I hear you for sure. I was actually going to go into the Civic ico but backed out at the last minute because I just didn't want to be part of the whole ico craze/bubble. It was only after I did more research about it and the importance of network effects that I realized that this is a legitimate, really good opportunity. So...that means that no....I didn't get in at $0.10...I got in at around $0.17.
Since I plan to hold for a long time I should be good though. If the product gets used and achieves the proper network effects, I see the value going up a lot.
It might be true that the founder, Vinny, is not that committed to using the ethereum network. I don't really know to be honest. I think originally it was going to run on top of the Bitcoin network and then it got switched to ethereum. As I understand it, the whole idea is just to leverage existing cryto infrastructure. I guess the decision was just that ethereum is the best blockchain to use for this. Maybe that changes in the future....I don't know.
Either way, I'm basically taking the advice of this guy...Cedric Dahl...who got in on Bitcoin and Ethereum early and is now focusing on taking large positions in Civic and File Coin. Only time will tell, I guess but I'm excited about it at any rate :)
Ah, I love cryptos....even when they fall horribly as they've been doing lately. Now they're getting back up though, which is nice.
Sounds good! Also low prices shouldn't matter for dollar cost averaging - provided the overall long term trend is up, of course. Good luck! 😀
Thanks, you too :)
I will be using this as my goodbye message in the following weeks ... yeah right! 😂😂😂
This is a wonderful post and my 3 rd time of reading it . I used you and your post as example in my latest blog post of why people should invest in steem -pls feel free to see it. Thanks for your good work here.
I love how you have places for synonyms and fill in the blank so everyone can have their own unique version
Lmao! Satire at its best. Some people just don't get that there is no such thing as easy money.
such comments
Love this, Thanks for sharing!
Lol! @aggroed, this is an awesome satirical post. I blogged on steemit when my post payouts was 0.00$. So I'm not going anywhere.
I know right. I keep thinking of a meme the news post that I made that earned a whopping 7 cents like 6 months into my time here. LOL. Keep on steemin.
I am utterly offended at your blatant bragging about how quickly your posts made 7 cents!
Next thing you know you'll be saying how quickly you made the top 50 witnesses or something equally as boisterous.
Harumph Sir, Harumph!
I almost spat my drink out laughing at this, but sadly there are genuinely people who are going to up and leave just because of a cryptocurrency (which are volatile by nature) price drop :(
See ya later then. If you're not in it for the long hall then don't let the door hit you in the arse as you leave. That's my thoughts on those who come for mainly financial gain but don't want any of the pain (see what I did there :)
Hopefully your letter is easy to copy and paste, though that shouldn't be a problem for some users on the platform anyway!!
OOOOOH SNAP!!! I see what you did there! Good times! Eff'm. Champagne for real friends and real pain for sham friends!
I will never sign that form. Nevah!
Good post :)
Steemit is my home and i'm never ever going to leave my home.Steemit gave me soo much and i'm still expecting to have more...
Thanks for your post. I feel the same way, this is a good opportunity for those who are staying and building the community.
Good shots and post helpful, thank you sir information, worthy of thumbs up :)
Bahahahahhahaha thats hilarious, ironically enough i was about to msg u on discord, check out my new song 😎
Its on my page i wont litter your post with links but I would like some feedback on it if you don't mind, and like piano.
I don't understand giving up based upon the value of steem and/or the payouts you may or may not get. At least on here you have an opportunity to earn some money. If you post the same blogs on a different platform there is no chance of getting paid, (unless you are a celeb).
This platform for me is an opportunity and because I gave up other forms of social media over a year ago it seems like a great way to fill that void.
P.S. The picture looks like my son (and me) when we lose at Crash Bandicoot
I stopped posting for a while. But not because the steem price, because of other worse things. I hope one person in particular writes this letter in a post in the next few day, then I will be back. Otherwise I will just be here, commenting but not posting for the time being. Keep up the good work aggroed, this is what the steem price was when I joined. So I'm not at all worried about the price. Ohh do you have any suggestions on where to have your btc when this happens? I hear depending on where you have your coin, you may end up with one, or the other, or both..
hmmmm, well, I think they are all gonna get a little effed until btc is stable or it's going to be really bad if it's toast. If you think it's going to be ok I'd load up on steem, eth, and btc. If you think it's going to be bad I think fiat or ltc is the place to go. Maybe SBDs.
Yup, I remember the first time the price of Steem dropped. If only I'd bought at 0.20.
Haha, I'm kind of excited about it. If the price drops enough I'm definitely going to put some more money into the platform. The last high was only the beginning IMO.
Haha thanks for this.. times have been tough lately, but I'm in it for the long haul
Oh how I remember the rage quits! Fantastically summed up in a handy template.
One of my favourite was the passive aggressive rage quit which was to claim that because of the X amount of hours it took to create their posts it wasn't worth that person's time to be on here anymore... Unless they started getting appreciated more.
It was like a, vote me up or I will take my talent away.
Ah, we will be seeing them soon enough I suspect!!
Yeah, tried to capture some of that. Hopefully we don't see too much. It shouldn't be prolonged. As long as SEGWIT doesn't shit the bed we should be back surfing the $2/steem waves soon enough.
Lol at segwit shitting the bed, yeah I think so too!
I'm new to cryptocurrencies and have been on steemit for 4 weeks now.
I have only put a small amount into it,but that's all i could afford. I have no intention to withdrawing anything,but plan on regular deposits whenever i can. I'm here for the long term benefits and also learning things and new ideas all the time, just by simply using steemit.Well said @aggroed,totally agree.
Good plan!
Haha. Nice post. I like Steemit, even though it does not pay me a lot in money, but it is great experience. Something new and refreshing.
I use to love Mad Libs. This is pretty funny.
good times right! We used to make these to mock people in business too. 3 months i will b using this letter... lol thank you!!
I'm on Steemit less than one month, but I will not leave the platform.
In my opinion this drop in price is a wonder, because will only remain those who understand the real value of the platform. For me it is also an opportunity to grow more by buying cheap SP.
Lol "satiricallyyours"..Love that. Hopefully this will weed out those filling the feed with crap posts. Did you find that more quality content emerged when the price dropped last year? Only been here since May
meh. It's always about the same.
I hadn't thought of madlibs in like 20 years. lol. Man I feel old. This was really great and made me laugh. I came here to have fun writing and for the community (won't lie that the money element is nice). I have a lot of fun here so I won't be going anywhere soon. I don't mind it if the follow for follow people and spammers leave but it's a shame to see the good writers and communicators go.
This is SO funny -@aggroed
Hopefully this'll speed up some of those ragequits! No one wants to waste time ;)
I have invited tons of people to have them leave. Maybe I'll send this template to them so they can post it, not to say they're leaving but to make fun out of it like what you did.
I believe in this platform and I will stay!
In how much time do you think this will get back to normal avg price.
Hi @aggroed I know this is off-topic, but what do you think about this? :
Funny post @aggroed. I wondered if it would get quieter on the platform with the price of steem dropping but the the weekly stats report done by @penguinpablo show active users still rising which is great. While it is true that most of the posts and comments earn pennies I still see the stream of income compounding and the number of followers rising. To make money from content on Steemit is probably as hard as it is anywhere else is in this world. But its rewarding when you get it right and this is almost exclusively a positive community.
i would like to talk to you about minnowsupport... where can we talk.. on discord or steemit chat.
Hola! The little bot ain't giving me any lovejuice again. He seems fickle, like hit and miss. It's a bummer, as I just have pennies to invest in bots to promote a quality post, and then it forgets about me. How can I know if he's available, or not before I invest in @lovejuice. Thanks. Here was my investment:1 hour ago Transfer 0.005 SBD to lovejuice
I'm glad you like it! I get snarky sometimes. Gotta vent it out.
Dear @aggroed
Thank you for the format. I will use it to write santa and one of the four horse men for my causing me sadness in not receiving my yearly gift and for my unspeakable fate in life respectively.
Your malvoted minion,
Exactly how I feel. 😁
Signing off.