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RE: SY- Steemit Ragequit Madlibs

in #ragequit8 years ago

Oh how I remember the rage quits! Fantastically summed up in a handy template.

One of my favourite was the passive aggressive rage quit which was to claim that because of the X amount of hours it took to create their posts it wasn't worth that person's time to be on here anymore... Unless they started getting appreciated more.

It was like a, vote me up or I will take my talent away.

Ah, we will be seeing them soon enough I suspect!!


Yeah, tried to capture some of that. Hopefully we don't see too much. It shouldn't be prolonged. As long as SEGWIT doesn't shit the bed we should be back surfing the $2/steem waves soon enough.

Lol at segwit shitting the bed, yeah I think so too!