Today was like any normal Thursday. I work nights and usually wake up around noon. I was expecting my kids to come over today so I wasn't surprised at a knock on my door at about 11:45.
However, it wasn't my kids at the door but my neighbor. I live in a U shaped apartment complex with a parking lot in the middle. It is a smaller complex. I think only sixteen apartments. He told me I may have just been robbed.

My neighbor had heard some power tools and looked out his window to see somebody "working" on my car. He thought it might be me because he could only see legs sticking out from under the car and we are roughly the same size. But then he saw some chick in a car parked next to mine acting all shady and looking around so he ran and got a pen to jot down their plate number. By the time he wrote down the plates, the guy under my car had his jack out and my catalytic converter!
In broad fucking daylight!
In about the time frame of 10-15 minutes this lowlife jacked up my car, made two cuts with a power saw and was gone with his girlfriend to score some meth.

So I call the cops and they do a preliminary drive around the area. The cop runs the plate of thieves car and guess what? It was stolen off some rental car two years ago. He basically tells me i'm SOL.
translation: SOL =Shit outta luck. (for the global community):)
In case you are wondering what the big deal is beside being robbed. Catalytic converters on automobiles contain platinum and some other rare metals that are worth some money if you sell them for scrap. They are even more expensive to have replaced! In order to fix this, will probably cost me over $1000.
I just know that this was some junky tweeker looking for the next one and it drives me nutzo because this epidemic of crazy-drug abuse is so rampant that any sort of enforcement barely puts a dent in it.
I say "crazy-drug" because meth and heroine will make you do things no other sane person would do.
I smoke weed everyday. But i'm not robbing my fellow man and doing fucked up shit!
With the looming boom in homelessness, It will probably get worse.
I just need to find a cabin in the woods with good wi-fi.
Far away from scumbag junkies.
Rant over.
Just had a bad day that is all.
Thanks for reading and as always...
Keep being Cool Hivemates!!

God damn dude. That's f*****! Oh, and I wouldn't be ashamed of a Prius.. they are reliable as hell. Hybrid is the way to go if you can. Your insurance going to cover the theft?
I think I was only signed up for collision insurance..(the minimum) I'm checking tomorrow.
I mean, I haven't had an accident in over 15 years.
Yea thanks for the Prius love. My last one had an insane amount of miles on it.
320,000! Original brakes. Only had it break down once. etc.
Oh hell! I'm sorry to hear about that man! Anyway insurance can help with it? I know they probably wont but wouldn't hurt to check.
As for owning a Prius I dont hold it against you. And its not a bad car. Its the way people drive them. We dont see people. We see vehichles.
Which is actually a good subject for a show. Thank you!
But look at it on the bright side. You'll have meanest sounding Prius until you can get it fixed, lol!
Posted using Dapplr
I'm checking with insurance tomorrow but i'm pretty sure I didn't sign up for the full coverage.
Haha!! I started that thing up and it sounded like I was getting ready for the Indy 500!
I think if I installed a train horn then it would be the meanest Prius. :)
That would be hilarious!
Posted using Dapplr
Just straight pipe that beast!! lol. I didn’t know people stole those things anymore. That used to be popular back in the day but hey, when that meth bell rings... Maybe you should go find someone with a Prius and take theirs to out back on yours. 😜😜
I had a guy a work redo his exhaust on his diesel. There was a scrapper guy that paid him $600 for the diesel exhaust filter and paid to have it shipped to him. That guy must be getting some good $$ for the diesel exhaust filter.
In all honesty I would just get a chunk of exhaust pipe from and a couple band clamps and call it good. Probably cost you $40-$60 bucks.
Hmmm I wonder if that would actually work. I mean I know it would work but would it pass my next DEQ smog inspection?
I'd have to put a big 🖕 on the pipe for the next dirtbag looking for a cat. :)
Smog checks suck!!! I remember having to do them in CA. My 2 gasoline cars had to do it but not my Diesel truck. It was old enough and I had it straight piped and some goodies under the hood. I know the newer diesels all they did was take a peak underneath and if there was no CAT... no pass. The gas engines were a little more in-depth. Mine didn't pass one time because my gas cap did fit tight enough??!! Weird??!! I think there are only a few places in WA that smog test... and where I live isn’t one of them.
I would double up on the 🖕🏻. Maybe do about 10 of them. 😂😂
Scrap places nearby? If you can find it and buy it, and weld it back on, that might be your cheapest option.
That might be a bit above my experience level but a good idea.
I'm still trying to figure out what to do.
I'm toying with the idea of selling the car as is and getting a new one.
Who knows!
Wow, what a story, I'm sorry this happened to you @docorcrypto .. I can't believe people will not keep their hands of other people's stuff, it always pisses me off. I don't get the rental car part though, they were driving a car that's a rental or was a rental? I assume they can find the person hiring it? Anyway, I hope your insurance covers it, because that may be the best chance of getting money back (as they probably brought it somewhere for some quick money)
Hopefully, today will be a better one!
Thank you for all that positivity.
I'm sure these folks used fraudulent id to get the rental car or some sort of other unsavory means. Who knows...They are scum.
Tomorrow will be better for sure! :)
You are probably right, sucks, and they probably do this more often if so. Try to stay positive (although that may be a bit hard, I know) maybe somehow there will be a solution on your path without having to spend a fortune!
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