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RE: Random Rant: Some People are Great...Others...Not so much. Fuck you Tweekers!

in #rant5 years ago (edited)

Smog checks suck!!! I remember having to do them in CA. My 2 gasoline cars had to do it but not my Diesel truck. It was old enough and I had it straight piped and some goodies under the hood. I know the newer diesels all they did was take a peak underneath and if there was no CAT... no pass. The gas engines were a little more in-depth. Mine didn't pass one time because my gas cap did fit tight enough??!! Weird??!! I think there are only a few places in WA that smog test... and where I live isn’t one of them.

I would double up on the 🖕🏻. Maybe do about 10 of them. 😂😂