Men Are the Weaker Sex

in #rant7 years ago (edited)


< rant >

Women are like innocent little kittens that in reality are devious and vicious monsters from hell. This is why I don’t like cats, or feminists, or most women. Acting all innocent and weak and in need of emotional and physical support, but if you say one wrong word (it can be hidden between the lines also), they will gauge your eyes out and on top of that, blame it all on you.

Women are emotional but men are weaker to let the emotions rule them

Mens suicide rate is a lot higher than women because they can not handle negative emotions and rejection as well as women.

Men seem to have a problem with moving on after a break up. Yes yes it sucks but it shouldn’t control your life for months or years. Women move on much faster and continue life happy and merry.

Power of the pussy

Women will never ever have to be without sex if they don’t want to. You can be a 200 kilo swamp monster and still you’d get laid, every day, all day if you want to. There is always someone willing to fuck you.

It’s a lot harder for men, they have to be tall, handsome, smart, funny but not too funny, rich and well equipped to get laid. The competition is much tougher and women are very picky.

If a women wants to start a family, she can go to a bar, find a random hook up and BAM, she has a family. That works at least in Finland, because she can actually force the man to pay child support if he doesn’t want to raise the baby with her otherwise. I know a case where a woman has flat out lied about being on the pill to get pregnant by a semi casual relationship with a man.

If a man wants to start a family, scroll back to my point about getting laid, same rules apply. Men have no choice in the matter of sex and making babies, the owner of the pussy, and womb, gets to decide.

The dreaded man flu

Women’s bodies are used to changes in temperature, we have a slight fever once a month, so when we get the flu, it’s not such a big deal. Men are used to a nice even temperature, so when the fever hits, they feel like dying.

Sexual harassment

It’s sexy and empowering when a women flirts and grabs a mans ass. When a man does it, he is a pig and should be send to jail.

I worked years in the restaurant business and we were all pigs and sexual harassment was how we got through the busy days and weeks. We were all equals, men and women, slapping asses and talking trash. None of us could survive in an office job.


Women can slap and hit men, and that is not considered bad, just a little hormonal behaviour or “you must have done something to upset her”. If a man slaps a woman, it’s violence and there is no excuse. Also, women can return fire, men can’t.

Size shouldn’t matter in this, violence is wrong. Even the little ones can make big damage, just think of how bullets work.

Doesn’t sound fair does it?

From what I gather, men have been dealt the weaker hand in many areas of life. So if you have a man in your life, take care of him, he needs it.

Feminists, please stop talking about equality, because that is clearly what you do not want. Or maybe you do, but I sure as hell don’t! Getting 20cents less on an hour is a small problem to have compared to what men have to deal with.

< /rant >

PS. I do think that feminist are needed somewhere, ie in Africa and Middle East, but not in most western civilizations.

Disclaimer: Research done in real life and backed by no scientific evidence. Some over exaggeration used to make my point clearer.

Hope you enjoyed this light Sunday reading :P


Ok you and I have the same brain, I have decided, we just live in two different places lol. I have been saying this for years. People don't understand why I make my husbands dinner, bring him coffee in the mornings, because he works for us, so I can stay home. Is it perfect, no. Do I complain yes and so does he. However, we make it work. There is no feminist movement. If people would educate themselves, the feminist movement was so women could have rights and not be treated worse than cattle. There are so many laws to protect women now all they have to do is use them. Oh and not abuse them. Meaning DON'T LIE.

I will go and sit in the snow for you!❤️ Like I said before, you and Eroded as a couple are life goals, you both do what ever it's necessary to make your life, and your childrens life good, and you laugh while making it work.

Please do and post pics :)

Thank you, but, there is not always laughter, we are actually working on a post we post together about working and living in the same room. Yes, we do but we don't always see eye to eye on it :)

You and @insideoutlet inspire me :)

Well if this person inspires you then they are worth a follow in my books. 😀

They are :)

Who are you women?

What the fuck is going on here?

I am your wife and boss :P

We are saying we are stronger than you :)

I bet this is the most common topic in our coffee & rant -meet ups! And I still never get tired of it. Equality is utopia, why are we trying to force something that can't be done and it is literally physically impossible?

walks in between the ladies, raises his little hand (yeah I've got small hands....)
clears his throat
"I was just thinking.. maybe... maybe I could join you rant session some day...?"
raises his other hand
"'cause.. I kinda feel the strength in this group right here...nothing more!"
turns around and runs away

Put a couple of bottles of gin to snow, we are coming to visit 😝

Done. Welcome :D

So which of these islands is it? There is like a 100 of them!

You will have to find the one with a little extra glow ;)

Are you a shining star? 🤗

Don’t be so shy! We don’t bite...hard ;)

looks up behind a stone
"Well in that case!"
jumps out dressed in a tight suit with a cape
"I think I can handle it"

That’s more like it!

Utopia with barbies with no genitalia and everything is plastic fantastic! 🤗

You missed out a womans primary super-power; memory.

A woman will effortlessly remember every minor transgression a man makes in a relationship, at any moment these past misdemeanours can be revived in a looong list. To be fair she also remembers all the good stuff too, like what you were both wearing when you met, what you ate, the funny stuff you said.

As a man you may think you are justified in criticising a woman on one or two points, but you need to be really brave, otherwise she is going to wrap you up in that time you did this, and the other time you did that, oh and now she thinks of it, you did a whole other bunch of stuff, in fact she is noticing a trend.

As you quiver in your man-size boots, cowed by a comprehensive exposition of shaming, you remind yourself never to be so stupid as to criticise her again.

Ha ha, Im not bitter about it, its all part of the fun.

yea, "science from the guardian" from 2013... that's what it sounds like.

"... because they(men) can not handle negative emotions and rejection as well as women."

And this is not by nature but by nurture. Men are generally less emotionally developed and skilled at handling emotions because culturally men were taught to suppress them. So yes, therefore males statistically suck at dealing with heavy emotions. I've spoken with many intelligent young men in their hardships and it really did surprise me how could they be smart in some practical manner but held medieval time views about how to handle emotions. The metaphor the best described it would be just stacking dynamite next to a fireplace and getting dismissive and aggressive when asked about it.

Throw in some good 'ol "My value as a person is how good of a provider I am" or some other fun shit and yes... men are dropping like flies because no one taught them how to handle it correctly and very few learn it on their own.

We were raised in Finland so none of us were taught to have any emotions, show any emotions and definitely not how to deal with them :D More on that later, with @escapist and some very legit personality tests :P

And this is not by nature but by nurture. Men are generally less emotionally developed and skilled at handling emotions because culturally men were taught to suppress them. So yes, therefore males statistically suck at dealing with heavy emotions.

Are you sure you're not using some kind of female centric standard to measure men's handling of emotions? If men, as a group, really sucked at handling their emotions, they would be a sorry dysfunctional lot and not the builders and maintainers of civilization they are. When it comes to men committing suicide more frequently than women or developing a drinking problem, you should remember that men's life outcomes are more diverse in every way than women's.

I love hearing people's perspectives.

I run from a similar premise as you. I've worked a few jobs where harassment was just part of the scene and everyone was having fun with it. On the other hand, I've watched truly unwanted harassment, and it was a rotten thing for the victim. Mostly, though, if a man harasses, "jail time." If a woman does, "lucky man."

I'm not a feminist. Even so, it's easy for me to see women as simply superior to men in so many ways. Maybe it's because women have been taken advantage of for so long and had to be strong. Maybe it's just genetics. Maybe it's because I simply know exceptional women. Whatever the case, I know some amazing women who are just better at everything than almost every man I know.

Whatever the case, when the chips fall, I agree with you. Us poor useless men. :)

I've seen some women harassed, I've seen men harassed, the only difference is that people help the woman who is harassed, and laugh at the man in the sam position for his discomfort and the fact that he can't really do anything.

I know a lot of powerful women, I was raised by them and I see them all the time, I don't think we need any extra help. Or maybe to get the jam jar open every once in a while ;)

The fact is, we both need each other to survive.

It's like you went into my brain and wrote all my thoughts on the subject in this post. I agree 100% with everything. Feminism has lost it's original purpose a long long time ago.

Also, I always found it funny that a movement that promotes equality of sexes is called "feminism". How bah dah?

I think male chauvinism = feminism are the same thing, just in favour of their own sex. It's not equality.

Basically describing the double standards of society. I've drank like 2 bottles of scotch, so I basically love you for spreading truth. Fuck it, I love most people right now. Cheers!

What, whiskey makes one love people!? Damn, need to get on that train...

Who am I kidding, I don’t need to like people!

man vs. women ... it still sells, doesn't it? The good old battle of the sexes... yawn ... oh sorry...

Well, I don't know what kind of people you surround yourself with, but I don't think this "man vs. woman - black and white" type of thinking holds true (any more). Also, its not really contemporary. IMHO, every person has a male and a female energy. If you are not connected to one of those "sides", then you are more of a prototypical male or female respectively. This is what the system usually promotes as well aka. "do this to be a woman", "be like this to be a real man", bla bla bla. In the end, this is nothing but separation, competition and a concealed effort of disconnecting people. Its a certain path to unhappiness. Good luck anyways!

I guess you missed the humorous approach to my opinions. I usually stop listening when people talk about "the system", it's just as much propaganda as the other system you so try to fight against.

By design, men and women are different, white and black are different, and we should not fight agains it. We can all choose to accentuate the feminine or masculine parts, depends on our moods, activities and hobbies. It is not a fight against anyone, and it's not an excuse for anything. We are individuals and only our individual actions should matter.

clearly, I missed that. Must be my weak male brain. I still can't tell though if you are trying to create interesting content or simply using catchy headlines for attention. Or is the same for you? Would be interesting to know. This is just a question out of curiosity, please don't interpret that as an insult! Oh, an I don't stop listening - so don't worry. I think its only fair to listen to different opinions, especially when starting a debate that seems to address everyone. "By design... different" Well, that depends on how you look at it, doesn't it? On a phenotypical level, yes. Anyway, I don't "fight" the fact that men and women are different. As you say, its not a fight against anyone :)
Its good and necessary to create awareness for certain aspects that you mentioned, but making it a constant competition/battle isn't. It's like telling a kid on a bicycle "don't hit that tree, don't hit that tree!" Well, guess where the attention goes and what will very likely happen ;)

Yes, I use catchy headlines and yes I try to make interesting content, and it all comes naturally to me because I am interesting and I don't sugarcoat things.

You can look at men and women from most angles and we are different, no matter if you think God created us, or we are the result of evolution or if we are a scientific experiment of aliens. We are different.

I can listen to different, well explained opinions, but I hate propaganda media. When ever there is "hype" or rallies and protests, I go the other way.

Her Girl you made me see women really very powerful. But in one point I was like men lol I am too emotional and it takes me always years to get over a relation. Now as I am in my 30s I feel that my character is stronger and dont act the same as before. But yeah every word you said it absolutely correct, but I dont feel pity :) Sometimes poor men deserve it! Mostly if it comes to violence. I am generally against any kind of violence and cant imagine a man hitting a woman and she is standing there and not defending herself. Unfortunately that kind of violence is happening in every country and the most women think that they are not supposed to beat a man or hit their hunsbands. But why give hunsbands the right to hit the wife!
Unfortunately we are in 2018 but men are still trying to dominate which is absolutely wrong. In everything that is alive on this planet you find feminine and masculine whether hormones or anything else you imagine. There is positive and negative and they cant survive without each other. So we should really accept the fact that we are equal and act that way. As women we dont have any problem dealing with that, but men are still struggling. And that a big sign of their weakness :)

I think we are powerful, and I don't think I need to go join a rally to make people see it. Me and my actions are enough to prove my power.

It has to go both ways, if a woman starts it, men should have the right to defend themselves too, but that is not how it goes in reality.

Absolutely! We are very powerful :)

The competition is much tougher and women are very picky. - that is why a lot of women will die alone with their cats :))

I rather die alone than live with someone I don't like.

That is exactly what I am talking about!

Edit:"inserts thank you gif"

Haha! You're a PRIME candidate for the #MGTOW movement - that is, as an "honorary member". Yup, you hit on all the key points. Women are "closer to the blood" - that is, they LOSE lots of it regularly, and they will DRAW it - any way they can - because there is no limit to their INNATE VENGEFUL nature, because the ONLY way to destroy their "get out of jail free" card (aka : "the ability to make babies") is to kill them all off - which, of course, would be an act of "species suicide". This is the TRAGIC-COMIC reality of the nature of human (and even NON-human) existence... Just sayin'...

Hadn't heard of that before, interesting! With the feminism getting crazier by the day, we are not far from them having only girl babies and killing off all the males.

You are definitely mgtow! So am i.. a married mgtow.

@scandinavianlife "gets" it. Just followed you. We have several common interests... I think you would also like the @mixedmentalarts account I am running. Good community over there...

My theory on gender and sex - after 42 years surviving on "Spaceship Earth" - is that women are the MAIN reason why men KILL each other, and why they DON'T kill each other - and vice versa for women. It's a hypothesis which SEEMS shallow on the surface, but if meditated on for a little bit you will see the hidden profundity...

People are the reason why people kill people because people are idiots.

YES they do... and YES they are... (more or less)...

If you divorce them they take everything they didn't work for :)

It's called a prenup, get one.

Woman can do all what she want it. But, whe she have a child. Feell of mother will live in life. In politics, arfimation politics make woman has some help for position in parlementary house or president of century.

Get married and waiting to next post.

You are my little hero 😍 The part about sex choice and opportunity is very frustrating and very difficult for us men.

I have to spend more than half of my lifetime, searching for the right woman who has the fantasies I like and likes me too.

But and here comes the but, men have several advantages too. We can pay for sex and buy the prettiest women with money, if we want to, we can work very hard 24/7 without the monthly interruptions, we can control our emotions a bit better (at least pretend to), take more risks, are more interested in the things that matter like science and STEM, and probably as a consequence of all this earn more, get better jobs and are usually wealthier.

And women, despite the easy sex opportunities, have maybe similar hard times finding Mr. Right, because for the best men there is also competition from other women. At the end of the day I think both men and women have different advantages/disadvantages.

ps. caught a typo "chances in temperature" (changes in temperature)

It’s a little different having to pay for sex than getting it for free when ever.

I don’t think the monthy bleeding stops us from working, or do you know women that get a week off from work every month? 😅

I wasn’t talking about finding the perfect match, but more on a primal level of wanting to make a family. Of course we all have a hard time finding ”the one”.

Thanks for catching the typo, I hate making typos! 😤

Oh I also made a typo ;) meant men are generally more interested in STEM (in German it is called MINT), i.e. Science Technology Engineering and Math ;)

+for similar perspective
What are your thoughts about abortion? should it be only a woman's choice?
I understand that woman is the one getting pregnant and the process happens inside of her body so I think it is fair that she should have the decisive voice.
But at the same time if any woman would be pregnant with my child and would make abortion without letting me know and giving me an explanation before that ...I would not want to see her face ever again.

Yes, I think the ultimate decision has to be made by the woman, but it is hard if the man wants to keep the baby and the women doesn't. I think the best thing is to avoid getting unintentionally pregnant by any means possible.

"Men seem to have a problem with moving on after a break up. Yes yes it sucks but it shouldn’t control your life for months or years. Women move on much faster and continue life happy and merry."
I just broke up from a long relationship few weeks ago and I feel nothing, just numb. I'm waiting for the breakdown, it will come eventually..

I must say, Eve you really are intellectual and intelligent person.

Oh yeah! Well, we can pee standing up so there!
Interesting "light" reading, ma'am. I know I do not want to be on you bad side. I already seem to be there perpetually with my wife of 48 years.

Well, nice point of view, but still just the surface of the regular trends.
Stronger sex idea is still the field of selfishness and not about male or female energy or value.
Self centred humans want to rule others, lack of self-esteem. :)

Why do I laugh when I see that "DominaEve"-pic?

@eveuncovered this Is the truth Men never want to let out, some of them are weak spiritually, physically and emotionally....

It does sound fair and square. There is never fairness between men and women as both have different physical feature. Sometimes, I do think feminist does sound stupid :P not to say women should be treated equally as men but women deserve differently than men. It can be another kind of system :)

You're right that the women have the power😊

Good writing right here! Yeah!

100% correct.

I'm always right😏

I sometimes see men saying in presence of other women that they are feminists, but I don't believe them. Feminist men is an oxymoron

Agreeeed! Or if those men are serious, I think they are not actually MEN!

Most of the time they are just some creeps who want to score some easy pussy.
When it comes to facts worryingly high % of them turn out to be abusive assholes and cheaters.

Sounds about right!

This is a good piece!

Men are made to conquer nature and women are made to conquer men. That is the natural order of things. Men have evolved to let women devour them in order to provide for the next generation. Men are not weaker than women but have a particular weakness for women. Without men, women as a group would be completely lost. A man without a weakness for women has always been met with attitudes ranging from suspicion to open hostility. In an existential sense, a man genuinely and completely without yearning for a woman, and it goes very far beyond the sexual, is the freest being in the universe.

Thank you Markku! :)

We shouldn't fight agains the nature, or try to change it too much, it will always fight back and eventually win.

You don't think we should fight typhus or cancer, either?

Seriously, what men are willing to put up with from women or society in general is not limitless. Like men, fisheries can be overfished leading to a collapse in catch.


We shouldn't even give people glasses! Let's go all cave man and have the survival of the fittest!


Hi Eve,
I don't even know how, or even if I want to respond to your post, and on what point? You make many.
All I can say is rock on, and never stop being you.
Just tell me that you won't verbally abuse your guy, okay?

Awwww thank you! I don't have a guy to abuse, so instead, I abuse everyone on the internet daily! 😈

Great post! It has always astounded me that there is even feminists out there anymore, what more rights do women want? It's getting to the point when men will start need to campaign for male rights as the table has really turned imo. Nice to see an impartial lady with this opinion!

I like how honest you are in this post.

Really nice to read something like this, amusingly a man couldn't possibly write it, the world has gone a bit mad recently, I'm all for equality, but it should be just that. How many films/tv shows have you seen a woman slap a man in an argument? The other way around it's [rightly] a much bigger deal!

yes, enjoyed. Indeed. ;)