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RE: The Superiority Complex.

in #rant7 years ago

I think we were in the same zero waste group! I left because a post I had made about ecologically responsible farming being possible was refuted by someone just giving sound bites without knowing anything about regenerative agriculture. The problem is that people refuse to look past what someone else tells them and realize that there are other ways of doing things and the problem isn't as black and white as they are being lead to believe. It is easier to believe that something is one way or it isn't than realize what you believe is wrong. Then these people get defensive and those that actually researched something get frustrated that someone could be so close minded. And usually those that are so close minded are the ones saying we need to respect people who are different. (at least until your different doesn't match up with their different)


It sounds like it could very well have been the same group. It was a worldwide group and afterwards I joined a local group which had a much better atmosphere.

It is hard to hear that what you believed to be true is false. You can feel betrayed or even stupid, so I guess lashing out at the bearer of new truths seems to relieve that. I recently saw another argument evolving along that line. It started on why it's our fault that forests are being stripped, because our consumer demands I'm guessing, until someone stepped in who lives in those areas and said, no it's the corporation and governments fault. They aren't clearing for the reasons you think. This offended those who had never left their own land and were posting graphs on their truths.

usually those that are so close minded are the ones saying we need to respect people who are different. (at least until your different doesn't match up with their different)


Yah I think it was a global group. I have yet to find a local one I might have to get on that because I did learn a few things!

@minismallholding I found a zero waste homesteading group on facebook!

That sounds much more promising! What's it called?

I've run into very similar people, usually radical Vegans on YouTube that just love to come shit all over permaculture videos because they just know that all animal agriculture is bad for the earth....

It's annoying because vegans and regenerative ag people should be allies against industrial farming but instead you have a sub-group going around causing infighting.