I felt like I should reply to this, it's a major comment!
That's great that you found this place independently, I signed up because of an invite.
Yes, it's just such a swarm of overwhelming info, a chaotic mess. People seem to have to find content they like by digging or stumbling onto it.
I found very quickly that the individuals that hang out there are “hero’s” that don’t even respect or value communication with their “followers”. Just like society...,you had your kingpins, gangs of thieves who feed off the system, tons of homeless begging and spamming for a handout and of course hardworking, talented and frustrated groups of people who are struggling to get by but enjoy what they do. You have helpers and saviors, celebrity newcomers and even a dark NSFW alley way. I didn’t expect all this and was turned off at first.
Whoa! This is deep. You should turn this profound comments into actual posts! What are you waiting for!
I see you've been following some of the people I'm following as well, that's great. I try to keep my follow list trimmed up.
Gotta run - have a great day!